New neighbours little girls...


PF Fiend
Apr 20, 2008
About a month ago we had new neighbours move in next door. This was a very welcome change as our previous neighbours, well, lets just say they were evicted for getting drunk and throwing their stereo through the window, and when we found out that it was a young family moving in, we were thrilled.

So they came, and they have two girls, one aged 6 and the other aged 4, same age as Bek. Bek and 4yr old hit it off pretty well, but after a week the kids started getting confident with us aorund and their true colours started showing through.

Theyre both spoiled rotten, they have everything money could buy, they have every gaming console available now, the handheld ones each, every toy known to man, everything. This wouldnt bother me if they werent aware of it. About 3 weeks ago we had 4yr old over playing with Bek, they were playing on the kitchen bench with play-doh when 4yr old comes out with "You should come to my house, because we have more money so we ahve better stuff"
I was a little taken aback by this, after all, this is a 4yr old were talking about.
6yr old is worse, one time I had both of them over for an hour or so and I offered them a drink, I showed them what we have in the fridge and 6yr old's eyes almost buldged out of her head, "Oh no thanks, I dont want anything" she then whispered, not so softly, to her sister "You dont want any of that stuff, its cheap stuff, you'll get sick"

The main problem is that Bek is starting to compare herself to them, she's now whining for all this stuff that she wouldnt have given a second glance to before, and last week we went shopping, and she had $2 pocket money that she wanted to spend, she normally spends it at the dollar store, because, heck, its $2, but she didnt want to go in because "Its a cheap store"
She's also worried about the brand of juice I buy, she dosent like that I buy our bread from the bakery instead of the supermarket, she wont eat vegetables from our backyard because they dont have a dollar value attatched and she's stopped eating porridge because she wasnt "Fruit loops 'cause theyre more 'spensive". Tonight I told her that I cooked $100 rice just so she would eat her dinner.

Second to that problem, Bek went over to play for 4 hours once and they spent the entire time playing with the xbox, according to Bek they went on it as soon as she got there, they ate lunch while playing xbox and when I came to pick her up they were playing on it. 4 hours and no break, I dont like that.

Bek dosent go over there anymore because I dont like the idea of my daughter sitting infront of a t.v screen for 4 hours straight, and ive really limited the time they spend over here, just because of Bek becoming so obsessed with money.

Problem is, even if we manage to ignore them for the remainder of the year, theyre the same age and its a small town with one kindergarten and one school, and im not sending my daughter off to school in another town just to avoid some people.

Does anyone have any idea on how to handle this situation?


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
You have just as much influence over Bek's thinking as her friends do. I think it's time to sit down with her and explain how things are...that money isn't everything, and cheap stuff won't make you sick. Heck, if cheap stuff made you sick, my family would all be dead!

You can set the precedence. Also, if her friend is in your house and she makes more comments like that, put her in her place.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
well honestly I would explain to my daughter that we work very hard for the things we have and if she isn't happy with those things she doesn't need to use them or eat them...I'm kinda mean like that though. I know she wouldn't starve herself. Eventually she would change her attitude and acceot what we have rather then wanting the expenisve stuff. This is all part of growing up and I totally understand how frusterating it can be. We live in a small town were almost everyone is better off then


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
This was bound to happen sooner or later, all kids do, as mentioned before talk to her, you can't hide the fact that the neighbor's have money, that is life...sadly. But you can help her to understand that although money is important, things are not. Don't make a big deal of it, you can influence all the kids, keeping her away isn't going to solve the issue, cause she will start school and she will se the differences. Be patient they do get through it.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Those parents buying their kids all that expensive stuff comes at the cost of not really being parents. Imagine if they're going to such great lengths to occupy their kids, they must not have time to actually interact with them. Or they just don't care to. Tell your daughter that saying that kind of stuff hurts your feelings, and that everyone is different, and it's not right to descriminate. Ask her would she rather have everything nice if it meant you never being around for her? Never being interested in giving her the time of day? Of course, in a way a four year old would understand haha. What's more important? Her family or the stuff she has?

The other thing, the way I am (mean lol), I would tell the girls' parents exactly how rude they are, and that they should teach their kids some manners and appreciation. In the mean time however, I would not want them at my house again. Your daughter will get over it. I can't stand bratty kids. I don't tolerate much lol. As for school, yeah it's a scary thought that you can't keep them away from all the bad... just instill all the right thoughts in them first and hope that they filter it out correctly when it comes across them. All you can do is your best.


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2008
Wow, it appears that your neighbors are using all of those toys to parent instead of doing it themselves. Like previous posts suggested, I'd sit down with her and let her know that money isn't everything. I'd avoid having them go over to the neighbors house and not make a big deal about it. If the neighbor kids come over and act snobby again, you can always ask them nicely to not make comments like that or they can go home. Good luck. You're in a tough position right now.


PF Regular
Oct 1, 2008
I suspect that this obsession with money is a bit of a phase or perhaps just the novelty of getting to know this new child. I would try to not make a big deal out of it because that only feeds the notion that money is a big deal. You could also tell her that all rice and orange juice are the same and that that some people buy vegetables from the store because they don't know how to grow them. Heck, offer to get both girls involved in gardening with you and that will teach them something about nature and get them away from the t.v. screen at the same time. Next time you go to a bakery, talk with your daughter about the nice aromas and the fact that all of the bread was freshly made the same day. If the neighbor kid is making comments about the cost of things, gently challenge her on her perceptions. She probably hasn't been encouraged to think much about value, only cost.