New Step Dad...


PF Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2012
I have a terror living 2 doors down. She is my soon to be step daughter, she is 5. Here is some back ground. Bio dad is in the picture 2 weeks a year. I have been their "dad" for two years. We have been living together for over 2 years and all we well until 2-3 months ago, when the kids returned from a visit w their bio dad.

In the past, H, the 5 y/o has been receptive to our rules and punnishments and the rewards. But reciently she has been having melt downs, mostly at night surrounding showers and bed time. She hates the word NO. Here is the kicker, the majority of the attacks are directed at mom. H will hit, kick and say the most dreadfull things a 5 y/old can say.

We have taken the kiddo to a counselor and we have revisited the books on parenting. Our favorite is 1,2,3, magic.

All advise, anecdotes and comments will be greatly appreciated.

I am a physician assistant and at times my training gets the best of me. Here is what is crosssing my mind, bipolar disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, normal behavior.

Is this normal?


Junior Member
Nov 6, 2012
I have a psych degree and worked with people w/disabilities for many years now (and i'm also a step-mom-to-be), but have you guys thought about maybe her biological father said something to her that has turned her against her mother? Something like "it's your mom's fault i don't see you more often", etc. ? b/c you would have seen earlier signs of any "disorders", but the fact that it happened after a visit with her biological father, has to make you wonder....?


PF Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2012
JeanieJ said:
I have a psych degree and worked with people w/disabilities for many years now (and i'm also a step-mom-to-be), but have you guys thought about maybe her biological father said something to her that has turned her against her mother? Something like "it's your mom's fault i don't see you more often", etc. ? b/c you would have seen earlier signs of any "disorders", but the fact that it happened after a visit with her biological father, has to make you wonder....?
This has crossed my mind, more than once. He does openly blame mom for his having to move to China for work. In a way, I am glad he is 10,000 miles away and unlikley to cause too much mayhem