Omg Lice!...


PF Regular
Feb 7, 2011
Good ol' Canada Eh!
I wasnt aware the sun could affect lice too :O

My daughter is clear of all lice now so I'm super happy about that, and I had a firm discussion with my neighbor that until theyre absolutely positive their daughter is clean that I can't have her in my home. Its best for my kids, and my sanity lol


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
lol Well I mean, really its only fair. People need to be more considerate.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2011
Jeremy+3 said:
Junglemomma, head lice can only survive a couple of days without their host, you do not need to de-lice the house, plus head lice fall off the host a few days before they die.
I find the best way is to just put loads of conditioner in their hair and then just use a nit comb on each area, it has got rid of everything first time every time we have done it.
I'm sorry, but I HAVE to correct you on this one, I have dealt with headlice OH SO OFTEN as a child, and even through to just last year. (Ugh my head itches thinking about it...) Anyway, I was a very affectionate child and was constantly hugging my friends and other adults and got headlice once or twice EVERY YEAR.

Not the point, the point is that regardless of if headlice themselves die within a few days with no host, those dying lice also LAY EGGS!! And lice and fleas are among that group of parasites that actually lay dorment in their egg state until the vibrations of human or animal activity actually coax them to hatch. so if you CANNOT wash a stuffed animal or a pillow or anything, you HAVE to put them in a trash bag for A COUPLE MONTHS before the eggs will die. Most people ahve problems with this when they leave for vacation in the winter and return home only to find their house becomes infested, not understanding why. it's because they were dorman in their eggs and "woke up" when the people started moving about the house again!!!

I'm sorry Jeremy+3, everyone who even finds ONE LOUCE HAS TO DE LOUSE THEIR HOME!!! period!!!

to the OP if your daughter has any stuffed animals/ animals or dolls with fur parts or cloth parts PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wash them or if they aren't washable put them in a grbage bag for a couple months, in a cold place.

I'm sorry I am VERY avid about this, lice are horrible and they have terrorized me my whole life. I am very prone to them and i have egzema on my head on top of it, so the lice removal process is VERY painful for me. I want you to take as many procotions as possible with this on.


PF Fiend
Feb 18, 2011
JungleMama said:
Well my house is relatively lice free again, and talking to the girls parents was... interesting. They grinned and beared through it when I told them that their daughter had to be cleaned up before she came back over, but the looks in their eyes told me that they were by far impressed. Also I informed the school about it to. :)

I admire you. I probably would have chickened out.