Party game idea's...


PF Fiend
Oct 16, 2007
My oldest is turning 9 next week. Omg where does the years go. Anyway, we are having a party for her on April 19th and I have been trying to think of some fun games they could play. She is going to have a pinata and her theme for it is none other than High school musical. I can't think of any ideas except for boring ones like pin the tail on the donkey. Anyone have any better ones??


PF Fanatic
Mar 10, 2008
My 6 year old went to a High School Musical party a few months ago. The girl was turning 8 and it was all girls. They had a pinata, and they learned one of the dances from the movie. Her older sister (I think she's about 15) taught it to them. They sang along and practiced for about half an hour, then performed it for the parents at the end.


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2008
Trina's idea for crafts activities sounds great (I might take that into consideration for DS next birthday) - You could do a whole range of different things; making masks, hats etc. and it keeps them busy :cool:

Also, how about some of these games? Most of them are traditional English games but you probably have the same in the States under a different name.

"Chocolate hunt". Basically hide some chocolates around the house and the kids take turns trying to find them. Of course, if they find them, they can eat them ;) .

"Chinese Whispers" (can be loads of fun :D ) once you get the kids motivated. The kids sit around in a circle and one kid thinks of a phrase or sentence, like, for instance "Spiderman is cool". he then whispers it into the ear of the kid sitting next to him. That kid, then whispers it into the ear of the kid sitting next to him/her and it goes around the entire circle until it ends up back to the kid who started the phrase and he then shouts out the phrase he hears. The sentence ends up changing by the time it gets to the last kid with some quite funny results.

"Apple bobbing". Fill a bucket with water and put 4 or 5 apples in it. Each kid takes turns (with his/her hands behind back - no cheating) to grab an apple with their teeth!

"Pass the parcel." You wrap up a present (something that is good for girls and boys if it is a mixed party) with as many layers of wrapping paper and newspaper as you can. Kids sit down in a circle and you start the music (someone is in control of turning on and off the music). The kid who is holding the present when the music stops unwraps one layer of the paper. This continues and the kid who unwraps the last layer gets the present.

You could also do some sports like acitivities if you have a good sized garden. Egg and spoon race, three legged race, sack race, simple running races.

Hope this is of some help and that the party goes well. Good luck!


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
We always did Fuzzy Bunny growing up. You see how many marshmallows you can stick in your mouth and still say Fuzzy Bunny.


PF Fiend
Oct 16, 2007
Great idea's guys!! I can not believe I couldn't think of any of these, lol. My dd is so excited, I just hope I can make this party what she wants and fun.