

Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Parentasic...please know that right now is not the time for advice, I am not feeling it at the moment. Well you can give advice, just keep it to a minimum.:p

Most of you know that Sam and I haven't had the easiest ride through her teenage years. Though the last few years have been pretty good, she is stubborn and strong willed. Stubborn to a fault!

I am really pissed so if this bounces everywhere sorry..

A few days ago, Corey (her boyfriend) came over and was talking on the phone. Nothing unusual there, but then he calls Sam out in a hurry and she is on the phone for quite a while. I knew something was up just not the what. When she comes in I ask her what is going on and she tells me I am not going to like it...uh-oh. I am thinking she is going to say she is pregnant . Nope, her and Corey tried out for a reality show.......about teens getting married. They pay for it all and it is California. That doesn't sound like horrible news in and of itself. She is 19 after all, but here is where it get's completely lost on me.

They have no jobs, Sam is in school but it took her 3 years to figure it out. Remember she dropped out at 16, she did get her GED right away but after that she was a bit lost. Corey has an extensive criminal record. I love the boy but because of his record getting a job is going to be a whole hell of a lot harder. So i asked where they planned to live after they were married? Her reply....her here with me and him at his fathers house?! I'm sorry but my married DD is not living with me (I can not support her and Corey) and her husband live at his fathers. Then why bother getting married? Seriously why not just wait until you can live together? As a married couple should.

If you two are meant to be what is waiting 2 years going to hurt? Other then the fact a tv show will pay for it. She tried to pull the whole "you lived with dad's mom when you got married"....um yeah, she had just had back surgery and needed to be taken care of. We both had jobs, I worked since I was 16 and raising other peoples kids. My MIL tried to pull "Well I took you in when you were 17, should I have just left you on the street?".....um hello, I was kicked out of my drug addicted mothers house for being a few minutes late to watch her drug addicted boyfriends children. Where are the 2 situation the same?

I didn't have choices, she does. The she brings Corey over to drop off my truck and after him hanging up on me a couple of nights ago then texting me to not call him cause I won't like what he has to say. I felt the need to say what I had to say. At that point he was respectful and just listened. Discussion over. Sam (as Megan put it) was very aggressive, one step below yelling, I wasn't yelling however, I am tired of being called names. She will not just listen, she has to yell and talk over everything I say. When she doesn't like what I have to say she resorts to name calling. Frankly I am sick of her disrespect.

So at the end of the day, my children and myself will not be attending her marriage. I can not in good faith condone a mistake that will effect the rest of her life. Yes, she has to learn these things for herself, I get that, I also get that I will not let the little ones think they can do whatever they want and mom will just stand by and smile.

The hubby told me to tell her to move out, which I already had done. The last screaming match is just that............the last.


PF Addict
Aug 19, 2008
F.I., Florida
I know you don't want advice so I won't give you any...not that I actually have any in the first place.

Just wanted to say that I'm SOOO sorry you and your family are going through this. It has to suck big time!


PF Addict
Aug 19, 2008
F.I., Florida
Lol, well I would give you some but I don't have any.

I would say however that IF they do get married (which I agree with you that they shouldn't at ths time)I would still go. Although I do understand where you are coming from I just think that in the end you no going to the wedding doesn't do anyone any good, just hurts.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Haha, if they do do it.I can just watch it on tv..the only reason I might go is the fact it is filmed in California where I am from and have family. I love both of them, Corey is one branch short of tree but her loves her and would do anything for her...and has. But why make life harder then it needs to be? Ya know?


PF Fiend
Jul 22, 2011
mom2many said:
Parentasic...please know that right now is not the time for advice, I am not feeling it at the moment. Well you can give advice, just keep it to a minimum.:p
Awww! :D Seems I already got a reputation!
Hey, no sweat. I don't think I have advices to give yet on this situation anyway, because I am not clear what you'd like to do, or what your objectives would be, so it's hard to help.
When I do, I'll make sure to keep it short! :cool:

It sure looks like a difficult situation, and I am sorry your family has to go through this. My thoughts go with you.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
oh man, that sucks. I agree that she has to move out, the whole notion of assumeing she can live with you then yell at you and call you k=names makes no sense. She wouldn't treat a stranger like that she shouldn't reat you like that.

It seems that she and Corey have a way of making plans together, so maybe they need the space to make those plans, build that life and yes, make the mistakes along the way.

When the dust settles i hope you can find a way to express how much you love her (I think she knows and it's obvious to us, but it bears repeating) how proud you are of the good things she's done and the changes she's made but also your concern that they aren't ready to be married.

Your past, your situation when you got married has nothing to do with the discussion. You love her, you're concernd for her and you want her to think ahead before she jumps into something. What if they get to the show, and it folds before they ever film an episode? I don't disagree with your stance not to attend, but consider not hardening yourself to the idea. You want what's best for them, how are you helping that by not attending? I assume that also keeps her younger siblings away...not trying to change your mind, just suggesting you keep an opeing.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Update...I am not sure she will even do the show if they make it. She pocket dialed me during a huge fight with corey, and it sounds like she doesn't want to do it. We are talking or at least pretending as if the argument didn't happen. She is living at her grandma's but her dog has come back to the house cause he didn't like staying with grandma. Actually the dog isn't very fond of her. So that's where it stands...now off to start a new post about another one of my children .


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
I was just getting ready to jump in and tell you how to fix everything.

But it looks like your doin fine ;)

If we didn't love our kids so much, we would just knock the snot out of them. They wont understand until they have their own kids.