Pull Kid from Private School for bad grades?...


PF Regular
Nov 8, 2010
I pretty much agree with the other posters. If I didn't feel like I was getting anything from the private school, then I would switch schools as well. Also, I would pull privileges until he gets the grades back up. That means no cell phone or telephone, no tv & internet, and no hanging out with friends on school nights (weekends maybe) until grades are up. How's that for motivation? Even after he gets the grades up, I would not allow the phone, internet, or tv until after school work.

On a side note, I know the teachers think he is capable, but does your son think he is capable? Maybe he just got overwhelmed and now he thinks he can longer do the work, is this possible perhaps? The school you are sending him to sounds very hard. I mean, Chinese in eighth grade? I'd fail that too! Even if he is capable, if he does not believe he is, then he has already defeated himself.


PF Fanatic
Nov 4, 2007
I would not pull him as a punishment for bad grades, because if he is unhappy socially at school it will likely make things worse. If he is unhappy there I would look at other schools with him.
Id ignore his protests about organization and supervise his homework every night till things improve. Once he has earnt the ability to do it on his own then let him. I would also consider limiting technology during the week until you see him doing more work. Maybe try to take the emphasis away from grades as such and focus on effort. then the grades should take care of themselves


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2010
I was in public school, then transferred to private in fifth grade. My parents had to put me back into public for seventh grade because the kids there were so hateful. Since they had been together since pre-k I was considered an outsider! I know this is a unique situation but the private school kids were more cruel than the public! Good luck with your decision.