Reported Post by Jeremy+3...


PF Addict
Apr 18, 2009
Jeremy+3 has reported a post.

Troll, it is obvious from the topic content, however he is on other forums with the same story, only in some he also has a 14 year old.

I'm shocked no one mentioned the fact that a two year old cannot throw a knife so hard that it becomes lodged into a wall.
Post: 911 - Need Assistance - Man Down!
Forum: Infant/Toddler
Assigned Moderators: smap, Kaytee, fallon

Posted by: Bazam
Original Content:
Okay, I know the title is a bit dramatic but I seriously feel this way. Last night as I was in "Desperate" mode searching for some good advice from the Gods of Google using the keywords "Evil 2 Year Old", I came across this forum.

We have a 2 year old who is hell on wheels. Our 8 year old daughter was a complete angel compared to our 2 year old son. My wife was so frustrated last night, she was in tears, as was my 8 year old daughter. I feel like we are living with a mini domestic terrorist.

First of all, he wants noting to do with me unless Mom has left the house. This doesn't happen that often. When he is alone with me, he is an angel. When he is alone with Grandma, once again ... an angel. When he is at the private daycare, minimal problems. When Mom enters the picture, complete Chaos!

We struggle to understand this. Let me list some of the behaviors when Mom is home.


  • <LI>
  • He throws things at the T.V. and ceiling fan. (While is spinning)</LI>
  • He laughs when told "NO!" and does it again and again.</LI>
  • He spits at us</LI>
  • He has picked up a heavy and blunt object a few times, snuck up on his 8 year old sister, and bludgeoned her in the head. Welts, broken skin, and blood. And then he laughs about it. Of course the wife and I are busy in the Kitchen or something when this has happened. The 2 year old is like a Ninja!</LI>
  • He dumped water on my keyboard and ruined it last week. Had to buy a new one.</LI>
  • He threw my Android phone, bounced off the concrete twice, and went into the pool.</LI>
  • He throws food, all over the house.</LI>
  • He pokes the dog in her eyes and pulls her tail, and laughs all the while. The dog hasn't bitten him yet, she's a Lab but we are afraid she is going to.</LI>
  • He screams and throws temper tantrums, this is actually the least of our worries.</LI>
  • He got a hold of steak knife one night that was sitting close to the counter edge as we were making dinner. Before I could react, he smiled evilly, and threw the damn thing at me. Went right past my face and stuck in the wall.</LI>
My wife and I both work full time jobs as we have to in order to pay the bills. We don't have a bad life at all. We own a nice modest home with a swimming pool. The kids have lots of toys and we spend as much time with them as we can. We are completely baffled as far as our 2 year old. I am against spanking but didn't know what to do last week and spanked him, then put him in a time out in his room. He screamed bloody murder for 20 minutes. Nothing seems to work but there must be a solution. He clings to his mother and won't have much to do with me.

Last night as I was signing up for this forum, my wife and daughter were in the bedroom crying and our 2 year old was in his room (Where his mother put him) throwing a fit of epic proportions. Smashing things, throwing things, ramming into the walls and door.

My wife said that she is at the point to where she can't handle him and brought up adopting him out. At first I thought she was being sarcastic but I soon realized, she just can't take anymore. I don't know what to do. I love my son and I know there has to be some sort of solution in order to put a stop to this insanity with him.

Please help! I will take any advice that I can get. Here is a picture of the little devil. He looks cute, right? You haven't seen him in action!