Reported Post by Xero...


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
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Old old old old OLD!
Post: 7 year old sleeping issues
Forum: Middle Childhood/Preadolescence
Assigned Moderators: smap, Kaytee, fallon

Posted by: JessicaMadison
Original Content:
dream-warrior said:
There are many ways you can help your child to change nightmares. I just started a blog discussing a lot of them in detail. My daughter Lisa suffered nightmares for a while, so I read everything I could find on the subject. You can actually change your nighmare<I> while</I> you are sleeping or <I>after</I> you had it. I also found some easy ways to interpret dreams.
That's really interesting. If you wouldn't mind would you send me the link to your blog? That is if it's not personal or anything. Alexis has nightmares all the time. She has weird ones though. I walked by her room last night when she was sleeping and I heard her say 'No, that's my hot dog!' So I went in and realized she was having a dream. I asked her about it the next morning and she said she was having a nightmare that a monster took away her dinner!

Honestly, I think your daughter will grow out of it. I find that a lot of kids go through stages where they will have nightmares every night.