Research Study on COVID-19 and Child Development


New member
Apr 20, 2022
We know that COVID disrupted children's lives, but how did decreased in-person interactions impact children's socio-emotional development? We are conducing a study to search for answers to this question. Your experiences will provide valuable insight!

To participate:
1) Have a child who is currently in 1st or 2nd grade
2) Complete a 20-25 minute online questionnaire about your experiences during the height of COVID

You can request a brief report of the results at the end of the questionnaire. The report will be available in late August 2022.

Please click the link to begin:{"loggedout_browser_id":"b23b9ac921cd26e6910b2315e4eabc8b7302991d"}

If you know of other interested parties, please share. Thank you for your consideration!