SD,s coming home drugged from previous night...


PF Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2013
Hi all. I know I haven't been on in a minute. Just need to vent a little and maybe get some input. My youngest two SD's ages just turned 5 and 6yo, came home from their second overnight visit with BM since December.

The first time they stayed the night with her in December, they claimed that when she thought they were sleeping the adults left and they were there with two other children around the same ages.

The last time they stayed the night with BM (2 weeks ago) BM brought them back 3 hours early "out of being respectful for us" and so they could eat dinner and blah blah blah. anyways..Upon their return They were acting very strange and couldn't keep their eyes open. We first chalked it up to they hadn't spent any actual time with BM in a while and had fun. ..

UNTIL.. they started talking about the "yucky pill" they had to take the previous night. I had to have help from my 17yo SD to keep them awake while DH called the paramedics, police and CPS. The girls stated they were not tired until they took the pill and they couldn't be in the same room while BM was getting the pills. They said after taking the pill they became very sleepy. :eek:

DH called BM to see what she gave them and she said it was a vitamin that they give her boyfriend's son every night. :angry:

The girls were rushed to the ER. The police and CPS said they were going to BM'S house that night and if she didn't provide the pill that was described she would be going to jail. We just found out today that neither one of them went to her house! Our system is so wonderful!!

My 6yo SD does like to make up stories, but I have spoken to all 3 of her counselors, including the school and when she lies you can tell. She keeps changing her story. But not this time! I fully believe her. The paramedics, police and CPS agent all said there was definitely something wrong with them.

The effects lasted for 2 days goign back and forth. All they wanted to do was sleep and the 6yo was physically sick.
We have a big family so we don't have a lot of money but I will do whatever it takes to hire an attorney.

I'm sorry for rambling on.. I just can't get over the fact that no one will do anything. Do we have to wait for one of them to really get hurt or even worse!:chatterbox:


PF Fiend
May 22, 2012
United States
That sounds terrible, scary, and frustrating.

I have a family member who was repeatedly threatened by a neighbor. She was unable to resolve things with the neighbor herself, and the police who responded to the incidents twice just blew her off. She did finally have to get a lawyer, since it was ultimately a property dispute. Well, it was expensive but it worked. The responding officers apologized for their previous handling of the situation, restraints were ordered, and the matter was settled. Totally different situation, but I mentioned it because the bottom line is: lawyers are worth it!! (It sounds like you need to make sure you get a good one too.)


PF Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2013
Yes thank you. He should have already had one but we didn't think it would be this bad. She never wanted to see them and now this. Those police officers may have more than apologizing to do. I'm going over their heads on this situation. CPS as well. I may wait until the case is closed but something will be done about this. We will be hiring this attorney as soon as we can and HE gave DH some info over the phone to keep her at bay until we can get a court date.

I really don't want her to not be able to see them but I definitely don't want them harmed.


PF Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2010
If social services would get their act in gear, then they could arrange for supervised visits with their mother, so that they can still see her but won't be alone with her. I believe that a judge can order supervised visits as well without CPS (regardless, I think you'd be in court over the matter). The lawyer is definitely worth it. I have a friend and she went through something similar, except it was her ex-husband doing drugs. The kids came home smelling like weed... She was able to get the supervised visits. The attorney will help you get everything you need together to make a case. I don't understand why the biggest concern isn't to keep these children safe, when it is the organizations' JOB to do so. I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like a dangerous situation for the children, and its good that you're looking out for them.

CPS is difficult sometimes, too. Around here, if you continue to file complaints/reports, they'll eventually give in and investigate thoroughly. The problem is that they, sadly, have a lot of cases they're working on, but that doesn't mean they should blow off anyone. Every child is important.


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
Sheesh, drugging them? That is totally and completely unacceptable. IMO this is grounds for getting an emergency hearing and changing the contact she has with the kids to supervised visitation max. Clearly the kids aren't safe alone with her!

Since the police, CPS, etc were called, I assume that at least the incident is on record. I would definitely join the chorus urging you to get a lawyer. If you can't stop the kids going to her again, it might also be worthwhile to get a home drug-testing kit or two, and if the kids come home drugged again, test them. A home drug test will be able to pick up if she gave them some sort of narcotic or benzos... More proof.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2013
It will take at least 30 days to get a court hearing here and our county has no emergency order. We just have to hire an attorney. She decided she didn't want them tonight bc the bar was more important but BM is still calling about getting them tomorrow. So, I think DH is safe from contempt for this weekend sinc eher visits are to begin on friday evening.. if she even cared to file in the first place.

She keeps leaving messages and in one of them even admitted to being in the bar where her boyfriend works, stating she is there every friday night!<EMOJI seq="1f637">:mask:</EMOJI> She really has no sense. I informed her long ago that I document very well and record all messages. :rolleyes:

I just can't wait for a court date. This will all be so much easier for everyone. She only wants to see them when it's convenient for her and the saturday night they were given that pill, she only saw them b/c she thought she was going to jail that monday for contempt.

I looked into the home drug testing kits when the hospital refused to do the blood draw and they are not submissable in court here. Ugh.. at least we know they will be safe for the next two weeks!!