Should this be considered Child Abuse?...


Aug 14, 2007
Recently I discovered a "white revolution" forum. Basically a forum where white people bash everyone from blacks to gays and jews. Basically anyone not white. So at first I sat there laughing reading some of their comments but as I saw more posts I noticed a number of posters were parents of young children ages like 3-10. I also noticed them brag about how their kids were gonna follow in their footsteps for a "pure and white america". I also saw pictures of children in white power shirts and a little girl in a KKK outfit. It is well known they spread nothing but hate but should they be aloud to do the same to their children? I consider it child abuse to teach your child your race is superior because of SKIN COLOR and nothing else. And that the "muddy" people have no right in America and they only bring whites down.

What is your view? I call it child abuse.


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
nah, it's not child abuse to raise your kid to be a iggorant bum.

those kids are going to get educated when they grow up and find out that their parents aren't right.

just relax, racism, like religion, is on its way out - the more people learn critical thinking the fewer generations these hateful tendencies are able to survive.


Jun 24, 2007
Supermario, you might want to read "The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell. The book reveals some interesting studies done on the issue of parental influence on children. The basic conclusion is parents do have some influence, but is far less than people assume. Kids from good families go bad, and kids from dysfunctional families grow up and become leaders. Kids are more likely to do bad things by having bad friends, than having bad parents. In other worlds, kids with racist friends are more likely to commit hate crimes than kids with racist parents, but non-racist friends.


Aug 14, 2007
I know these things. I have racist family and I hate racism. I still do not think people should be aloud to spread hate to their kids. It's like saying if I abuse an infant they won't remember so it's no problem.


PF Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2008
Michigan City, Indiana
I don't agree with racism at all. Whether it's by color, someone's sexual preference, or religious decisions. As much as I do hate to say it this is one of the privleges that I fought for, my family who served fought for and current men and women are fighting for. Freedom of speech is protected. Do I agree with it -- NO WAY but there's nothing I can do about it other than stating that I don't agree with it.


Aug 14, 2007
Freedom of speech in this country has been butchered to Oblivion. Now it is freedom of speech until you like something you don't hear. And racism isn't something I just do not like. It spreads violence and hate. These parents don't just tell their opinions and let their kids choose. They force them and make little racist soldiers. Whether they abandon the cause later in life or not is irrelevant.


PF Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2008
Michigan City, Indiana
I agree with you 100%. If I had my way I'd go kick them out of this country as it's not right but then I would be considered like them and would have to kick myself out as well. I guess it comes down to education. The more that we can educate the people of what is right and to accept each of us as we each have our own unique traits and to not HATE one another. I feel society will eventually over come but am doubtful it will truly happen in my life time and maybe not in my children's life time but if we take it one day at a time we will eventually get there.


Aug 14, 2007
Well with each new generation more tolerance is created. Racism is going to die out soon I know it is but they slow the process with their ridiculous archaic ideals. And no I am not leaving out the black people who sit and scream the white man is bringing us down!


PF Fiend
Oct 16, 2007
Why I do not think it is right, it is like how alot of things are. People have different viewpoints on how to raise their children. Some parents raise their children without religion, some believe in nature's medicine not a doctor etc... Everyone does something that someone else doesn't think they should be teaching their child but it is their child. They will grow up and hopefully one day see how much hurt racism does.


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
look around.

church attendance is dropping.

marriage rates are dropping.

the church is having to change its dogma to suit the times - gay priests, clergy-women...

face it - critical thinking is winning.


Jun 24, 2007
Well Brent, we won't see it in our life time, but just as 95% of the population rolls it eyes (or laughs) that a few 100 years ago people were hung for being witches, 100+ years from now people will be rolling their eyes at racism, current main stream religious beleifs, reasons we go to war, and pretty much everyhthing else that changes with each new generation.

The Methodist church my mother goes to recently dropped the concept of "Hell" as being a literal place, and now considers hell as symbolic idea of a state of being. ie Hell is not place you go when you die, hell is state a being here\now when your life is spinning out control (or something like that).


Jun 24, 2007
SuperMario said:
It is well known they spread nothing but hate but should they be aloud to do the same to their children? I consider it child abuse to teach your child your race is superior because of SKIN COLOR and nothing else.

SuperMario, since you come a family that has racist family members what do you think makes them tick? From their perspective (not suggesting they are correct), <U>they</U> feel\think they are doing what is right\good. And no doubt some could quote scriptures that validate why God fully supports their way of life.

A poor answer would be something like "They are stupid" or "They are losers" because that's basically is emotional thinking that gets no where on the issue. The good guys can't just be intollerant of those who are intollerant racists.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
evilbrent said:
look around.

church attendance is dropping.

marriage rates are dropping.

the church is having to change its dogma to suit the times - gay priests, clergy-women...

face it - critical thinking is winning.
Church attendance isn't dropping where I live. In fact, we just turned an old grocery store into a community center, we bought it for 5 million. Where I live the churches are growing. I think that depends on where you live and your community.

I agree the ceremony of marriage is not taken as sacred as it used to be. That's just changing with the times. But you have to look at the causes of why the divorce rate is high.

It's usually teen marriages (pg) that don't last, some kind of abuse (physical, chemical), or cheating. Some people do not take their vows serious. That just has to do with their character. I don't think that says anything about relationships. There are tons of people who stay together for years and years till they are old who have never married.

I think it's wonderful the church is getting gay priests and gay churches. Gay people are not bad people. The bible only stated that because two men and two woman could not create life. It was taught that since a man and a woman are the only two beings that could create life that, that is how it should be.

We know better now since "man" has come up with adoption.

It all goes back to how are WE raising OUR children. Mine believe and are kind. It starts with us. Mine do not hate black people, fat people, skinny people, poor people, rich people. All they want to know is if they are nice.

It's their choice to associate with these people just like it's ours.

My mother is racist (she denies it) and I stop her in her tracks. So things change one by one starting with us.

*now should I go run for President*?? lmao:D


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
musicmom said:
Racism is on it's way out but I don't think religion is. AMEN!
haven't finished reading the posts but wanted to say a DOUBLE AMEN!!!. Actually religion is increasing again.