Sleep Problems...


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Hi, this is my first time posting here but I really need some help.

My name is Kathlene and I have a 10 month old daughter Abigail. She was a high needs baby due to some complications at birth. She's now healthy and content but I am having some issues with her sleep. She is dependant on being fed to sleep or rocked/cuddled. I have been on the fence about Ferberizing her and I now feel like there is nothing I can do to get her to sleep independantly. Today, for the first time, I let her cry it out for her nap. An hour and a half later and a bed plastered with baby puke, I ended up picking her up and laying down with her. Within a few minutes she as alseep.

I feel like I am doing a disservice to her molly-coddling her. She isn't learning how to sleep on her own. Though I am content to cuddle her to sleep I know it's not what's best for her. Has anyone waited as long as I did and had success or anyone have any tips? I am so frustrated I could cry.



PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
{{{HUGS}}} I've BTDT. CIO worked wonderfully for my DS but not for my DD. A more gradual approach worked better for her. She would only fall asleep while breast feeding. I included a baby blanket in on our bed time cuddling/nursing sessions and gently caressed her cheeks and arms with it while she was nursing. Eventually, over a 3 mos. period I would shorten the nursing sessions but continue to cuddle and caress her with the blanket. Eventually, I was able to put her to bed awake with her blanket and she had no problem falling asleep. In fact, she began to sleep through the night shortly after that. Of course, her blanket became her lovey/security object, but I was fine with that. :)


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Thanks for the tip. I nursed Abby to sleep and used a blankie too. It's her security blanket now, she won't sleep without it but someone still needs to sooth her to sleep. How old was your daughter when you started? I'm wondering if I can start again with the blankie.


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
Actually, I think she was about a year old when I started. Good luck!


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Thank you! That gives me hope! I bottled her to bed tonight, it's so much easier. I tried putting her down with her teddy but as soon as her body touched the bed she started wailing. We might have to work on it.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
I am wondering why rocking her to sleep at night is coddling her? She is a baby, and for 9 months we rock them to sleep in our womb, so it is going to take that much time and more before they do it on their own. I rock all of mine to sleep, up until about a year old, then I slowly transition them to do it on their own, this can take about 3-6 months depends on the baby. I enjoy rocking them though it is my snuggle time with them cause I KNOW that this is such a small period in time and that before you know it they are rolling their eyes at you.

I agree with Katee, try the No Cry Sleep Solution, by Elizabeth Pantley, it's a whole lot more gentle then CIO. Here's a link..

Elizabeth Pantley


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
I never rocked Nihcole, but only because she didn't need it. I would have if she wanted it. Of course to me if my child is crying because they want to be held, then there is something wrong with me


Junior Member
Jul 25, 2008
How is Abigail the rest of the day? Are you able to have cuddle time with her aside from feedings and when she is being put to bed? Is she ever in her crib except for sleeping? Is it only when you are putting her to sleep that she has problems away from you? And how are you doing? I can imagine the stress and frazzled nerves, probably not just from sleep issues...

I have never this problem with my son. He pretty much slept through the night form birth and had no problems sleeping in his crib, or my bed, or anywhere else for that matter (he's 12 now). But I have dealt with the problem with other children, siblings and nieces and nephews, neighborhood kids. When their parents couldn't get them to sleep they'd hand 'em over to me and problem solved lol. Each kid has been different so maybe I can offer some helpful suggestions with a little more information.


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2008
I only say it's coddling her because she is not willing/able to fall asleep on her own. It's a skill she needs and my rocking her to sleep isn't teaching her how to do it on her own.
When your children are a year what do you do to transition them to falling asleep on their own. I've got nothing but time!


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Abby's a great baby aside from when she gets fussy and needs to nap. Not unlike any other child. She'll cuddle me and give me hugs but the best cuddles are always tired cuddles. She stays put for longer when she lacks enegery LOL! She's hardly ever in her crib other than for sleeping. I'll give her the odd bottle when I need to have a quick bath. She won't play in there no matter what I try and usually she screams bloody murder like she's in pain when I put her in there.
I'm fine, on the whole my nerves are in check but some nights when I have to be at work for 7am I just have no patience for her waking a million times. Half the problem is that if I get her down and something wakes her we start all over again. She wakes about 3 times a night and usually almost always ends up in my bed.