So, I'm back!...


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
Did everyone miss me?

I've been super busy these past few months. I'm still in Japan, but I'm getting ready to separate from the military in a few months, if all goes as planned. The funny thing is that even though I'm getting out of the Navy I've gotten MORE work in the past few weeks because they don't trust someone else to do it. I told them I would stay if I didn't have to deploy for another year, but it probably wont happen that way.

I'm back in's going ROUGH. I'm still passing though.

My girls are doing good. Alenya is potty trained offically! She still has accidents sometimes, but that's expected. She turned 3 last month. Kaitlyn is 8 months and is starting to walk around the table while holding herself up...not by herself yet of course. And she's currently cuddled up with me while I wait for dh to get the printer to work for school.

Our time together has been going well. After daycare almost everyday we play at the park for a half hour. We make dinner together, play, cuddle and watch something kid-friendly, read, the girls are big enough to take a bath together so that's always fun. We have a great bedtime routine and Alenya loves to read books. It's just been good.

I'm about over the depression and anxiety. I still get it sometimes, but not as bad as whenever Kaitlyn was first born. It's been hard, but I'm pushing though and working with it.

DH and I are great! Still happy and going strong. :) Sooo.....yup, that's the big update lol. Send me some love!