Starting the court process to modify visitation.. here we go...


PF Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2013
I'm very nervous.. so many emotions but most of all sad and scared for my two youngest stepdaughters, ages 6 and 4. I am the stepmom and my husband is filing the paperwork for a court date now. She hasn't seen the girls since Christmas and we go by the PTG in Indiana. She always tells them she will be here to pick them up on her time and never shows up with them sitting here waiting. Her pickup time is 7pm. and 3 weekends go, She spoke to the girls as she was getting ready to leave, getting them all excited about coming over to see their new bedroom.
7:30 pm.. she still had not shown up so The 6yo called her to see if she was on her way..It was on speakerphone.. (the 6yo's counselor advised to monitor all calls).. She told the 6yo she could not pick them up because she was in another part of the state furniture shopping. 6YO SD started crying and asking her to turn around, why do you hate me... all kinds of things. Her response to the 6yo was "I'm not dealing with this and hung up. HUNG UP!!!:mad: She has not talked to them or tried to see them since then. She called this past sunday and told my husband He denied her visit this past weekend which he did not. We had heard nothing from her but the girls were still ready just in case.

She threatened to take me to court:laugh: I told her please do... even though I am a legal stranger in the matter. She said I was keeping the girls from her. She said I needed to deal with the fact that I am only thier stepmother and I'm fine with that because I know how things are here and I know they are safe.

in the last three days she has called and texted from three different numbers. She supposively lives an hour and 40 minutes from here but is always seen in local bars.. we hear these things from family. We don't go to the bars. I am at home all of the time and when my husband isn't at work he is here as well. We just found out today that she is homeless. Goes around with random guys she meets at the bars. We already didn't feel safe with the girls goign with her for so many different reasons but this changes everything. She had a bf at first and I thought it would actually work. he would text saying yes.. she wants the girls and she would call saying she will see them in two weeks. ugh. :rolleyes:
SORry for rambling ... there is just so much. Back to the court thing.. The paperwork was drawn up a couple of weeks ago but wasn't filed due to no time.. according to my husband. he works a lot. he has custody of all of his kids plus my son equals 6 and so he does work a whole lot:(

She called today about getting them for easter weekend. She isn't aware that she gets them for the whole week. He told me he will not be sending them with her even though it is her holiday this year. It would be the first time he withheld a visit from her but I don't want him to be in contempt. Can he get into trouble for keeping them even if she is homeless?

Has anyone been through this.. any advice? Thank you


PF Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2013
I jusst wanted to add that I know NO outcome in certain when it comes to the court but I do not want my husband in contempt if he keeps them from her. I know they have to go on her time with them. we just want them to be safe. And I tried to help her. I would remind her of her weekends through text message and everything. I would love for her to be involved but She has to want it. This has been going on since November and she has seen them 2 times. I talked my husband into even offering her a weekend that wasn't hers since she was in the area and she denied that.
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PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I really think you are asking the wrong people about this. As far as my opinion goes on the whole thing, it's all very sad and I feel (as long as what you are saying is true) that she is not even fit to be called a mother. I feel so bad for those poor children. And no, I would not send them with her when she is homeless and probably putting them in sketchy situations. That's my opinion.

As for a real answer, you need to be on the phone right now with someone professional. The police department, or perhaps at least CPS (your local children protective services). Call one or the other and literally just tell them the situation "she's homeless, in a bad unstable situation, we have a strong feeling that these children will be UNSAFE with her, are we absolutely required by law to send them with her anyway, no matter how bad the situation obviously is?". CPS will be able to help you more with her situation too, I would think. Good luck.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2013
We document everything to cover ourselves because there have been many times that she hasn't shown up after saying she would be here and then turn around and say that my husband told her she couldn't have them. Everything I said was true and being nice to be honest. There is so much more.. I feel like it is too much for this board. I can't wait to be able to post on here about the happy stuff (= No matter what happens I will always be here for them and my older stepchildren as well. I will continue to be a positive role model for them. (=As far as CPS.. I thought about that. I have never called them on anyone before and want to discuss it further with my husband. He seems to be all for it since he told her she will not be getting them anymore. CPS has been involved due to bruises on the 6 yo's stomache and it was blamed on her paternal grandfather, even though her mom hadn't seen them in months. We haven't gotten the closing paperwork in the mail but the CPS man said he was closing it a couple of weeks ago.

Thank you for the advice.. I guess I was just mostly venting. I was super nervous but we do have a game plan set in motion now. Thanks so much (=
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