Succeeding at embarressing teenagers...


PF Addict
Feb 27, 2012
Poor Sunny, we're not in her good books at the moment, haha.

Last night when my husband picked her up from gymnastics she was furious and wouldn't speak to him, Lux eventually got it out of her that some of her friends called him a "hot dad" so now only I can pick her up from gymnastics apparently.

This morning she told us she wanted to go vegan as of Monday, my husband pointed out that technically she could say as of yesterday evening, because dinner last night and breakfast this morning were both vegan and that the family on a whole would benefit from more vegan meals as we do consume a lot of eggs and dairy and she cracked it "KYLA'S PARENTS TOLD HER SHE COULDNT BE VEGETARIAN AND YOU GUYS JUST LET ME BE VEGAN? I CAN'T DO ANYTHING! WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL?"

I had to go into my bedroom because I couldn't stop laughing. I think her and I have different definitions of "I cant do anything".
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PF Regular
Oct 19, 2012
Oh my goodness!!! How dare you be so totally and utterly agreeable!!! :biglaugh:

Damned if you do, damned if you don't....teens are such a lot of fun.

Shaun Austin

Oct 22, 2012
Neway said:
teens are such a lot of fun.
Oh yeah I agree our teens act like that alot!!! Callum got pretty upset with us on Wednesday because his girlfriend came round - first time we met her - and my wife decides to get the baby photos out. Callum went so red I asked him if he wanted to help me get some drinks from the kitchen and then he said why on earth do you have to aways embarress me? I was like "its your mother in there and if I'm honest you were a cute baby. He just gave me evils, went into the lounge and next thing we know their going upstairs only to re-apear at dinner, which was hilariously funny. Cameron had his 'make callum embarressed moment' which didn't go down well (he cheekily bought up a story about Callums first girl friend)


PF Fiend
Nov 25, 2009
Eastern North Carolina, USA
Neway said:
Damned if you do, damned if you don't....teens are such a lot of fun.

The most true statement I've heard this week... .well the first part at least. I was looking at my son's newest picture on Face book.. and my daughter just asked me why I was a face book stalker. :rolleyes:

Signed affectionately,
Peeping Mom :p


PF Addict
Feb 27, 2012
For the record, the veganism lasted two days, right up until Lux got a tub of ice cream out of the freezer.

We were supportive, Sunny is at an age where she should start developing her own moral standards to life instead of mimicing ours, but given the argument that she started off on, I have to admit that I didn't have high hopes.

Meanwhile, we went "back to school shopping" yesterday and I embarressed her by suggesting an "uncool" backpack.

Lux and Sash really have a high standard to hit in terms of crazy hormones, Sunny has already passed Dita and Azriel in thar regard.