Teen Drinking experiences needed...


Junior Member
Nov 20, 2008
Please do not shoot the messenger. I have a different perspective than some of the producers, but I have been asked to write this question.

Has any parent had good results in giving their young teenager alcohol? As far as being responsible drinkers when they are older than 21 years old? I know only certain states allow it, but I am working for a major news outlet, and they want to know whether there is real proof.

I just read a story about this topic, about a Middlebury College president saying the 21 year old legal limit is bad.

Please reply with some way to get back in touch with you.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Obviously a college student is going to say not being allowed to drink is bad. Um...duh? And no, I've never seen teen drinking do anything good for anyone. :mad: I've seen it "not hurt" some kids, but that's about the extent of it. Other than that the results of letting a teenager drink are usually negative. It really is common sense that it shouldn't be legal for a teenager to drink. And I'm only 21, so this isn't some stuffy old person talking either.

Did you know that the section of the human brain that deals with decision making skills doesn't finish developing until you are 20 years old?

I could go on, but I feel like I'm waisting my thoughts on a post that doesn't seem serious to me.


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2009
As long as he/she does not go overboard (drink all the time) I wouldn't worry about it. As long as relationships and grades are not affected.

My parents knew about me drinking even before I was 21, but I didn't do it all the time (they're not the most easy-going people either), and never drove after (I'm smarter than that), so they let it be.