The Sex Offender - NEXT DOOR...


PF Addict
Oct 3, 2007
Joy I'd be beside myself too. There's alot of good opionions in this thread. My thoughts are.... keep your friends close and your enemies closer. It is VERY unlikely those two will ever be "normal". Educate the girls, make a plan.


PF Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2008
I had some drug dealers next door at a previous residence. I was Mr. Vigilance. Called the police all the time, and everyone else I could if I could find justification (it helps that I work at home). Finally saw the biggest little pr**k get hog-tied, face-down on the road, and pitched face first into the back of a police car.

I, and a dozen police officers and 10 correctional officers all were in court waiting to testify against him. Never saw him - he pled guilty to all sorts of stuff rather than come out and face the judge's wrath too.

There's a good chance those guys can't even afford that house so, if it was me, I'd either make very good friends with them (by the looks of 'em I don't think this would be my choice) or make it very known that they better not be seen, heard or smelled.


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
fallon said:
it scares me that some of these guys are smiling in the they use their drivers licence shots or take the pics just for the reg?

One would hope it would be out of embaressment. But I doubt it.

I'd inform your girls and keep your eye out constantly.

Good Wolf

PF Addict
Mar 11, 2008
So if you didn't have a sex offender next to you your doors would be wide open and you wouldn't educate your kids about predators?

I think everyone should go about security and education with the assumption that a predator lives next door because I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of them that haven't been caught. Frankly I'm more worried about the ones that aren't registered.

It is a fact that most victims are abused by family members or friends of the family. Not the stranger next door.

I don't think pedaphiles should ever be let out of prison. There is something wrong with them that prison, counceling, or any other form of 'rehabilitation' will fix. The same can be said of anyone that can force another person to have intercourse.

It really sucks for those that are wrongly accussed but have to break some eggs to make an omelet. I just wish there wasn't so many women out there using sexual allegations as weapons. It would make the actual cases a lot easier to prosecute, and they would probably carry a larger penalty.


Jun 24, 2007
fallon said:
OMG...I didn't realize they were related...that's sick
Many years ago while in college I worked as aid to a superior court judge, and we had a father & son (14) both arrested for having sex with 12 year old daughter\sister. In that case the son became aware that his dad was entering his sister room at night and having sex, so he started doing the same thing.


Jun 24, 2007
Good Wolf said:
It really sucks for those that are wrongly accused but have to break some eggs to make an omelet. I just wish there wasn't so many women out there using sexual allegations as weapons. It would make the actual cases a lot easier to prosecute, and they would probably carry a larger penalty.
When I worked in the court system it was very eye opening. You would think\hope that all prosecutors seek only the truth, and have no interest in prosecuting innocent people. I have met prosecutors who are amoral by nature, the only thing they are concerned about is their conviction record. They tend to rationalize a lot that it is for a greater good; even if the guy is innocent for that crime, he is surely guilty of other crimes for which he has not been caught.

I have seen people put on trial who where clearly innocent of the charges, and thankfully the system worked. The one case that comes to mind is when a man killed his best friend during an accident. The man was put on trial for murder because he refused to plead guilty to manslaughter.


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
If I can make a point of how much we trust "friends" ...

Joy- according to you, everyone who views this site is your friend, as by posting the links to their offenses, you just gave everyone that views this site your exact address, all the while, we know exactly what your three angels look like. Please go back and re-read your first post and evaluate all the information youve given out to someone who might target a situation like that.

This is simply a point to open EVERYONES eyes... (Joy I hope you remove those links SOON).... we feel safe in many situations where we truly arent.

Steve said:
I had some drug dealers next door at a previous residence. I was Mr. Vigilance. Called the police all the time, and everyone else I could if I could find justification (it helps that I work at home). Finally saw the biggest little pr**k get hog-tied, face-down on the road, and pitched face first into the back of a police car.
Something that has started on the west coast is spray painting "DRUG HOUSE" on the side of the house. Encourages landlords to take more action. City officials are also ordering houses torn down, and holding owners liable more often

GOOD WOLF - Im not going to quote your entire post but I agree largely with much of what you said... inclusive of there is NO REHAB for pedophiles. I agree with education, but have a hard time with the idea of the proverbial "lock-up" in my own neighborhood... I know its needs to be done to a degree... but still hard with it with my upbringing.

I also agree with the MANY false accusations of rape... 3 teens were shot over just that, where I used to live ... girl who accused committed suicide as a result and the shooter is in jail .. 5 young lives lost because of a false accusation

My honest thought... pedophiles should face immediate execution.

If a farmer has a dog that kills a chicken ... the dog gets the "taste of blood" and therefore will kill chickens again .. so the farmer kills the dog to protect his stocks ... loose one for the protection of many....

Why cant we be this protective of our children ??


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
The thought that keeps going through my mind is the fact that when they are registered, at least we know where they are 'supposed' to be. The fact of the matter is that anyone we meet or come face to face with on a daily basis could be a monster and we would never even know it.

In fact I have a family member that was recently raped and beaten in a very 'well to do' area while she was just checking her mail box.

I believe in living with eyes wide open, regardless.


Jun 24, 2007
HappyMomma said:
The thought that keeps going through my mind is the fact that when they are registered, at least we know where they are 'supposed' to be. The fact of the matter is that anyone we meet or come face to face with on a daily basis could be a monster and we would never even know it.
HappyMomma, If you were to guess, what percentage of people that you come face to face with on a daily basis are monsters and you never know it? Just curious, Thx :)


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
Good lord, that's a tough one. I really don't know. LOL

I would guess at 10% - but I have no idea.

I will say that I read way to much true crime to not realize that anyone could be not as they appear.


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
HappyMomma - your state is the 3rd highest in the USA for number of REGISTERED sex offenders .... 52328

Think of how many OTHERS are out there including unregistered ..


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
hwnorth said:
HappyMomma - your state is the 3rd highest in the USA for number of REGISTERED sex offenders .... 52328

Think of how many OTHERS are out there including unregistered ..
Is that per capita? Texas is quite large.


Jun 24, 2007
Thanks happymomma, My guess would be less than 1%, but like you I have no idea. My guess is because I beleive that the media scares the hell out people with the rare/extreme cases, and lead people to beleive that 1 in 10,000 is 1 in 100. But, that is my skeptical perception of the media in their efforts have head lines. :)


Jun 24, 2007
hwnorth said:
Think of how many OTHERS are out there including unregistered ..
hwnorth, Same question to you. What pecentage of sex offenders do you think are out there that either haven't been caught, or are unregistered? Thx :)


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
jtee said:
Thanks happymomma, My guess would be less than 1%, but like you I have no idea. My guess is because I beleive that the media scares the hell out people with the rare/extreme cases, and lead people to beleive that 1 in 10,000 is 1 in 100. But, that is my skeptical perception of the media in their efforts have head lines. :)
I have a love/hate relationship with the media. LOL I enjoy a good story, but feel that there is too much room for mass manipulation.

Even if it's only a half of percent, the fact remains that we still don't know which ones are which.

BTW, I was actually including all predators not just pedaphiles.


Jun 24, 2007
Overall I believe that if parents take very basic/normal safety precations the chances of their children becoming a victim of a sex crime will be the same as getting hit by lightening. Parents don't need to triple dead bolt all their doors, etc,etc.

On PRI Radio's This American Life, a 20 something woman told a funny story from her childhood about her family going to Disneyland and their mother never allowing them to leave the Disneyland hotel because surely Disneyland is filled with bad guys looking to harm young girls.... Sure, that mother's concern is valid to a limited/normal degree, no doubt there there are creepy crawlers who go to Disneyland with weird things on their mind. My thinking is that number is very very small, and all a parent has to do, as the millions of parents do each year at Disneyland, is kept track of their children. That woman's childhood story is about her mother's extreme paranoia that her children were always in constant danger, so much so that Disneyland was unsafe for her children.


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
I agree Jtee. I think some very simple habits can prevent a lot. Being aware of surroundings, not presenting yourself as a victim, eyes on our children at all times, etc. It's amazing what a person can observe when in the habit of looking.

Life is too short to live in paranoia, but it's too precious not to be smart.

As I mentioned earlier about my sister. She was attacked in her vehicle while checking her mail in a neighborhood where "those things just don't happen." She was in a place that she felt safe and was probably tired after working all day and most likely wasn't paying attention. It kills me that she had to go through that experience (and will continue to re-live it until she has been able to deal with it better.)

The fact is that these things happen every day in all kinds of places, but we can't let ourselves overreact either.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
HappyMomma said:
I have a love/hate relationship with the media. LOL I enjoy a good story, but feel that there is too much room for mass manipulation.

Even if it's only a half of percent, the fact remains that we still don't know which ones are which.

BTW, I was actually including all predators not just pedaphiles.
I totally agree with you


Jun 24, 2007
HappyMomma said:
I agree Jtee. I think some very simple habits can prevent a lot. Being aware of surroundings, not presenting yourself as a victim, eyes on our children at all times, etc. It's amazing what a person can observe when in the habit of looking.
Very good point. For whatever reasons, those who fear crime the most, seem to find it.

Sad fact of life, no matter how much precautions a person takes, innocent people do get struck by lightening. They are just at the wrong place, wrong time.