

PF Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2010
Sorry that I haven't been online for a very long time. It seems that life had gotten hectic. Our family went to Hong Kong over the summer, and then my twins have started middle school while it was one of the younger boys' first day of school ever!

I guess nature figured that I needed another baby. So completely unexpectedly, my wife is pregnant once again. This is the first time we've gotten pregnant without intending to. Once realizing she was pregnant, we figured out when it happened (we are usually very careful haha).

I am a little worried. My wife is a stay at home mother, which she loves (and so do I). But it does mean we are living off of one income. We are prefectly fine financially with four children, but five seems like such a big number to me... I'm also worried about divided attention amongst other things. I have such mixed emotions about this. She is 12 weeks right now, and I want to push any worries and negative thoughts from my mind. I am excited but so worried, more than any other child! Any advice on how to ease my worries? Or suggestions for what to expect with five children?


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Well congratulations.

There are many different strategies for dealing with anxiety. Most simply demonstrate that our minds are infinity creative coming up with scenarios that scare or worry us. I wont say never. But rarely, very rarely does real life bring these to bear. Think about other times you have been anxious about stuff. And how after the event you thought "that was nothing" Asking for a date, Public speaking are good examples.

I recommend just saying: OK imagination let me have it. And when your done with that just move on.

Most people I know who had a "extra" kid later. Really seem to get into it more. They kinda know what to expect. Roles for mom's and dad's are more defined They make time for what they anticipate as their favorite times. They just seem to make the most of it.


PF Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2010
I do need to remind myself that it is mostly my imagination and things will be fine financially and we should have enough space. I am worried about having five children and being unable to pay enough attention to each of them, though, but I've been told that people usually figure it out. My wife reminds me that our twins are going to be 13 in just a few short months and will want more independence (though, they seem to want that now lol).

I am definitely excited about having a new addition, but there's a lot of apprehension about having a big family haha. I am from a culture that encourages one or two children per family, so it feels strange that I will have five lol.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Well, congratulations!! :) I'm sure it wont be easy, but people do it everyday and seem to be fine. I am sure everything will fall into place!