What is best bassinet for new born baby?


Nov 9, 2020
Personally I really like this one:


I used it for my first (she still sleeps in it at nearly 16 months) and I'm going to buy another one for when my twins are older.

Here's what I like about it:
-it has two settings, the high mattress setting for little babies or the lower mattress setting for bigger ones
-It's easy to pack up and move which is especially helpful while travelling or if you need to move it from room to room (ex: when you move baby out of your own room or if baby's room is also a guest room or office)
-there's a half moon zippered area that opens to the lowest mattress setting. This allows you to teach baby to crawl into bed by themselves. Also helpful since I had a c-section and cannot pick my daughter up, she can get into bed by herself.