What is she thinking?...


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Ok my stubborn child poured herself some orange juice and told me that she couldn't drink the rest. I said "ok, leave it on the table but you need to finish it since you poured it" She said "oh well that's the way life goes"(meaning she couldn't drink it) I swear my mother came out in me. I said "get in here right now!" and I had to have a talk with the little miss smart butt. I told her "I am NOT your friend, I am NOT your buddy and you will not talk to me that way. You are NOT a character on tv. I am your mother and you WILL respect me and if you ever talk to me like that again you are going to have a big consequence...do you understand?" I made her stand eye to eye with me and she knew I was serious.
I love that child, God knows I love that child (preaching like the color purple) but God strike me dead if she talks to me that way again. lol

Since I do not have older children and my other two do not act like her is it a normal stage for children to try and act like characters on tv. I know that's the only place she is learning this garbage. It's from Hannah Montana. It's like she tries to be older then she is. I think I was like that too.
Do you think I was too harsh or was it good that I firmly nipped it in the bud?
I had the cable turned off so they are not watching anything but videos.
She said she was trying to be funny and I understand that because I am a joker and witty and she is probably mocking me but I want her to understand that it's not ok for a child to do it to an adult. I think she does this with friends at her school and they are quick to put her in her place.
Any tips? I want her to have her own personality and if being funny or witty is how she is that's fine but there is a time and a place, how do you teach a child the right time and place?


PF Fiend
Apr 3, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Oh Hannah does that too. I think it is good that you let her know it wasn't going to be allowed for her to talk to you like that. I locked out Disney Channel - those shows, Hannah Montana and Raven, etc. are meant for older kids - like middle schoolers. I still let her watch occasionally if I am watching with her and can interject with my opinions at that time. But mostly if she is watching TV (which I try not to let her do too much anyways) she watches Food Network, lol.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
I've heard that you need to let your child know that you are not their friend so I had a hard time saying that and didn't know if it was right but since she is so stubborn I have to use strong words with her. Just being nonchalant doesn't work with her. :(
I love her so much but man she tests me to death.


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
Oh wow, good job! I know it hurts, but sometime we have to give some tough love. I'm sure it broke your heart to say you weren't her friend. I always think that I'm going to be a friend and mother...and sometimes it just doesn't work that way. I know my mom and I weren't friends till I got a LOT older...like out of the house lol.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
I am their friend per se but at their age I believe is when I need to have them understand this is my job. I see too many teens no adays who's parents think they don't do things and are blind because there is NO communication. My children know I am their parent and are safe and I really focus on respect with them. They are great kids, I hope they stay that way. lol


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
you handled it just like I would...or I should say like I do cause I get that kind of atitude quite a bit these days


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
You do? Your's are so little though. I wish I knew more people with stubborn children so I could compare notes. lol She'll be seven soon. I can only see the mouth getting worse.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
OMG...my daughter is full of stubborn attitude. Although she comes by it naturally...lol she talks to me like she's 14 sometimes. I want to laugh cause she's acting so old but it makes me crazy at the sametime. It started right after she turned 5


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
I've got a stubborn girl too. (Good for her, bad for me)

The first time I heard "YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE!" After I felt my heart break, I looked right at her and calmly said "No, I am not your friend, I am your mother and it's my job to make sure you know how to behave in the world."


and yep, I've got to keep up the Nice and Easy to keep the grays hidden.


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
:err: I said that to my mom once when I was little. I thought my dad was going to kill me.

My kids, luckily, have not been brave enough to say it to me, but they do tell each other from time to time, and I have to remind them that it's not nice to hate.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Get what she did today. I had a tiny snow globe from New York and she didn't ask me because she knew I would say no. SO what did she do? She took it, it got broke and I found it stuffed in the garbage so she hid it! I just flipped on her. She's in her room for the night. So she lied, decieved, hid and broke my trust in her. She won't forget this one for a while.
This was sentimental to me and she had no right. She knew she could not take it to school with her. :(

Good Wolf

PF Addict
Mar 11, 2008
Yep, and when we told her we weren't friends her response was "Your not my step-daddy any more!!!" I said "I hate to break it to you but you can't change that. I am now and forever will be your step-daddy. O' and btw step-dadddys do fun stuff like giving extra candy, and playing games...are you sure I'm not your step-daddy?"

"Your the best step-daddy...can I have some candy?"

"NO!!!" :p

Naw I really just tell her that she has to earn her rewards and that kind of behavior isn't going to do it.

We haven't got the 'hate you' yet but we have had the 'BAD MOMMA..BAD CHRIS!!'.

We just tell her that she should't call anyone or anything bad. We make a point not to call her bad. Instead we say she is a good girl that is demonstrating bad behavior. I figure if you call a person bad enough times they will start believing it and in turn be bad.