When you fail to make your child wear an eye patch...


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2016
We have been supposed to make our child wear an eye patch for a long time and we have just failed to do it. And now its probably too late to correct the problem as shes 9.
She doesnt notice problems, and can see just fine but her one eye is just weaker than the other. It was our job as parents to make her wear the patch and we failed.
In my defense, she doesnt even get home until like 4:30 most school days, then theres barely any time to do homework and bath and stuff much less 2 hours of patch time.
She is very strong wiled, and everything is often a struggle.We have to turn the key on her palate expander too, we've managed that but its also a catastrophic battle sometimes.
My child is loved and lacking in nothing, but I havent managed to get this done.And I feel like a failure as a parent.

Anyone else fail on this kind of scale?


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
I don't like to use the word "fail" but there are things I struggle to keep up with or remember to do. We have to realize that we're only humans and not perfectly running machines that never glitch or run out of energy. Parents have a lot to do and things to remember ourselves, but we have to prioritize. If there is something I know my kid needs, I try to focus on that or make a memo to myself. I also explain to my daughter that she has to take control and learn to remind herself of her responsibilities when it comes to her health and well-being and everything else.
What I do feel guilty for is not being able to always afford to buy her specific, expensive items for school. It has already been a costly fall, and I still have to get her black shoes and black pants that fit her good for choir and she has a big performance today, if she even is allowed to go since she forgot to hand in the permission form. But considering she doesn't have a full uniform I highly doubt it. Oh well, there's always next time.