Why is teenage pregnancy cool?...


Junior Member
May 23, 2011
I went to high school with (I know this sounds crazy) girls who TRIED to trick guys into getting them pregnant. It blows my mind.


Junior Member
Jun 21, 2011
Teenage pregnancy is not cool. I had my first kid as a teen, and the thing these shows need to do is stress how much these teenagers miss out on because they had a kid so young, as well as the difference in parenting. I had my second when I was 24, he's 11 now, and I can tell you I see now all the things I was so lacking in parenting when I was so young, and the effects on how different my two boys are from eachother. Granted, they might have been different from eachother anyway, but I just see all the mistakes and wish I could change them, but I was young and stupid.


Junior Member
Jun 25, 2011
i don't know...but it's freaking me out too...=(

ABC family had that whole show talking about pregnancy. what happened to the good ol' days when it was even a big deal for two people to kiss, let alone hold hands...and now they'r getting into hooking up!


Junior Member
Feb 2, 2011
You need to guide your child to be independent. It is not hard to stay away from per-pressure. TV shows or classmates should not factor into how your child lives their life. It does seem like MTV and ABC Family are showing these shows in a good light, but, it is TV and most of is played to the viewers. Realty TV is not all the way reality. Those girls go to an 'audition' and get cast in this show.

Matty & Netty

Junior Member
Jul 17, 2011
I hate the way they make out its cool, but at the same time they also show some of the down sides to parenting...and having boyfriends who are very immature!

I think they could make more of the actual birth, show it in all its bloody glory. I found that after watching someone give birth when I was a teenager was enough to scare me for some time. All that pain! No, I certainly didn't want that. However I was also scared witless that my dad would find out and I'd be in huge trouble! Kids don't seem to have that these days.


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
Very true M & N.

Parenting in this day and age has changed dramatically though. Some parents are more apathetic when it comes to parenting (maybe due to their own parents example), which in turn leads to lack of communication to their own children, and therefore to teen pregnancy.


Junior Member
Jul 30, 2011
The media is one of the larges forces defining what is and isn't accepted within society.

Needless to say, watching these shows did not make me want to have illigitimate children as a teen. 8 hours a day of watching my baby brother as a teen did that for me. When I told my Mother that I'd had sex, she had be on birth control pronto, and I've been on it ever since.

Teens are impulsive and their instincts override their logic. Most people in a sexual situation aren't thinking of the financial and emotional consequences of unintended parenthood. Parents need to equip their children with the tools to avoid this rather than stick their heads in the sand and pretend that no one has premarital sex. Birth control didn't make me want to have sex more, if anything, it made me more mindful of the consequences of it (if getting pregnant couldn't happen to me than my Mom wouldn't have put me on birth control, she has babies, she should know...). My Mom made it a point to inform me of my family's high fertility, and it made me much MORE mindful.

She didn't encourage my behavior, but she gave me the tools to prevent unintended children and the knowledge the prevent STDs. I'm not an adult in college, no pregnancies, no STDs. So obviously she did something right.

I learned about procreation from the one person I could trust and would listen to. She never condemned me for my actions...


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2011
Really disturbing TV shows. Televisions now are all/ok mostly crap, they don't think about morality issues, they just want rating and money, they don't take into considerations the harm it can be done to their viewers.

But as parent, with the world today and the kind of media our kids our expose to, we should be more effective in talking to our kids about pros and cons so they will not be mislead by these types of shows.



Totally agree, but I don't think that teens consider the phenomenon as "cool". It's companies like MTV trying to brand it as "cool", with mediocre success so far.


Junior Member
Aug 4, 2011
If they could show some behind the scene footages of the show, then it's not so "cool" anymore. Just pure and simple hard work!


PF Regular
Jul 27, 2011
New Jersey
Something we often fail to see is how TV & movies have very little to do
with reality. They are all about entertainment without regard to truth,
values, right & wrong, or even logic.

When my kids were teens I read about a town in New England that did an
experiment. They shut off their TVs, totally, for 30 days. It intrigued me so
much that we did it in our home. Honestly, the first 3-4 days were hell. But
once we ALL came to the realization that we would stick to the decision, stuff
began to change. The overall result of it was changed lives. We all started
getting out of the house, going places and doing things. When at home we
began playing board & card games again, and reading. And the amount of
conversation around the house skyrocketed! Even better, after the 30 days
ended, the hypnotic hold seemed to be broken and we never really went back
to the intense 'interest' we had before.

Somewhat after I discovered a 'poem' that really spelled out clearly what the
acceptance of TV has done. It is called The Stranger, and is uncredited.
The Stranger

A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who
was new to our small Tennessee town. From the beginning,
Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer, and soon
invited him to live with our family. The stranger was
quickly accepted and was around to welcome me into the world
a few months later.

As I grew up I never questioned his place in our family. In
my young mind, each member had a special niche. My brother,
Bill, five years my senior, was my example. Fran, my
younger sister, gave me an opportunity to play 'big brother'
and develop the art of teasing. My parents were
complementary instructors-- Mom taught me to love the word
of God, and Dad taught me to obey it.

But the stranger was our storyteller. He could weave the
most fascinating tales. Adventures, mysteries and comedies
were daily conversations. He could hold our whole family
spell-bound for hours each evening. If I wanted to know
about politics, history, or science, he knew it all. He
knew about the past, understood the present, and seemingly
could predict the future. The pictures he could draw were
so life like that I would often laugh or cry as I watched.
He was like a friend to the whole family. The stranger was
our storyteller.

He took Dad, Bill and me to our first major league baseball
game. He was always encouraging us to see the movies and he
even made arrangements to introduce us to several movie
stars. My brother and I were deeply impressed by John Wayne
in particular.

The stranger was an incessant talker. Dad didn't seem to
mind- but sometimes Mom would quietly get up-- while the
rest of us were enthralled with one of his stories of
faraway places-- go to her room, read her Bible and pray. I
wonder now if she ever prayed that the stranger would leave.

You see, my dad ruled our household with certain moral
convictions. But this stranger never felt obligation to
honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our
house-- not from us, from our friends, or adults. Our
longtime visitor, however, used occasional four letter words
that burned my ears and made Dad squirm. To my knowledge
the stranger was never confronted.

My dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol in his
home - not even for cooking. But the stranger felt like we
needed exposure and enlightened us to other ways of life. He
offered us beer and other alcoholic beverages often. He
made cigarettes look tasty, cigars manly, and pipes

He talked freely (probably too much &amp; too freely) about
sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes
suggestive, and generally embarrassing. I know now that my
early concepts of the man-woman relationship were influenced
by the stranger. As I look back, I believe it was the grace
of God that the stranger did not influence us more. Time
after time he opposed the values of my parents. Yet he was
seldom rebuked and never asked to leave.

More than thirty years have passed since the stranger moved
in with the young family on Morningside Drive. He is not
nearly so intriguing to my Dad as he was in those early
years.But if I were to walk into my parents' den today, you
would still see him sitting over in a corner, waiting for
someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his

His name? We always just called him T.V.

Food for thought


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2011
it's profitable end of story. I don't think it has to do with support. Rather it's how the ratings are. And since people are willing to watch. The show will go on that way. I'm not much of a fan of it myself.


PF Regular
Jul 27, 2011
New Jersey
You are 100% correct. I find it amazing what people (including myself) will put up with, complain about, and then continue to watch!

To me that is why it is so insidious. It seems almost like an addiction in some ways. We have definitely squired the 'habit' and pass it on to our kids without thought. And like many habits, it is very difficult to break.


Junior Member
Aug 19, 2011
It's not cool. My mother said if I get pregnant at the age of 16 -19 she would get mad. My sister did and mum want crazy at her.


PF Regular
Jun 17, 2011
I think the purpose of those shows is to show the hassle,work,heartbreak,and heartache that these families go through in reality.

The happy ending is just how it turned out, and is good to show to encourage kids that are in that situation that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

The kids who want to get pregnant are full of crap and remind me of Cartman from southpark. "i do what i want"


Sep 3, 2011
1. It is normal for young women to get pregenat.

A. In a classroom in college, half the women ( 15 of them ) was married
or had kids. It was a classroom joke. Including the women proffessor who
was -30 years old.

B. My aunt had her first kid around 15 and died of cancer when she
was 50. funny isn't it.

C. Women have a biological clock inside of them. Men do not.

D. People want to be young mommies.

E. Life is not perfect. That is what makes it intresting.

Men want good looking women, they can talk with. Most women and
men have relationships into their old age ( +20 ) and is impossible for them to be associated with people on that level of sex ( seperation of the sexes ).

Like employee and employer, and leader and follower, all relationships a person has to be the leader, and keep the family going. Somebody has to make the sacrifice.

Like a family member of mine and had theirs around 30. Had her college masters, but she wanted to have a child. However the guy ( who is an okay fellow ) has no job, and was marrried ( but now divorced ) had kids
before her kid. He is not a bad person, but she tells me " It would be nice to have somebody that works, so she does not have to work more then two or three jobs"

A woman told me, the man has to work. No way at all he can be the one at home. Her boyfreind is a cop.

It is also a good thing to prevent what occured with the boomers and early generation Xers. Once a person have a kid, they need to get off their arse , and start working. It helps build community civics as well. Since everybody is always being aware of children.

It could be a 12 year old and a 21 year old, a 19 year old or even 91 year old, and it is still normal. Whichever way around the gender.

Without children the world would turn to a madmax world.

Lastly think about the homosexuals, and Lesbian corps. Do you want your daughter or son to turn into one of them? I find it ten times better for them to get pregnant.

I have seen lesbians, who you could not tell is a woman at all.
Sound like a standard stereotypical man ( Sovanistic, pig-headed,
dick-headed, etc derogatory example of a man ). They abuse their spouse and other people like if they were pieces of meat ( like how most standard men do ).

I wish all of those lesbians was pregnated, including the spouse. I wish they all was pregnated at the age of ten. I don't care what the community standard is. At least they would have never had the idea of becoming lesbian, or homosexual to begin with. It is horrible to see a woman sell a woman on the street, or even dominate them like a man.
Some societies are like that too, and it works.

Without that kid, it is like highschoolers. That is where the first generation of homosexuals and lesbians came from. Hey we can do this forever instead of raising a family.

It is also better then getting their leg or arm blown off in the middle of land of the sand-bandits, and not having children to be responsible for.