Wondering if your kids are using drugs...


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2008
<t>Like to here opinions on this service!!<br/>
As a parent I will always wonder but my kids are in for a treat when they see this. Sure relieve my wondering. <br/>
Residential Drug Searches <br/>
1) You a concerned parent? Seeing your kids grades, attitude, and outlook on life changing? Are they acquiring goods and wondering how? <br/>
2) Stop them from going to jail, having a police record and forever changing their lives. <br/>
3) Be a parent that wants to know, they will grow up thanking you. <br/>
Complete Canines is offering residential narcotic searches. Eisen Faust Kennels trains and supplies us the top narcotic detection K9’s. Our dogs are certified from the American Working Dog Association. We recertify our dogs every 6 months to provide the top detection dogs. <br/>
Our searches are unobtrusive; we are not affiliated with any law enforcement so if narcotics were located the client has sole authority of the outcome. If you seek Complete Canines to conduct a search of your resident we contact local Human Services to have assistance to the client if drugs were found. The choice of using the services is up to the client but encouraged. <br/>
This service is not to be punitive but to be pro-active <br/>
Our service is admired by Social Workers, Police Officers, and the concerned parents.</t>


Jun 24, 2007
If things got to the point where I thought this was needed I might just call law enforcement. Being this is hypothetical, I would think my wife & I would have tried pretty everything, including confronting our daughter that we believe/know she is using drugs.

I would see a service like this being useful if dealing with a person who is chronic drug abuser and needs to know that at random dogs will be coming into the home to seek out drugs stashs. Half way houses for example. This course would only prompt a hardcore drug user not to keep drugs in the home. A random drug test would be more effective and more threatening to drug users.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
So you find some drugs and do what? Smoke them yourself? I think a parent can find their kids own drugs. Kids are NOT that smart to hide drugs, only dumb parents who can't find them. lol
Maybe for the schools but not in my home.


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2008
Lissa said:
How about teaching our children to use drugs responsibly?

Wow Lisa!! I can see this getting sticky, but like to always see the otherside of a discussion..:rolleyes:


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
Lissa said:
How about teaching our children to use drugs responsibly?
If kids are going to use drugs, as many do and will, then I have to agree with Lissa .. but the problem for the most part is, for someone who hasnt used them .. how can they truly form an opinion about them or explain them ?

As far as knowing every and any place your kids would hide drugs in ones house ... I find that humorous for someone to believe that kids couldnt find a safe place to stash them if they thought mom and dad were looking..

As far as random checks ... theres several ways to fool the dogs, and several places to stash, that the dogs wouldnt find as well ..


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2008
I love to view these forums. Being a young teen, it's fascinating and hilarious to see what you guys think of kids my age. My opinion on this subject is that kids are going to use drugs. No matter what. I don't care if your child is high honor roll and is part of the jazz band and is going to MIT. The vast vast vast majority of children will try drugs at least once in their early teens. The same thing goes with drinking. If i was a parent, I would talk to my kids about the usage of drugs, but not in a "DON'T EVER EVER EVER DO THEM" type of way. I think if you explain not to take drugs in situations that could turn out very badly while they were high, the kids would be much more responsive. Talking to your teenager like a parent is not going to do anything in your favor. in fact, they will want to rebel more. We hate people telling us what to do. If you treat us like friends, we will be much more responsive. Try speaking as if you are one of their most trusted, best friends. Don't try to get into their buisness, or they will simply pull away and lose trust for you. Explaining some of your own stories of when you were our age and tried drugs helps humanize you more as well. Having animals do random raids on your kids rooms is not going to make them like you anymore. However, if you want them to be even more screwed up and determined to do what is forbidden, go ahead! Oh and btw, kids usually do much worse things when drunk than when high. Tell your kids that if they are going to drink, just don't ever get so drunk you can't control yourself. Never attack us with questions about if we've tried drugs or drinking, when, where, and why. I believe people my age do drugs/drink due to wanting more control of our own lives. We are told what to do by everybody, and in the end all we want is some freedom in order to feel less like subjects and more like citizens. REMEMBER: act like a friend. Suggest that they shouldn't drink or do drugs in situations that could turn out badly, and never to go over the top on either. A good relationship with your child will make them feel much more mature and as if we have more power then we actually do. good luck


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
nykid said:
I love to view these forums. Being a young teen, it's fascinating and hilarious to see what you guys think of kids my age. My opinion on this subject is that kids are going to use drugs. No matter what. I don't care if your child is high honor roll and is part of the jazz band and is going to MIT. The vast vast vast majority of children will try drugs at least once in their early teens. The same thing goes with drinking. If i was a parent, I would talk to my kids about the usage of drugs, but not in a "DON'T EVER EVER EVER DO THEM" type of way. I think if you explain not to take drugs in situations that could turn out very badly while they were high, the kids would be much more responsive. Talking to your teenager like a parent is not going to do anything in your favor. in fact, they will want to rebel more. We hate people telling us what to do. If you treat us like friends, we will be much more responsive. Try speaking as if you are one of their most trusted, best friends. Don't try to get into their buisness, or they will simply pull away and lose trust for you. Explaining some of your own stories of when you were our age and tried drugs helps humanize you more as well. Having animals do random raids on your kids rooms is not going to make them like you anymore. However, if you want them to be even more screwed up and determined to do what is forbidden, go ahead! Oh and btw, kids usually do much worse things when drunk than when high. Tell your kids that if they are going to drink, just don't ever get so drunk you can't control yourself. Never attack us with questions about if we've tried drugs or drinking, when, where, and why. I believe people my age do drugs/drink due to wanting more control of our own lives. We are told what to do by everybody, and in the end all we want is some freedom in order to feel less like subjects and more like citizens. REMEMBER: act like a friend. Suggest that they shouldn't drink or do drugs in situations that could turn out badly, and never to go over the top on either. A good relationship with your child will make them feel much more mature and as if we have more power then we actually do. good luck
Nykid, break out your printer and print what you just typed out. Then when you have children I want you to take this out and read it. You think like a child.


PF Enthusiast
Mar 29, 2008
I agree with the whole "use drugs responsibly" thing. My mother always told me that if were to ever try anything out, I would have to tell her, and she'd let me do it in our house, in front of her, so she could be sure I was safe.

Of course, I never took her up on her offer, except once. It was with a cigarette, and it tasted gross. =]


PF Regular
Nov 28, 2007
I think this is a wonderful service. If kids do not want to tell parents whats going on in their lives, parents will find out sooner or later. Its very important for parents to know what goes on in a kids life. You always hear about parents who had "no idea" how their kid turned out the way they did. And then the parent gets blamed.

If I caught my future child with drugs, they would have the cops called on them right then and there.

period. the end.

i dont give a rats ass if my kid "likes me" or not.


Junior Member
May 25, 2008
<t>Hi I will not give my real name but you can call me Max. I am 17 years old and I just stumbled upon this forum. I was looking around and I went to the puberty (mid-teen) forum because that’s what I am. I did not really mean to join the forums but this post is a bit unnerving. <br/>
Talking with your kids will bring them up (or down) to your level. They will see you more as an advisor and a mentor, less of the all commanding god. Since they will feel closer to you then they will be more upfront. Calling these people is one step away from the cops (which is a really bad situation). If, your child finds out about this they will feel like you have betrayed them. It will feel like you have stabbed them in the back. Relationships do not exist without trust. <br/>
Communicate, talk to them. If your kids are on drugs you should be able to tell, look for paraphernalia (pipes, rolling papers, small baggies lying around, pro-weed lighters and clothing -only tokers (pot smokers) use this stuff-), if they have burns on their faces, teeth look rotted, glassy eyes and check if theirs any solvents lying around. These are just a few things that could key you in. If you have a suspicion about them abusing then learn about the substance. Understand the substance and what it does, learn all you can then talk to you child. Remember if they are addicted that they no longer control the drug but the drug controls them.<br/>
Calling these people could be the worst thing you ever did for them and your relationship with them. If you are in danger as in real (you are about to get stabbed) peril then call the police, that’s it. <br/>
Ok for why my thoughts should be considered… I have done a fair amount of drugs and I find that a majority of kids will do some kind of mind altering substance at some time or another. From personal experience I find that the kids with the strictest parents tend to fall the farthest. Also if you were to take me (not literally asking you to) into anyone of your apartments/houses kitchens or bathrooms I could find for you at a minimum of 3 completely different ways to get a high (or otherwise intoxicated). This information is not to scare you but to make you realize that if someone wants to get high you cannot stop them. However you can advise them and give them support, turning them in the right direction. Although if they are addicted it is most wise to seek the help of a professional which does not involve the police or drug dogs, try a rehab center.<br/>
Remember that understanding what the drug does and how it affects the user are crucial to helping your kids. Try and understand what they are going through. Communication is essential.<br/>
not sure if i should post here because i am not a parent (yet) but, I hope this helps.<br/>


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2008
I think that any parent that believes that all children will use drugs and any parent that believes their children will never use drugs is wrong.

That said, I hope that I would never have to use a service of a drug sniffing dog to find out if there are drugs in my home.

We've had discussions with our oldest about alcohol and drugs. All of us coming from a history of alcoholism has made these discussions imperative - the kids need to know they are at risk so since we have to go there, it's easy to bring up drugs at the same time.

I take a middle of the road position on this. I have a good relationship with the 13 year old and he's pretty open with me. It's my hope that if he's tempted by or offered drugs he will feel comfortable talking to me about it and that will only happen if he's confident that I'm not going to freak out about it.



PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
How about parent's? We need more drugs! Let's take them from the kids and have a PF party.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
3kids4me said:
I think that any parent that believes that all children will use drugs and any parent that believes their children will never use drugs is wrong.

That said, I hope that I would never have to use a service of a drug sniffing dog to find out if there are drugs in my home.

We've had discussions with our oldest about alcohol and drugs. All of us coming from a history of alcoholism has made these discussions imperative - the kids need to know they are at risk so since we have to go there, it's easy to bring up drugs at the same time.

I take a middle of the road position on this. I have a good relationship with the 13 year old and he's pretty open with me. It's my hope that if he's tempted by or offered drugs he will feel comfortable talking to me about it and that will only happen if he's confident that I'm not going to freak out about it.

well said...and welcome to the board :)


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
I agree. I think it's the parents that DON'T talk to their children about drugs and alcohol that are at the most risk.


PF Enthusiast
May 27, 2008
ok I agree with all this but i want to say something for debating sake.

Lets say the parents have discussed drugs with the kids. They have had tons of drugs issues and even have had thier child in drug rehab. There child has ignored all consequences and has done all kinds of drugs.

lets say the child is no longer in the home anymore.
what do you keep?

I have work security for raves and oh man the places I have seen drugs stored. let me tell you Re-packed tampons. they pull out the cotton and them put them back in and they are so sly even glued back up the package.

Cosmetics, lipsticks, facial powders, and even those nostril things for stuffed up noses.
I have to pat down thier hair because they actually hide it in thier hair when putting it up.
Yes most of my finds were on girls because they were the ones i patted down.
repacked cigerrettes and tons more.

So if you were a parent in this situation and wanted to know what was safe to send to them or keep for them and what to get rid of, By all means Bring in the dogs.

Parents almost every state has a website to learn signs like nasal spray, rubbing of nose and eyes. over tiredness, over activeness, not eating, over eating, lying, avoidance, etc.
Learn them because that one kids right. Most kids will try it once. Just thankgoodness the one they usually try does not work on the first try because you have to build up the chemical in your body. Guess what they know that too. They ARE drug educated. How do I know? Lets just say my mom was not the best and our home was the local hang out.
I have seen people go through delirioum tremors and I have seen people scratch up thier faces screaming they were on fire and I have shoved heads in Ice water. I have cleaned up puke. I have put up with cranks who did not sleep for three days. ( wow the house was so clean) I have scrubbed at spoons turned black and tons more.
There is times for a dog l know from expierence. ever want stories to scare your kids please by all means let me know i will make a thread for it with just my expierences dealing with my friends and family.


PF Addict
Jul 11, 2007
Lissa said:
How about teaching our children to use drugs responsibly?

lol...this is outrageous.

What is a "responsible" way to do drugs?

I plan on educating my kid(s) about drugs plain and simple. There is nothing good that comes from them, and if I raised them right, they'll see that pretty easy.

There are also plenty of kids out there who never try drugs or give in to peer pressure.


PF Enthusiast
May 27, 2008
FooserX said:
There are also plenty of kids out there who never try drugs or give in to peer pressure.
yah they are the ones that try to OD on Red Bull, sniff glue, huff gas, get a sugar high, or are outside twirling in circles till they get dizzy and fall down.

No there are some that don't, but they try it in other ways. lets just pray that thier expierences are bad so they dont try anything others tell them is better.