Your 'terrible' parenting moments...


PF Addict
Feb 27, 2012
I was reading the parenting styles thread, and everyone saying what they do, why they do it, what they hope to achieve and such.

But, what have been your 'terrible' parenting moments? Not so much things that have gone horribly wrong, rather, silly spur of the moment type punishments/explanations that just went pear shaped.

My 'favourite' awful parenting memory comes from when Dita and Azriel were little and we were at the beach, Azriel kept throwing seaweed at Dita and making her cry, I was pregnant with Sunny and really not in the mood for dealing with him, and Ash was off looking for some kind of bird, I dont know what he was doing, so I told Azriel to go and sit in a cardboard box that was just sitting on the beach, and told him that he couldnt leave the box until I said so. Only I forgot he was in there and two hours later Ash came back and said "Why is Azriel just sitting in a box looking sad?" Oops.
Even now, when Azriel is being a pain, we tell him to "go sit in the box" which the younger kids dont understand, and just stare at Ash, Dita and I like were a bunch of loonies.


Junior Member
May 13, 2012
Mine would have to be telling Hayley to 'walk it off' when she twisted her ankle when she was at her end of year field trip in grade one. Made the poor kid walk the 'nature trail' with her class. The next morning it was so swollen and she couldn't put any weight on it so off to the ER we went.
Poor kid had broken her ankle and spent the first month of summer in a cast.
We do tease everytime she gets hurt at all to 'walk it off' but man did I feel like the worst mother :(


PF Fanatic
Feb 6, 2012
Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, Canada
This is funny !

My daughter when she was 2.5 years old and came to my life, she was still sleeping with her mother... which I couldn't handle.. We had decided to make her sleep in her own bed but she would throw tantrums and cry for hours when we put her there !

So I took her and my wife for a long fall walk in the woods (a nature interpretation place) and made my daughter walk for hours... she was soooo tired that night that she didn't cry at all when we put her to bed... and she's been sleeping alone ever since !! We even stopped her from sleeping in the car on the way back, she was completely burnt out when we got home !!

She still remembers that and she is 7 now ! :D


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
When my now 5 year old broke his wrist. My son ran him over while throwing water balloons and we all thought all of his crying was because he was over tired (it happened to be my other son's b-day party), about 45 minutes to an hour later I realized he was holding his arm funny. Sure enough by the time we got to the hospital I felt like a big ass!


PF Fiend
Nov 25, 2009
Eastern North Carolina, USA
I forgot my daughter in the corner once... for a looooooooooong time. She's 21 and still tells people that I'd forget her.. like it was a common thing. It take a thousand good things to right just one wrong!


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
BabyAngel said:
This is funny !

My daughter when she was 2.5 years old and came to my life, she was still sleeping with her mother... which I couldn't handle.. We had decided to make her sleep in her own bed but she would throw tantrums and cry for hours when we put her there !

So I took her and my wife for a long fall walk in the woods (a nature interpretation place) and made my daughter walk for hours... she was soooo tired that night that she didn't cry at all when we put her to bed... and she's been sleeping alone ever since !! We even stopped her from sleeping in the car on the way back, she was completely burnt out when we got home !!

She still remembers that and she is 7 now ! :D

LOL, I don't think that's terrible, I think that's just being creative and using your brain


PF Enthusiast
May 9, 2012
Well everyone has terrible parenting moments and then parents end up feeling bad. I once was visiting my sister and she was searching for her missing phone. She was sure her daughter of 4 kept it somewhere. So she kept yelling at her threatening her to give it. And finally we see her husband come home with the phone she left in the car. It was sad what she did. and she felt terrible!


Junior Member
Jul 6, 2012
I probably have too many to count, but one that sticks out in my memory is when my DS was around 9 or 10 months old. I was holding him on my hip and misjudged the width of the door frame. SMACK! I went through the door but DS hit the wall. I don't think he even cried, but I felt BAD.

Oh, and when DS was 1 month old I tried to clip his fingernails and cut his pinkie really badly. I called Pediatrician's office in hysterics convinced he was bleeding to :D


PF Enthusiast
May 5, 2012
Ontario, Canada
conschofield said:
... one that sticks out in my memory is when my DS was around 9 or 10 months old. I was holding him on my hip and misjudged the width of the door frame. SMACK! I went through the door but DS hit the wall. I don't think he even cried, but I felt BAD.
My husband used to do this to our oldest all the time. Poor thing used to get her head bumped every time he put her in her car seat. She was still a Daddy's Girl, despite this. We tell our youngest that it's a good thing Daddy had her sister to practice on, so now he doesn't do it. Well, not too often, anyway!