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  1. Ruben Padilla

    That's silly, right?...

    Without looking it up for an official meaning, it seems to me that "silly" can be defined as anything that has no direct affect on anybody else. No harm. Walking crooked, speaking in a different voice, pursing your lips or raising your eyebrows. But if your silly behavior has an effect on...
  2. Ruben Padilla

    Any tips on how to teach a kid to swim?...

    While it may be too cold to even think about swimming right now, you may want to plan to have a few of his friends join you whenever you go swimming. Peer support (as long as there's no teasing) can work wonders in giving your child confidence to try something new. Sometimes, hearing what we...
  3. Ruben Padilla

    How would you tell your child?...

    Oops. Sorry. I'm new to this forum, and thought that this happened last February. I now see that it's currently going on, and I accidentally mistook when you joined (in February) with your post date this month. Still, how is it going?
  4. Ruben Padilla

    How would you tell your child?...

    MomoJa, I know it's been a while since this happened, and as you know, children can grow so much in ten months. I'm wondering how she's doing and if you and she ever talk about this (and Mr. D)? Thanks. Ruben
  5. Ruben Padilla

    Depression, Sexual Harrassment. . . and Thank you...

    As Shakespeare said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Hopefully, you and Maggie can turn this life's curve into an opportunity for growth, bonding, and greatness. Together, you can build confidence and character so that one day, when...
  6. Ruben Padilla

    Wetting the bed...

    My son Knight had a bit of trouble with this even as late as age 7, and I remember my looks of disappointment and frustration whenever it would happen. Sadly, he remembers those looks as well. It's vital that you handle the situation with grace, love, and patience. Remember, you're both on...
  7. Ruben Padilla

    Proposing to Ex...

    I agree with BSSAGE that patience is key. She needs to know that you're in it for the long haul, and your persistance <I>without promise of reward</I> will go a long way towards showing her that you're really not going anywhere. All of your free time should be spent trying to better the...
  8. Ruben Padilla

    Dealing with picky eaters...

    When my son was younger, I had much success with a bit of reverse psychology: <I>It's very important that I watch everything you eat, Knight. So please don't taste this food when I'm not looking, because then I might lose count. Whatever you do, don't take a bite when I'm not looking."</I>...
  9. Ruben Padilla

    opinion on speaking up when hurt...

    I agree with others here that communication is vital, and expressing how you feel is of upmost importance. It's not only a sign of maturity and growth but demonstrates respect for the other person, and shows them that you value the relationship enough to express yourself honestly. One of the...