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  1. M

    which one is better for ASD kid, public or private school?...

    <FONT font="Times New Roman"><SIZE size="125">Of course, I will send my son to special preschool for ASD in our school district. But after that, for elementary or even high school, do you think public school or private school is better for special need kids?</SIZE> <SIZE size="125"></SIZE>...
  2. M

    about afterschool...

    I read about my kid's school's after school program and am very confused. It has only 1 instructor, but accepts up to 100 kids. 1:100! :( Is this true? I also read that instructor's bio. She even has no degree. Is she qualified? :confused: Are your afterschools all like this? But we will be...
  3. M

    Do girls carry ASD gene?...

    <LEFT>I recently knew a mom. She said her Dad and her brother may be ASD. They had speech delay, communication delay......etc. But there wasn't diagnose in old days. So they don't know. But she was totally normal and a bright girl in school. Now her son was diagnosed as ASD. I don't know her...
  4. M

    Which one is better for 5-yr girl, Karate or Taekwondo?...

    I don't know either one of them. Considering my girl is shy, I want her to do something after school which can teach her to be strong. Some people suggested me Karate and Taekwondo. Specifically, I hope she can learn to be strong, confident and react quickly. What's the difference between...
  5. M

    How to handle this bully?...

    <LEFT>Thank you all for the valuable suggestions. I learned a lot. I deleted it because I don't want that mom or someone involved saw me here. Sorry.</LEFT>
  6. M

    Special Education Preschool...

    My school disrict told me that my son is qualified for a special preschool program. It is only for autism kids. Of course, I appreciate that they provide special teachers. I also wonder, is it better for him to be involved with normal kids? With all autism kids, where is a role model? So do...
  7. M

    Shall I transfer my daughter to another school?...

    Thank you all.
  8. M

    Is there real help?...

    <FONT font="Times New Roman">My 2-yr-old boy was diagnosed as autism recently. We already knew that he had speech delay and communication delay awhile ago. We have therapist coming once a week. Although the therapist keeps telling me how much progress he made, I have to say that I didn't see...