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  1. H

    How to discipline your child Part 4: Treats...

    Now we are onto the treats you should give your child. On Fridays you should have junk food Friday where the evening meal is junk food, i.e. pizza, chips, burgers. To make this day special you should allow no other junk food during the week. Sweet Saturday where you give your children chocolates...
  2. H

    How to discipline your child Part 3: The punishment...

    The next strike system is where you get 2 strikes a week. These things are naughtier behaviour, i.e. skipping lessons, not completing homework, misbehaving at school. As you have noticed they are mainly school related. The reason this punishment should be harsher is because its more serious and...
  3. H

    How to Discapline your child Part 2: The Punishment...

    At my household we use a strike system. The strike system works like this. For little things like, not using manners or answering back you have 4 strikes a day. The strikes reset them self daily. So if your child breaks a small rule you put one strike on the chart and nothing happens. If your...
  4. H

    How to discipline your child Part 1:The rules...

    When disaplineing your child you first need to lay down the rules. When creating these rules they should apply specifically to your household and environment but also allow no room for misbehaviour. Once these rules are in place you should talk these through with your children. A good tip for...
  5. H

    Sorry for the introduction....

    I wrote a really short introduction about myself so I thought, I'm preparing to share my ideas with you and yet I still can't introduct myself properly. So I'm here and I hope you enjoy the tips I give to you about being a parent. Thanks for reading this and i will be answering other posts...
  6. H

    Hi guys....

    I joined this forum to share my tips, hope you like them.