All I can do is wait.... and worry...


Junior Member
Jul 4, 2016
We are married, parents of 2 boys,
23 and 20.

When the 23 yr old was 19, he was arrested with pot in his car. We paid bail, impoundment fees, and attrny. (Kid in backseat had backpack between his feet with bong and a lot of weed, and his own name written inside of backpack in black perm marker - arresting officer arrested my son, gave kid in back seat a ride home - his son played football on team with the kid who was still in highschool and he was doing the coach and kid a favor).

Needless to say, after good money spent out of my pocket - case was dismissed.

He's been doing good since.

My 20 yr old .... we let his girlfriend move in because of a story she was being mistreated by her mom, step dad and uncle....otherwise she was homeless.

Then we learned they were iintk pot...
Then we learn they have been arrested.
My son, class C misdemeanor - pot, and class A misdemeanor - they found brass knickles in his car.

The girlfriend - Felony - a straw was found in her purse - inside her wallet - with cocaine residue.

We pay bail, we pay impoundment, we pay attrny. For BOTH.

We then learn its not cocaine, the cops got it wrong - its herion.

The attrny cost a fortune - but got grand jury to kick hers out, dismissed.
My son's pot - kicked out
My son's brass knuckles - 9 mths probation.

We have kicked them out of thr house multiple times...

They stole all my jewelry and sold it - promise ring, wedding set, items that can not ever be replaced.

Computers, window AC unit, car jack, car things you put under car when working on it... tools .... any and everything.
Multiple laptops, electronics... my iTouch, you name it... they sold it.

There is a scene one weekend, where screaming ensues and they are thrown out. The girlfriend makes claim I tried to choke her, she took bottle of soda and pours it down the back of my 55" tv in my bedroom, steals $30 out of my purse, and pours melted orange candle wax all over my bedroom carpet.

She does all of this while I am passed out cold on the front lawn - I had a complete melt down in thd sense I collapsed into a coma. The doctors said I simply couldnt take anymore.

I was in the coma 9 hours.
I was blind when I woke up for another 7 hours.

I am a pretty tough b!tch, but I also have weaknesses.

He managed to cash a $25 check of ours, but the bank stopped him on the second one.

We put them BOTH in two different rehabs.
We attended both of their rehabs for evening meetings etc... weekend visits.. money for laundry... we were all either of them had. (We found therehab for her, hef own mother refused to give hers ride and drop her off)

Things got better.
Then worse.
We kicked them out again...
Put him in rehab again....

This stay in rehab another patient shared drugs they got snuck in by a friend...

(Its Christmas, probation is over Jan 1st)

While in rehab he contacts probate officer who tells him he's ok, come see her when he gets out...
He does and he's arrested.
We pay bail.
We pay another $2500 for another attrny.
We pay balance of probation fees.
Full case dismiss. Its over.

He is cited for theft at Walmart - $300 fine. And misunderstands cop - fails to understand he has to show up to court still... so a warrant is issued for his arrest.

During all this he receives 3 tickets.
Speeding, Failure to Register Vehicle, Driving Un-registerd Vehicle.
Speeding - he can take defensive driving (10 miles over limit)
The car was registered, my husband did it himself - sticker and paper on kitchen counter... so they will be dismissed with $20 fine.

But he sits on all of it.... warrant issued for failure to appear for shop lifting and the other tickets are just stewing...and will generate worse outcomes as he will continue to ignore them....

At one point my husband puts them in one of those extended stay hotels for a week. We buy limited groceries. (Gatorade, milk, mac n cheese, bread, peanut butter, cereal, laundry soap, bath soap, shampoo and deoderant)

We sent them an article i found online about how to detox yourself... and make it stick....they said they wanted to do it, would we buy the supplies?

We dropped $92 at walgreens...

[In rehab they constantly said "its not IF you relapse but WHEN you relapse, we will always welcome you back"
To detox them they give them a synthetic drug of the drug.... all insurance approved and paid for.... insurance benefit permits 30 day treatment... but kept saying he only needed 15 days and would send him home for out patient.... telling us local AA groups will generally only help with better drug dealer contacts...]

We buy the items at walgreens for them like tagament for tummy cramps, imodium for dirreaha, other over the counter items to help with pain of detox.

The girlfriend contacts her aunt in another state via Facebook and she sends her $50. I too am in touch with this aunt and have kept her well informed thru the 2 yrs.... and told her - give her NO money. Well, she does a f we watch them go buy drugs.

(We pay for their cell phones and can track them)

Memorial Weekend
He and his girlfriend walk past us, he is cocky and disrespectful, we smell pot... things escalate and they are thrown out again.

I cant take any more.
Im sick of being called a b!tch, c^nt, wh%re, etc... my husband just as much...

We spoiled this child.
We opened our hearts and home to his manipulative girlfriend, and saved her arse more times than anyone else ever would have.

The morning after kicking them out Memorial Day, I paid all fines. All warrants.

I then sent him a message telling him that I needed closure. That the cycle can not continue. That I didnt get to transition him into college, or his own apartment, or into his next chapter of life like normal parents get to do... but had to kick him out onto the street - again.

I needed closure.
I paid everything to give him a clean slate for the final time. Everything this moment forward is 10000% on him.

They live in his car.
(2nd one we have bought him - cash car - so its not much, but we dont trust him with anything else)
They park on the side of Walmart - she works in same shopping center at a fast food place.
We pay insurance and his cell phone.
She has sold her cell phone (again)
and we stopped replacing them - we have replaced broken, lost and lster learned they were selling them!

He needs his phone as he deals pot.

Now all I can do is sit and wait.
And worry.
But mainly, wait.
Wait for a call he's in jail.
Wait for a call he's in the hospital.
Wait for a call he's in the morgue.

We have been blackmailed by dealers he owed - and paid them...
We have paid her car note, and deductible when she wrecked her car...
We are out over 20 grand and no longer have any savings.

We are emotionally, mentally and physically broken.

3 years of this and we arent sure about anything anymore. We live in a haze.

I just pray multiple times a day, every day.
Please God, take him before he hurts innocent people driving under the influence, or he's put in jail.

I just needed to purge a little.
Thank you for giving me this space to do so.


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2016
It sounds like you need to take care of yourselves for awhile. A long while. They both need some tough love instead of rescuing by you and DH -- please call 855-382-5433, Focus on the Family can provide a free phone consultation with a licensed counselor. "Purging" to a trained counselor will help you get back on track and Focus on the Family has been a great help to me in the past. Praying for you....


Junior Member
Jul 4, 2016
Thank you.
Im not sure I can talk to a 'professional'. Our trust is broken. The rehab experiences have really done a doozy on us.

Thank you for prayers.
Im scared and angry.
I never did drugs cause I do
Idnt want to be a part of this world... but here i am.
Life Sux.

Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2016
I can totally understand your lack of trust in professionals - but please reach out and call -- they will help with the being scared and angry -- I PROMISE you they are compassionate and understanding. Try it -it's just a phone call not meeting in person :) 855-382-5433.....


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
This may sound extreme, but MOVE. You're son has brought you into his problems so far deep that your safety is on the line. Too many baddies know where you live and probably your phone number. Your son is your
son but you don't have to take bull from his girlfriend or anyone else he deals with. If your son wants to go down that route and you want to help him then you can try an intervention (you can get it done without going on the show.). I agree he needs tough love.
One statement jumped out at me and is a clear indication that you need to help yourself. He doesn't NEED a cellphone for any drugs or anything.
I know you may have heard this and will get defensive, however you need to realize that you're enabling your son to continue down this horrible lifestyle.
I think you already know that they should not be operating a vehicle and fully aware, as you have stated. The next step is to refuse to pay anymore towards their car. In fact, you should report them to authorities since you know very well they are likely high on a regular basis. It's hard, I know, but it's clear you are comprehending that you don't want them to hurt anyone else. For some reason, though, it's almost always the innocents that get killed in accidents caused by drivers under the influence. Jail is a much safer option.
It won't be easy emotionally, but once you take steps to free yourself from having any responsibility of your sons choices as an adult, you will start to feel a lot better, be able to think clearer and then you can start finding a way to help your son.
It doesn't matter how old your child is, you never stop being a parent. But you have to take care of yourself first, before you can take care of your child. And that goes for any stage in life.
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PF Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
Melanne, I've been where you are today, and I know how much it sucks. I was in a relationship for years with someone who did coke. The worst years of my life. The ever so difficult path was paved with broken promises, lies, theft, failed rehab, you name it.

I have to agree with artmom here, every cent you pay is enabling him. As difficult as it might sound, you need to completely cut him off, in my opinion. Drugs does not only harm the person doing it, it harms the loved ones and it's a horrible thing.
You have done your part, you have tried to help, and now it is time to understand that you cannot help.

My advice: Please mind you, this is from personal experience, and I am not a professional. Change the locks on your doors. Don't even let him in. Do let him know the pain he has put you through and that you simply can't do it anymore. Warmly invite him to come back after he's been clean for a year.
If he ends up in jail, let him end up there, it could be the wake-up call he needs. Whatever you do, do not pay another dime to help him out. you've already done that and you've already noticed that it didn't help in the end.

Stay strong, keep praying, and above all, know that you are not alone. Unfortunately, many loved ones of drug addicts go through this.