Calling all stay at home moms!...


PF Regular
Mar 9, 2008
I did exactly what you did Kaytee. I joined a main group, and then after some park days with the group found a few people I really wanted to become friends with. To this day, we get together (even though we live in different states) and have really formed a good friendships from that one park day.


Shari Nielsen

PF Enthusiast
Jan 21, 2008
I agree with some of the posts above re: pressure and the hassle that goes along w/ trying to find and fit into play groups.

I think I would just sign up for classes to get my kids the opportunity to socialize while doing something fun and leave it to chance as to whether or not you end up making friends w/ someone and choosing to get together.

My oldest has one very good friend that she met when she was in a mommy and me-type tumbling class when she was three. I hit it off w/ her mother and we have been friends for the past 4 years.


Junior Member
Mar 10, 2008

There is nothing more fun for kids than to play with other kids. When you move to the USA, try to find an apartment complex or a neighborhood with kids. When I moved to Maine and looking for an apartment, I remember driving into the parking lot surrounded by townhouses. The first thing I noticed were a couple of moms sitting on steps reading stories to about 6 young kids. That was the apartment complex for me. It was great seeing my daughter play with so many little kids her age and just outside my door.

We all have to clean, do the washing and even rest once in a while. I came across this great web site the other day which I am not associated with in any way. Anyway, a child can spend hours doing fund things on this site. The web site is:
It has 962 games kids can play for free and it's really cute.

Hope that helps


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
I've been putting together little things here and there to do projects with the girls whenever I do become a stay at home mom. I'm excited but scared at the same time. I know I'm going to love my time with my girls, but I'm going to miss my career too. Unfortunately for me my career isn't one I can go back in to after leaving.

Everything is so bittersweet.


Junior Member
Mar 10, 2008
I was a computer programmer for 6 years making decent money when I decided to stay at home with my little girl. Before I quit my job, people who met me thought of me as a professional.

Once I quit my job and told people I was a stay at home mom, the reaction from people was completely different as if I was getting somewhat of a free ride, as if everything I had done in the past counted for nothing.

I have no regrets about putting my career on hold to raise my kids. As it turned out, I never went back to computer programming, but, I did teach myself how to create web sites and graphics which is what I love to do.

It's too bad you love your career so much because it will probably take you a little longer to adjust to your new life, but, the kids will be better off for it.

Take care