Do Your Kids Have Behavior Problems, Too?...


Junior Member
Feb 3, 2008
Hi Everybody!

I just wanted to pass this on because I'm SO excited to find something that has truly changed my family and my life. I have 2 children and my oldest has some pretty bad behavior problems at home, and sometimes at school. I've read books, had counseling, tried that transformation program that's on the radio...all of the usual things, and nothing worked until a friend of mine gave me the website for this guy who has helped me IMMENSELY.

I really can't tell you how much better of a parent I am and how much better my son is doing. The guy's name is Daniel and he has a book and also consulting (he'll talk to you on the phone or email or IM you so that you can actually ask questions) and a free newsletter. If you don't do anything but sign up for his newsletter, it will help you EVERY month! When someone helps me, I like to spread the word, Take care,



Junior Member
Feb 3, 2008
If you're not a Christian, please just bare with me for a minute.

I can only say that the Bible has the best solution (as God would) for behavioral problems. However, if your child is in latter teenage years, I believe book of Ephesians states, your children will bring grief...might be too late.

He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. Proverbs 13:24

The Bible is not condoning child abuse. In fact it says not to act in anger and not to exasperate your children. In other words, discipline them in love. Notice the word "careful" in the verse.

Best wishes for your children bringing joy to you, rather than grief.


Aug 14, 2007
LOL the bible was written by MEN and even is pretty much accepted as a book to teach lessons not of ultimate truths. Besides hitting (especially with an object) is a show of ones lack of control and temper (usually). Please I suggest people avoid the bible for how to raise your kids.


PF Visionary
Sep 12, 2007
SuperMario said:
Please I suggest people avoid the bible for how to raise your kids.
HUH?? That's screwed up. If anything, parents need to follow the Bible MORE. Lack of religion in a child's life is part of what is making children so unbalanced and out of control these days.


Junior Member
Feb 3, 2008
Yes, of course, let's refer all absolute truth to Buddhism, as was the religion of choice for you and Emerson, for guidance on how to direct and discipline our children. Your hypocrisy, and your future denial of it, is breath-taking!


PF Visionary
Sep 12, 2007
Themdprof7 said:
Yes, of course, let's refer all absolute truth to Buddhism, as was the religion of choice for you and Emerson, for guidance on how to direct and discipline our children. Your hypocrisy, and your future denial of it, is breath-taking!
Uh...who is Emerson? :confused:


PF Enthusiast
Feb 4, 2008
Memphis, TN
&lt;r&gt;&lt;SIZE size="2"&gt;&lt;s&gt;<SIZE size="100">&lt;/s&gt;1 of my children has ADHD. I also had it when I was a kid and still do. She has problems sometimes. About the bible issue. I believe in God. My family prays at the dinner table together, and at night when its bedtime. I tell them all the time how important god is. I do not believe in religion though. I don’t bring my beliefs to them, because I want them to be able to choose themselves. I do believe that this world has become lazy, and the parents need something in their lives whatever it is, to be better parents. I think allot of the stuff that goes on is parenting issues. I do not believe music causes all the violence or TV. As a parent, I watch what my kids watch and let them know if I feel it’s appropriate for them to watch it or not. I have a pretty good success rate with it. I am also a tad over protective with my kids mainly because I have all girls. In today’s world there is so much bad stuff going on with children being violated and such. I’m glad I constantly educate them about it. I think parents need to start being more responsible for their children and stop letting them get away with everything. If this world would stop being so much about convenience I think allot of parenting issues we face today would go away. But that’s just my opion. Also if people would actually work on there marriage, on both ends and not give up so easy. &lt;br/&gt;


PF Regular
Feb 2, 2008
Thank you SuperMario for your wise words and the quote from Emerson.
It seems most don't even know who Emerson is. How strange.

I don't believe any of the bible believers mean badly though. They believe the bible is wise but each mother would rather not hurt her child.

Luckily, today there are many books that show a better, more effective and kinder way to raise children so they behave well. I am sure that each mother would rather choose painless ways if she knew how. It is just that
many parents are sure that children cannot learn any other way.

Not only they can learn without EVER being hurt. They actually learn much faster and better through the way Jesus was teaching. Jesus taught raising children with love and never hurt them. Children don't learn to be good by being hurt. When you hit them they learn two things: 1) to Hit. 2) to live by fear. They will behave as you wish because they will be scared of you, not because they are good.

Read The Natural Child, and, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves, and Unconditional Parenting, and, Your Child's self Esteem, and the bible based book Discipline Without Distress, and, Your Competent Child... there are so many good books that teach loving ways without EVER punishing, hurting or bribing. The result is children who behave great, responsible, kind, loving, capable... They just don'g misbehave at all. Learn these ways and you will not want to go back to the old violent ways of men who never raised a child (the bible.)


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Kaytee said:
or trying being a parent and stop reading so much and just... well raise your own kid


Aside from the fact that your children should see you enjoying books, and that we should all be reading anyway, so why not read something useful??

Aside form that...

Unless you happen to be reincarnated as the person who knew everything already in their past life... then chances are you haven't considered all the sides to an issue, or haven't done sufficient research yourself.

Parenting is a very complicated and important 'hobby'... the least you owe your kids is to at least find out a good way to do it.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
My children are being raised Christian, we even read the bible together sometimes.
I do not bombard myself with parenting books because they are not set for ALL children and ALL parents (I've said that before)
I also take into consideration that the bible is 2000 yrs old.
Kindness, respect, love, giving and education. What else is there?


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
musicmom said:
I also take into consideration that the bible is 2000 yrs old.
I think this sentence means something different to what I think you think it means... your mind is the age of a document positively correlated to its quality?


Aug 14, 2007
LoL please religion should be a choice a child makes not something that is forced on them. I grew up forced to do all this religious bull and I did it just to appease my parents not anything else. I believe in a God but not in ANY organized religion at all. Use logic, be kind to others, help others, and respect everyone young and old as a human being, and THAT is how we should all be. I could point out how much religion harms and how much it blinds but that is not for this thread.


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
musicmom said:
I do not bombard myself with parenting books because they are not set for ALL children and ALL parents (I've said that before)
I have to acknowledge - one of my favorite lines from Buffy was from the episode where Willow's mum had to discipline her and actually said "This is a classic cry for help. All the books say I should punish you now."