Let's Lighten Up People...


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
No, seriously there are a few of us who have posted about trying to lose some weight.

So, whether you're trying to lose those 5 extra pounds or looking to drop some serious tonage (like me) post here. Give us your goals, your successes, you struggles and let's share our support, tactics and struggles.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
So, my deal is that I need to losee 65 pounds to get my BMI down under "Overweight." I need to lose 25 pounds just to get out of the "obese" range, so that's my more immediate goal. I've lost 2 pounds in the last week, mostly by working in the yard and trying to cut our late night snacking and watching portion sizes. Also trying to put more fruits and veggies in my mouth. I need to start running again soon. I promised DS I'd be in a 5k with him on Labor Day weekend. The sad thing is I had lost some of this weight last year and was in better shape for some last fall and I let it all slide over the winter and haven't done much about it so far this year. Time to get serious.


PF Addict
Apr 18, 2009
Do you know your body fat percentage? This kind of works, its fairly accurate

Adult body fat % = (1.20 × BMI) + (0.23 × Age) − (10.8 × 1) − 5.4 (if women want to do the same just minus 10.8 and ignore the x 1 as that signifies a male)


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
why isn't it just -10.8 and ignore it if you're female? I don't get the purpose of multiplying 10.8 x 1...

but either way...whoa scary big number....I believe it, but it's scary big.


PF Addict
Apr 18, 2009
Not sure really, they have always done it that way here, I would understand if we were to do 10.8 x 0 for women, but we don't. Mine is 16% for that, but it is about three weeks since I last weighed myself and in that time I've been on a hiking holiday so it should be a little lower as I forgot my ration packs so I got to live on leftovers for most of the week, I'm very clever...

What I really need to work on is my lower legs, I cycle a lot so while my legs are moving in motion, it doesn't really require a lot of effort as it is mainly in the knee's and thighs. It's really boring working on lower leg mass though and a bit of an arse so I'm not sure that I can be bothered really, I guess the hiking helped, but I'm not exactly going to do that a few times a week.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Jeremy+3 said:
Not sure really, they have always done it that way here, I would understand if we were to do 10.8 x 0 for women, but we don't. Mine is 16% for that, but it is about three weeks since I last weighed myself and in that time I've been on a hiking holiday so it should be a little lower as I forgot my ration packs so I got to live on leftovers for most of the week, I'm very clever...

What I really need to work on is my lower legs, I cycle a lot so while my legs are moving in motion, it doesn't really require a lot of effort as it is mainly in the knee's and thighs. It's really boring working on lower leg mass though and a bit of an arse so I'm not sure that I can be bothered really, I guess the hiking helped, but I'm not exactly going to do that a few times a week.
good job, hope to approach you fitness level someday (you could take yours x2 and add a couple...gulp)


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I LOVE the title of this thread, that is so funny. :D

Well I'm still eating right so far! lol I gave up pop a long time ago and I only drink water. I think that makes a big differnece as a start. Also, I'm trying to stay away from snacks lol. Snacks are my biggest weakness. I'm avoiding all the sweet and salty fattening stuff haha. Eating healthier meals. Not done much excersize yet, but DH just bought me a really nice stroller so I think I will be starting soon at least taking walks every day.

I gained 20lbs while pregnant and lost 21lbs so far last time I weighed myself. I keep forgetting to buy a scale of my own lol that would help. I guess I'll update as I go! :)


PF Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2011
i'm joining a marathon this October. i'm training now. four times a week.

i'm still a pescetarian with 70% of my diet being raw. however, the extra energy i need for my elevated training is forcing me to eat more fish.

i don't need to lose weight but i need to become stronger which means i need more muscles. right now, i run 15km. i need to go up to 25 in two months.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
teenage_parent said:
i'm joining a marathon this October. i'm training now. four times a week.

i'm still a pescetarian with 70% of my diet being raw. however, the extra energy i need for my elevated training is forcing me to eat more fish.

i don't need to lose weight but i need to become stronger which means i need more muscles. right now, i run 15km. i need to go up to 25 in two months.
Wow, congrats! I'd offer you some of my excess weight, but you said you wanted muscle not fat (if you change your mind on that let me know)


PF Addict
Dec 17, 2009
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
ill share some of my fat too! haha. So far Ive lost 40 pounds, need to lose another 50 to be comfortable with myself, but to get to the correct weight for my height i need to lose 38 more, but i still feel gross and fat at 170 (ew) so hopefully i can get down to 150 and ill be happy. according to a chart based on my age, height and current weight, the medical recommendation for a female at 5'9" (i know im a giant haha) is 129-169 pounds. oh god. i have so far to go, but slow and steady wins the race i guess!!!


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
xox.ilu.xox said:
ill share some of my fat too! haha. So far Ive lost 40 pounds, need to lose another 50 to be comfortable with myself, but to get to the correct weight for my height i need to lose 38 more, but i still feel gross and fat at 170 (ew) so hopefully i can get down to 150 and ill be happy. according to a chart based on my age, height and current weight, the medical recommendation for a female at 5'9" (i know im a giant haha) is 129-169 pounds. oh god. i have so far to go, but slow and steady wins the race i guess!!!
yup, you didn't put it on in a week, it won't come off that fast. Since you were brave enough to share numbers, I will too. I'm 6'1", 253...*gulp* for me to get to the very top of "normal" I have to get down to 189, and for me to just gett down to "Overweight" instead of "Obese" I have to get down to 225...So, frankly I'll be over-joyed if I can eventually get under about 210. I think that'd look and feel pretty good on my frame. And all of that also changes with muscle. I'd happily weigh more if I had the muscle to account for the weight (rather than the fat I currently carry. When I pick up DS2 and think, OMG, I need to lose roughly his total weight, it really gives me some perspective.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
At 5'3" I should weigh 104 - 127 lbs to be healthy lol. I weighed that once, before children!! :p But I'd like to get back in the 120s that would be great. There's a park in the middle of my town, its not a far walk, I'm going to start taking the boys down there once a day as soon as I get a stroller with the standing thing on the back of it for Eli. :)


PF Addict
Apr 18, 2009
I did a trial for my friend today who is doing research for his sport science degree, it was weird, it was the effect of vibration on exercise, so I had these packs on my arms, legs and stomach while I did different exercises. It made my legs and arms really loose, so I don't see how it could be that beneficial if your muscles aren't tense, it was really strong as well, you could see your skin rippling.


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2011
It's 25 pounds for me. Just that extra "shouldn't have that bagel" or an apple instead of a crackers kind of weight. I think I could shed it pretty quickly if I just decided to. Maybe it's time to get a jogging stroller.

Shiroi Tora

PF Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2011
I would like to say that concerning diets...unless it is healthful and something that can be done over your lifetime...it is worthless. Exercise is a key component to health and weight loss...but again...unless it is something you incorporate into your life...it is short term.

I would say...look to the most long lived and healthful people in the world. Look at their diets...quantity and quality. According to statistics...the Mediterranean and Japanese diets are some of the most healthful...and arguably, the most delicious diets in the world. People from both areas eat large proportions of vegetables and grains, fish and fowl, and fruit...and some dairy...and limited amounts of red meats.

Once a week of muscle building in the form of one exercise (Deadlift or Squats) - 3 sets of 5 repetitions or 5 sets of 3 repetitions with 5 min rest between and 80% of max with 2.5% increase each week for 4 weeks and then reseting at new 80% (which should be an old 82.5%) and going up again...exercises the largest muscles of the body...keeping your metabolic rate up.

3x a week aerobic exercise from 45 min to 1 hour of continuous low to medium intensity will give you great fat loss in conjunction with the once a week power lifting. Jogging or walking is good.

This is a minimum program for those who don't like exercise or feel they don't have enough time for it. You will feel great and your health will dramatically improve...over time. Any quick loss program is not sustainable over a lifetime.

Fasting once a week will dramatically lower your capability to overeat...leading to fat loss over time. No exercise on that day...drink plenty of water and treat yourself to a day of leisure without food - wakeup to wakeup.

One way to ENSURE fat gain....eat within a few hours of going to bed. If you could instead...do aerobic exercise within a few hours of going to bed...you will sleep more soundly (after a warm shower) and you will notice a noticeable amount of fat loss in a few weeks.


PF Regular
Jun 17, 2011
the lose it app or website is wonderful im halfway to my goal. We could all get on it together as acountabilibuddies!


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Okay, so I dropped under 250 for the first time this morning. I'm jump satarting my routine. A friend died Thursday. 44 yo and dad to 3 boys under 10, it just hits too close to home. It shouldn't take something like that, but if that's what it takes, at least I'm doing something. Ate good food all weeken (well too much Pizza Sat night, but that was my only food sin.) I've logged 7 miles since Sat AM. and am trying to make a push for a 5k Labor day weekend.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Shiroi Tora said:
Once a week of muscle building in the form of one exercise (Deadlift or Squats) - 3 sets of 5 repetitions or 5 sets of 3 repetitions with 5 min rest between and 80% of max with 2.5% increase each week for 4 weeks and then reseting at new 80% (which should be an old 82.5%) and going up again...exercises the largest muscles of the body...keeping your metabolic rate up.
Good advise. I'm trying to only eat meat and cheese as one small part of a meal, not for snacks as I used to. and make much more of my meal fruit and vegetables. And I'm trying to not eat anything after 8 PM. I'm trying brushing my teeth at that point so I have that fresh mouth cue and a feeling of "I don't want to eat anything more, I've brushed my teeth for the night already..."

One question, if I start to lift, how do I determine what 80% of my max is? Also since I'm heavy, wouldn't situps and pushups be good starts to exercising large muscle groups?


PF Addict
Apr 18, 2009
Swimming is good for larger people IADad, the water keeps you cool, and you use muscles you wouldn't otherwise use, you can also go at your own pace, have breaks etc without blocking other people from equipment at the gym. It's good to go through your gym routine and then go for a swim, for about half an hour.

What is quite good is within one meal to either have meat, or carbs, not both. Obviously you have to switch between the two as both are very important, but you should try to avoid eating them within the same meal. I would also say don't eat bread, if you do eat small amounts of seeded bread and you wont like this, don't eat any cheese unless you're eating reduced fat cottage cheese, quark, or ricotta.

I think most people don't realise how hard it is to burn calories, at most gyms you can enter your height, age, sex and weight so you can get a fairly accurate reading of how many calories you are burning. For me I know the rowing machine burns 30 calories after 2000 meters at a high resistance level.

While I don't think things such as WW are that great as they rely on reliance, if you buy their magazine or go on their website their recipes are pretty good, they're not just small portions either.

My wife and I have a rule, if it is more than 4% saturated fat we do not eat it more than once a month, so once a month we get a treat such as a cream cake, cheese on toast etc. Otherwise we would live on chocolate souffle and ice cream.
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Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Jeremy+3 said:
Swimming is good for larger people IADad, the water keeps you cool, and you use muscles you wouldn't otherwise use, you can also go at your own pace, have breaks etc without blocking other people from equipment at the gym. It's good to go through your gym routine and then go for a swim, for about half an hour.

What is quite good is within one meal to either have meat, or carbs, not both. Obviously you have to switch between the two as both are very important, but you should try to avoid eating them within the same meal. I would also say don't eat bread, if you do eat small amounts of seeded bread and you wont like this, don't eat any cheese unless you're eating reduced fat cottage cheese, quark, or ricotta.

I think most people don't realise how hard it is to burn calories, at most gyms you can enter your height, age, sex and weight so you can get a fairly accurate reading of how many calories you are burning. For me I know the rowing machine burns 30 calories after 2000 meters at a high resistance level.

While I don't think things such as WW are that great as they rely on reliance, if you buy their magazine or go on their website their recipes are pretty good, they're not just small portions either.

My wife and I have a rule, if it is more than 4% saturated fat we do not eat it more than once a month, so once a month we get a treat such as a cream cake, cheese on toast etc. Otherwise we would live on chocolate souffle and ice cream.
thanks Jeremy, I don'tt really think of myself as a bigger person, I can runa nd walk without much issue. I don't swim well, not well enough to do laps and the logisitcs of making it to hte pool make that not such a great option for me, but it is good advise.

I love meat and carbs and cheese, and that's what's gotten me where I am. I can cut the chips out almost entirely, I can cut breads back to maybe once a day and try to make it whole grain and I can cut cheese down to one, "smaller than I used" to serving. So, I'll have it as my protein serving for that meal. I'm also cutting my red meat down to one red meat meal a day and only 3-4 oz then (instead of the good ol 10-12 oz servings we tend to have here in the midwest...)

I've done WW before, I and I do think there are good things about the design of the program, So, now I know more about portion sizes and balancing foods, the stuff behind how the points are derived. I agree that when you live by the points, if you stop tracking then you tend to lose your way (and hence lose my weigh) that's what's happened to me. Exercise is key for me. If I exercise, it tens to help me eat healthier because meantally I can tell myself, "you don't want to scerwe up all the good you've just done."

My run/walk this morning was 2.36 mi in 31.5 min, so an ave. rate of a 13.5 min mile (my running was at about 11.5 min miles and my walking about 17.5 min miles) and I burned a little over 400 cal (consider the factor of carrying my weight.)

Oh and I'm cutting way way back on soda, only like one diet soad a day, if even that. I know there's a ton of acid and salt in it, that screws with metabolism.

Thanks for the help and encouragement. i really do appreciate it.

Oh and I do plan to use "healthy Living" and WW for meal ideas, to keep my healthy foods fresh and interesting.