My Wife Wants to Put My 4-yr-old Son in a Ballet Class...


Junior Member
Feb 15, 2010
What an adorable picture!!!

Lol my nephew was really interested in high heels and purses when he was about 2. But now only a year later he is really into tools. lmbo. Kids will develope their interests regaurdless of our agreement. the key is to gear them toward positive and rewarding things and helping them develop interests that way rather than in things that could cause harm.

Honestly, as a woman, i would not even consider putting my son (if i had one lol) in ballet unless HE showed an interest in it. And then...well i dont know how my husband would feel about that. lol.

Sometimes girls like football and boys like ballet. This doesnt always have anything to do with sexual orintation or gender role.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I agree with all of that, VelvetRainDrops, good advice. :)

ECD - LOL!!!!


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2010
rob56601 said:
Likes and dislikes shouldn't be the final factor in this. The fact is, he likes eating cake and candy, but you're not going to let him do just because he likes it. And, at that age, kids are fical and their likes and dislikes change frequently.
I don't think this is a great analogy -- cake and candy will do pretty much the opposite to a kid's body as dance.

But as for being fickle: dance classes are, for the most part, the kind of thing that he can try a few times and then quit without the parents being out too much money. I would say, if the kid WANTS to do it, ask the teacher if he can try a few classes barefoot, on a one time fee (or maybe even one class for free) before committing to regular lessons, ballet slippers, etc.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
lia227 said:
I don't think this is a great analogy -- cake and candy will do pretty much the opposite to a kid's body as dance.

But as for being fickle: dance classes are, for the most part, the kind of thing that he can try a few times and then quit without the parents being out too much money. I would say, if the kid WANTS to do it, ask the teacher if he can try a few classes barefoot, on a one time fee (or maybe even one class for free) before committing to regular lessons, ballet slippers, etc.

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