Oh now that doesn't fly with me....


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
fine then... I will not talk to you any more today then...... Not ignoring, just moderating and nothing more


PF Addict
Jul 11, 2007
Yes, I concur. Have a nice day, Mod.

*whispers in KT's ear*

Meet me behind this thread in 3 minutes!

Good Wolf

PF Addict
Mar 11, 2008
FooserX said:
Btw, I think the retard photo posted by Good Wolf is EXTREMELY offensive.

I might find things like that funny like everyone else, but I've never posted stuff like that. This IS a parenting site, and heaven forbid some parent who has a mentally handicapped kid comes on here and sees that.

My apologies. I'll try to keep my jokes limited to pedaphilia so as not to offend ya. :rolleyes:

I do honestly apologize if that was offensive. I'll be more considerate in the future.

I am however hoping your not going to start nit picking everyone else's posts in an effort to prove a point. I think we are all on the same page on putting this behind us. So long as no one holds a grudge, and everyone does their best not to step out of line, including myself, then we will be able to do so.

I believe everyone has put in their two cents including myself. If I'm wrong them by all means carry on but lets try not beat dead horses out of spite.

Good Wolf

PF Addict
Mar 11, 2008
Good grief. All I said is what everyone has been saying for the past ten pages. Lets move on.

I've been a mod/admin of a lot of forums and if you see me getting a big head please take a hot fire pocker and pop it for me. I'm not a discplinary type of person. I got out of management because I hated having to relay complaints to co-workers and I despised having to let people. It isn't my thing.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Good Wolf said:
Good grief. All I said is what everyone has been saying for the past ten pages. Lets move on.

I've been a mod/admin of a lot of forums and if you see me getting a big head please take a hot fire pocker and pop it for me. I'm not a discplinary type of person. I got out of management because I hated having to relay complaints to co-workers and I despised having to let people. It isn't my thing.
We'll just sick your wife on ya;)


PF Addict
Jul 11, 2007
Good Wolf said:
I am however hoping your not going to start nit picking everyone else's posts in an effort to prove a point.

I wasn't nit picking anything.

My point was that 95% of my posts are fine and courteous. . I honestly didn't think anyone was going to cry about the Yulia comment, but when I saw people did...I apologized right away.

I totally think retard pics/jokes are offensive on a parenting site...so I think it's hypocritical to call me out for being so insulting, and then you go and do something that is equally offensive. We do the same things, just different sense of humor.

I don't mind being warned, or having a post deleted...JT would just ban first, and then delete all evidence related to things, and not tell people the full truth about it.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Hey, why wasn't I nominated for Super mod? I have 19,320 reputation....I"m calling discrimination. lmbo


Junior Member
May 27, 2008
FooserX said:
>>>I got upset that I was accused of being someone I'm not.

The reason you were being called Jtee was because you went to another forum for the sole purpose of telling the people there how awful I was, and they could "have me because PF doesn't want me." You're not even an active member on PF...look how few posts you have! Why would you put yourself in the middle of that drama? It's kinda coincidental you all in a sudden become active once I get banned and Lissa left PF.

Then you quoted a few things that had already been deleted and were weeks old. Why would anyone hang on to deleted posts and stuff from so long ago if you weren't a mod or JT?

And then why would anyone make the effort to go on and "out" me as a troublemaker to a brand new forum you weren't even a part of. The only person on here who had some weird obsession with me was Jtee (well...the only mod lol)....hence why everyone assumes you guys are one in the same.

For the record, I still do think you are Jtee, or a buddy of his. There are plenty of ways to post under different IP addresses.
I have no idea who you are. What on earth are you now accusing me of? What other forum? Since I don't know you (and I really could care less to) I want to know what I supposedly said?

I have got better things to do with my time. Fooser, whoever you are, you are an idiot in my book. I could care less about you or anyone else that wants to accuse me of anything. I did not decide to register here to be bashed by anyone. I can go to any parenting forum and find great people that are friendly and actually willing to help. This place needs tons of work and from the look of things and other threads I have read here, you are just being an idiot and looking for attention. Have fun though because this is one person you won't pull into your little games. Get a life, really.