Pregnancy Updates...


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
lol!! You mean husbands, I tell ya! :p

Well maybe I did get tested for it then, because they took a few tubes of blood while I was in there. Its probably standard and they just don't tell you lol.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Wow I can't believe I am 30 weeks pregnant today! Holy crap. Only 10 more weeks to go! I have to go to midwife appointments every 2 weeks now -sigh-. I gotta say, my hips and lower back are killing me. I am not usually a baby about stuff, but I was just miserable last night and got like no sleep. Work is getting more and more uncomfortable. I am not so sure I will be able to make it as long as I thought (working). :( I really want to go up until June 1st. We will see I guess. I am thinking of getting a maternity support belt. Anybody know anything about those? I was thinking it might make standing for long periods of time more comfortable for me.


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
DW got a support belt about 2 weeks ago and it is working great for her. She bought it off of Amazon I think but I'll have to get more details for you about which one. It has helped tons with edema (specifically the swelling in the feet), but since fluid movement from the lower half back up to the upper half has increased, so has the increased need to use the restroom :) The only downside I suppose


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I was just going to update to say that DH went out to Babies R Us yesterday and bought me a maternity support belt!! When he brought it home I put it on and WOW!! This thing is AMAZING! It provides an insane amount of relief, I didn't think it was possible. I can't WAIT to wear it to work today! I think this amazing little invention is going to be what keeps me going at work until June 1st like I wanted. :D I'm soooo happy. I love my husband. lol :D And also Babies R Us. haha


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Holy crap I can't believe I'm seriously 34 weeks pregnant already. Weeks feel like days for some reason. This boy will be here before I know it! o.o

I feel pretty good other than my HIPS are killing me at night!!! Argh. D: I leave work on May 28th!


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
lol yeah I know! :p We had our one year anniversary for that on April 23rd. :)


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
I can not wait for pics of the little guy! I swear it seems like yesterday that you announced you were having a baby!


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
I can't believe you are almost there!!! I have to say...I kind of miss being pregnant. But it's funny, people are still always looking at my belly....because I am always holding Ilo in front of me. :) On the rare occasions that I don't have him, they all look kind of bummed out. I am officially just the Ilo transporter :D

Are you getting enough rest? Drinking lots and lots of water?


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
M2M I can't wait to see him!! :D

Julie - I'm getting enough rest for sure lol, its sleep that I can't get! My hips are killing me and Tylenol used to help but now it doesn't make an ounce of difference. Oh well, its a good thing anyway that means they'll be ready when I need them haha. The bad thing is that sleep will be much much worse when I'm done and my hips finally do get better (newborns lol).

Water is basically the only thing I drink, or sometimes flavored water or the very rare can of pop every now and again. But mostly I just crave tons of water lol and I go through lots of bottles a day. xD Of course then I'm peeing all the time. :p


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
I'm glad your pregnancy is going well and everyone is healthy. Has anything different happened during this pregnancy so far that you hadn't experienced before? How are your preparations coming for the big day?


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Thanks! Most of the stuff I'm going through has been pretty familiar, but I have had like the most out of this world heartburn for some reason the whole time lol. I had a LITTLE heart burn at the end of my pregnancy with DS but that was it. This time around it has been since the beginning and seriously intense. o.o Luckily it is controllable! I heart Zantac and Tums haha.

Other than that though this pregnancy has actually been a lot easier than my first. My first time, I was sick for the whole thing - always nauseous and dizzy, I couldn't even get in a car or anything. I was much more tired and just in general more miserable I think. This time has been much nicer, I can't complain.

How is your wife doing?? Almost 32 weeks, she must be starting to feel big and uncomfortable huh? I know I do lol.


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
She's doing well. No gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia (tested twice for both). She's tired, and we live in Florida so she is about to die from the heat. She gets up 23 times a night to use the bathroom so I'm getting used to the whole, wake up during the night thing. Her biggest complaints are also the heartburn (acid in throat?), feet swelling/hurting, and SPD (pelvic area hurting her). So it seems normal I guess and we feel lucky that it's gone this well.

I'm so incredibly anxious it's not funny. Luckily work has been busy and that keeps my mind on other things during the day. We worked on getting our hospital bags together last weekend and going to pick up a breastfeeding glider chair tonight.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
That's good to hear! OMG you guys live in Florida??? I can't imagine! Here it is still chilly. Its probably like full blown summer down there by now. It got super warm the other day at 80 degrees out of absolutely nowhere, but every other day has ranged between 40 and 60 for a long time now. I like that I will be having him pretty much right before/when it starts to really warm up. :) DS was born September 1st (it starts to cool off end of September beginning of October here) so I was pregnant ALL SUMMER with him - totally crappy!

DH and I are anxious too, its such a huge difference in your life to have an infant in it. We are excited and happy but scared and worried! Babies are not an easy thing, but boy are they the most precious thing in the world. Plus labor and giving birth is incredibly scary and painful. :'( We have a rocking chair that we got when DS was a baby, I love it to pieces it will really come in handy with this guy again I'm sure. I have the baby's bag all ready to go, but nothing for DH and I yet. Its mostly a matter of having the right clothes clean and pretty much everything else we use on a daily basis so it can't really get packed yet. I don't see any chances of going early though so I wont worry about it until like week 38/39.

I think I'm going to try to stay at home as long as I am comfortable too this time. Last time my water broke and I panicked and ran to the hospital lol and then I spent 12 hours laying around there before he was actually born. This time I think I'll hang out, take a shower and sit in the tub and shave my legs, eat a small meal and maybe watch some TV or something until I feel like I can't stand it anymore. :p The less I have to sit around in an uncomfortable hospital bed with doctors and nurses constantly up my butt and monitors or whatever hooked up to me and people poking and prodding me, the BETTER!!

I'm also not allowing anyone to visit until after the baby is born and we are comfortable and settled in to our recovery room. Our families destroyed everything last time (mostly my mom) and this time it will only be DH and I and I'm excited for that. Is it just going to be you and your wife or is any family coming with you?


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
It will just be the wife and I in there together during the labor/delivery. After that though, yeah, the grandparents and others can come in :)


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
That's a good choice IMO Incogneato!! Only way to go. :)

I went to another appointment earlier today and other than trying to get over the stomach flu (ugh I don't even want to talk about it) everything is doing great. Measuring perfect, baby seems to be in the right position, heartbeat is perfect and I gained another 2 lbs lol which puts me at a 10 lbs weight gain all together so far. :p I have to get that awkward Strep B test at my next appointment haha but the good news is that we get another ultrasound at my next appt too!! I'm so excited, I didn't think we got another one!! But apparantly they want to check on the size of him and his exact positioning. Yay!


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Way cool, I like Tyler Anthony, hip yet traditional. Don't know the sylable makeup of your last name but it's a name that would work with all syllable counts of last names (sorry, I'm big into the rhytm of names, maybe becausee mine sucks...)


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Thank you! It just seemed right when I thought of it. :) I PMed you about the last name thing just for fun, I trust you just not the rest of the interwebs. :p


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
Xero said:
That's a good choice IMO Incogneato!! Only way to go. :)

I went to another appointment earlier today and other than trying to get over the stomach flu (ugh I don't even want to talk about it) everything is doing great. Measuring perfect, baby seems to be in the right position, heartbeat is perfect and I gained another 2 lbs lol which puts me at a 10 lbs weight gain all together so far. :p I have to get that awkward Strep B test at my next appointment haha but the good news is that we get another ultrasound at my next appt too!! I'm so excited, I didn't think we got another one!! But apparantly they want to check on the size of him and his exact positioning. Yay!

Sorry to hear about the flu :( We had our bouts of shared sickness about 2 months ago, but fortunately it wasn't the flu, and she didn't get it nearly as bad as I did.

That's great news about the surprise extra ultrasound :) It's always a blast to see your little one curled up and comfy inside. I'm not sure if we get another one or not, but hopefully so. We rented a fetal doppler so we can listen to his heartbeat at home though, so it's something, but not as good as seeing him.