Prenatal Ultrasounds. Are they really safe?...


PF Fanatic
Oct 21, 2007
Upper Midwest
FooserX said:
Dearest Yulia,

Are you even reading these links, or just spamming us with crap because you think it supports your view?

I actually went to some of these links, and do you know what I found?

#1) Almost all of them are using information at LEAST 7 - 10+ years old. Some of it even much older!

#2) A lot of these links state that no adverse effects to ultrasounds has ever been proven. In fact, in the Dr. Greene link, the Dr. clearly says that it's a useful tool, and is NOT harmful many times.

#3) Some of the "studies" that claim negative effects are of animals who received 10 minute ultrasounds 5 days a then 20 minute ultrasounds later on. Poor things!

#4) Hardly any of these links are about current technology.

#5) Some were written by people who weren't even doctors! lol

I could go on, but all of your thoughtless postings really makes me wonder if your just some wacko brainwashed by your wacko husband and your sole mission in life is to preach whatever the hell your cult leaders tell you to. Honestly, are you even reading this stuff? These links do not even provide clear evidence to support your opinion.

If anything, just say "prolonged, excessive use of ultrasounds is possibly harmful." You know...just like prolonged, excessive use of ANYTHING is harmful. DuuuUUuuuur.
Didnt he die, on ER, like 10 years ago?