"natural" abortion...


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Well I think everyone has free will and even if they didn't have the right to get an abortion, they would try to do it illegally anyway. I think it's just one of those things that God continues to let exist in order to let humans have the chance to choose between right and wrong, and if you don't know how to do the right thing, then you'll face the REAL consequences after your life has come to an end. That's my religious perspective, and I'm not all that religious, but I do believe in God so I just thought I'd share. Sorry if anyone is offended by religion being mentioned, really.

And that being said, I think it's wrong and I don't agree with it and I would never do it, but I wouldn't hate someone that did it or shun them or be mean to them. I have friends and family that have done it. My own mother had an abortion 13 years before I was born. My Aunt had an abortion. One of my friends who is much younger than me had one. I still love them all and would never say a negative word about it because although it's something they wanted to do, I know it's still painful for them to think about.

I suppose I agree with and understand what you're saying now about being undereducated, BUT. Though it maybe wasn't in SORT OF a way their fault that they got pregnant, after that's all said and done, they must know that they have a living being in them and they know what a baby is and they've figured out enough to know what they'll end up with if they don't kill it (thus the reason they want to). So AFTER the sex and pregnancy, they realize. I am pregnant. There is a baby in me. I know that getting an abortion will kill it forever. And they consciously and knowingly and educatedly (they can't give you an abortion if you don't know what's going on, I know how those places work and they're crazy about making sure it's ok to go through with it) get an abortion to kill the baby. So in a sense, they're still not completely excused from doing something wrong.

Psh, I personally feel that if they're for real not educated about sex but left unsupervised enough to HAVE sex by their parents, then their parents should raise the baby that comes of it.

And by the way, Gothdad knows abortion isn't covered by insurance, he's saying that it SHOULD be covered in the case of rape so distraught girls don't try to hurt themselves as their drowning in the sorrow of being pregnant with a baby that came of an act so devastating, but not allowed or covered by insurance for any other reason. That's what he meant. (Just so you understand why he's saying that, he wasn't trying to create a new topic, it was kind of on topic actually.) :)


PF Fiend
Oct 6, 2007
No..not excused from doing wrong. But sometimes it's better for all involved. Going kind of in a different direction here..some people are just not fit to carry or raise a child. Sometimes its detrimental for a baby to be carried to term. Should a drug addicted person not abort of the sake of letting the baby live, even though the baby will suffer the consequences of the constant drug use? Or should that baby be made to suffer because their parent made an irresponsible decision? At what point do we stop considering the quality of life and only think about having the life itself?


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Well yes, that's why I mentioned something about abortion making some sense if it was life threatening. Like if for some reason carrying a baby could possibly end in your own death, then what choice do you really have? That's assuming they didn't know they had the condition in the first place. And my thoughts on babies that will be born with problems like FAS or down syndrome or fatal mutations or any of those genetic or drug induced (or just out of the blue) problems out there, I honestly don't know. My opinion on that is here and there. I've seen a lot of kids with some of those kinds of problems become their own person and live their own lives the best that they can. I sometimes think that it's unfair of people to not give them a chance. You never know for SURE what's going to happen after they come out. And if you don't want to deal with them having problems... that's a little selfish I kind of think, and not only that but there's a lot of people out there who would be willing to raise a child like that with love. However sometimes it seems just as unfair to give birth to them sometimes, I know. That's why I'm not sure what to think. There are so many factors to take into consideration to just sit here and say "it's okay" or "it's wrong". So yeah... that's hard.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
And I guess I also think that it's not my business or anybody else's to decide how to judge the "quality" of a human life. If you could predict before giving birth that your child was going to fail in school and get into all kinds of trouble with his parents and the law and get into drugs and maybe even worse things resulting in going to jail forever and basically just end up living a wayward life, and there was NO WAY to stop it, then would you find that a good reason to get an abortion? Seems like a poor quality of life to me... (Sorry about the major run on sentence lol) But not something that involves a disease or retardation. You know? But like I said, I'm not decided on that kind of thing. I can't put myself in that person's shoes, the one carrying a baby with problems. I don't know. I can just think of a few things to consider, that's all.


PF Fiend
Oct 6, 2007
See, the quality of life in the example you gave is the child's fault though, I mean more about the quality of life of a child born into an abusive home, or a poverty stricken home..etc. Something the child doesn't do to itself but the parent's inflict onto the child.


PF Addict
Feb 20, 2008
QC, Canada
Gothdad said:
First of all I think abortion should only be a branch covered by health insurance companies strictly for the situation of RAPE. As far as little teenage girls getting pregnant, that is a parental Issue. Its fine now days for parents to let their 13 year old son or daughter to just go over to their houses and not think twice about It. So parents dont care about their kids enough to monitor them (where their going ect.) but their gonna foot the bill when its time for a abortion. Not in our world! If you consider your life ruined because of a baby then your gonna have a pretty miserable life. You spread em you get em.
I strongly disagree.

A question for anyone who considers themselves very pro-life.

There are a few here and I have noticed that they always make the exceptions "if the mother is in danger, or if it was RAPE"

To that I must ask... why does the baby conceived in rape not deserve to live? How is he/she different than any other baby?

If someone is really pro-life, then they shouldn't agree with abortion in the case of rape either. Both are innocent babes.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Well, I disagree too. I don't think anyone has a right to kill a baby. I was trying to tell her what he meant when I was talking about it (I know you weren't directing that at me, I just wanted to let you know).

I PERSONALLY think that if a woman was raped and couldn't stand the idea of the child, then adoption should be the choice made at worst.

I PERSONALLY think that any child, mental or physical problems or no, should be given the chance to live.

I don't think it's our place to play God.

I don't know what to say about a pregnancy that would be life-threatening to the woman, EXCEPT again I do not believe we have the place to play God. However, we prevent people from dying every day using our medical technology. So I can't say one way or the other. I don't know what a life or death situation is like.

But this wasn't really a thread that was discussing if abortion was right or wrong. I was defending my accusation of "women deserve to get an infection if they're that desperate to kill a baby".

I just wanted to have a discussion about why people think it's okay, or what people think is a good reason, and what it would be like to be in their shoes and if they think it makes sense.

But I don't believe it's okay still and I do believe that God isn't going to find it acceptable no matter what the reason was. You can tell him "But God, I wasn't ready for a baby." "But God, I was raped... It hurts too much to be pregnant with the man's child." "But God, he was going to be born with down syndrome." "But God, I was afraid I might die." Still he'll shake his head, with that tiny baby resting in his arms, already back in heaven before it even got a chance to live on Earth. He created that baby the way it was, and everything happens for a reason. He had his own plan for it. In his eyes, you murdered an innocent child. THAT'S WHAT I THINK!!!! Not trying to press anyone into thinking my way. Just my feelings. I wouldn't tell anyone what to do, and I wouldn't hate or shun them or harass them or even talk about it if someone got an abortion.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Skyburning said:
See, the quality of life in the example you gave is the child's fault though, I mean more about the quality of life of a child born into an abusive home, or a poverty stricken home..etc. Something the child doesn't do to itself but the parent's inflict onto the child.
Well... I guess I could think of other examples, but oh well.

I don't know, even so, if you KNEW it was going to happen but couldn't change it, it kind of doesn't matter who's fault it is. I think. It's still a crappy life if every day the kid wishes he had never been born, so why wouldn't you prevent it? What about if you knew your child was going to be schizophrenic or a sociopath? That can't be helped, some people are born that way because somethings missing or different in their brains. So, still?