God & Marriages.. and some....


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
SM, my neice died at seven months old and this is why my brother doesn't believe. I never understood that part myself. When I hear these things on the news it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I don't understand it and I admit it. I guess that's on my question list for him. It is heart breaking.

Yea the baptists down south here are CRAZY!! They hoot and hollar and run around the church and call everyone sister and brother....Sister Fallon, brother evil (haha now that's funny) it drove me nuts and I saw no need.
I was waiting for them to break out snakes! I was scart.

On the other hand I love our Catholic church, the priests are so laid back and sweet. They call the children up to the stage and they sit around the priest while he shares the sermon with them and the parents watch. It's really changed. When I went, it was all in Latin. Talk about confusing.


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
wow to much to comment on seperately so I will just say that EVERY Christian denomination and then every single church is going to be different. I have been to Catholic churches and loved them, also have been to them and thought, wow these people tink they are holier then though!!! I now go to an Episcal chrurch that some of us say are more Catholic then the Catholics. It all depends on the actual church you go to. The people are different and there fore it will be different.


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
musicmom said:
Yea the baptists down south here are CRAZY!! They hoot and hollar and run around the church and call everyone sister and brother....Sister Fallon, brother evil (haha now that's funny) it drove me nuts and I saw no need.
I was waiting for them to break out snakes! I was scart.
That's the Baptists who can't make up their minds whether they're Baptists or Charismatic Pentecostals. Our church is nothing like that. Check out a pentecostal church, sometime. You got the whole unbiblical issue of tongues and stuff going on there.


Aug 14, 2007
Actually Jtee sex isn't something that bothers me. I'd rather have girls be prostitutes in third world countries than be working in factories which are far more dangerous. I did watch a documentary and it was eye opening. These girls seemed well adjusted. When the investigator came in to a brothel he said the kids looked happy just like when he told his kids they were going to disney world. It is because over there sex is a part of life for them thus it has no traumatizing affects unless physical abuse is involved. Or they are slaves and don't get payed. They use it to get money for the family for food and medicines. The problem is when we run over there and rip them from this life style trying to shove western views and beliefs on them. Most girls run back to the brothels. We have enough problems with children being shoved into violent situations over here in America with drugs and gangs. While of course the issue isn't so black and white it just isn't as bad in these brothels as people want to believe. What must be done is lessen and end poverty and spread education.


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
evilbrent said:
however, if you're a christian, and you really believe in that reality, then you should believe that I'm wrong, right? you ought to believe that by giving your kid rational thinking tools, and the ability to question/examine EVERYTHING told to them, they'll have no natural alternative than to fully believe in God, because that's the only rational explanation for the fact of the universe. right?
Jeez, I don't get on for two days and I miss all this! Darn.

Anyway evilbrent. I just wanted to say that you sound EXACTLY like my husband in what you wrote. That's how he thinks. He thinks that you should question everything and look in everything for something deeper. He knows more about the Bible than I do and will use it to prove something or another to me. I've questioned myself in my faith sometimes, whenever I see things that happen, hear about science. But I just believe that God does things for a reason. It's just what I believe.

What I plan to do with my daughters is teach them the lessons that Jesus taught, but I want them to be able to think for themselves about them. Will I be heartbroken if they don't come to Jesus? Of course! But I don't want them to have it forced on them either. I just don't believe that one should be forced or scared in to finding the love of Jesus. All we can do is guide and teach.

Make sense? Or did I totally just get off subject? lol


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
no I get it.

I don't think you understand what I mean though: I don't mean to be a devil's advocate about everything, and I don't mean to be a negative-nancy who can't see things from someone else's viewpoint... I'm just saying that every time someone says something to you - a doctor, lecturer, boss, parent... run it past your BS-filter first.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 17, 2008
Anchorage, AK
evilbrent said:
fwiw, if you raise your kid to be a rational thinker you've probably raised an atheist.

to raise a kid as a christian is to train them to swallow what they're told.

If what you are saying that to raise your kid to believe in god means they have to have faith, which means to believe without real evidence. But i know lots of good rational thinkers who do have faith. They just aren't thinking rationally about religion - they just believe.


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
BethInAK said:
If what you are saying that to raise your kid to believe in god means they have to have faith, which means to believe without real evidence. But i know lots of good rational thinkers who do have faith. They just aren't thinking rationally about religion - they just believe.
that comment seems to have caught a few people's eye.

actually, I mean it in the strongest sense: if you raise your kid to think rationally and question people's propositions to see that they match up with their other propositions (for instance, if one day you tell them that wood floats, and the next day you tell them that it sinks, then they should put their hand up and say "What gives?")... if you give them those thinking tools then they're going to see through the abundant contradictions and falsehoods in religion and end up atheist - even if they don't CALL themselves atheist.

I was pointing out that, in my opinion, it takes double-think to be an educated Christian.


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
BethInAK said:
If what you are saying that to raise your kid to believe in god means they have to have faith, which means to believe without real evidence. But i know lots of good rational thinkers who do have faith. They just aren't thinking rationally about religion - they just believe.
I'm saying that believing in god means to have faith that you believe <I>despite </I>the evidence.

I know lots of reasonably clever people who have faith too.

I also know otherwise perfectly health consious people who smoke, drink alcohol, or use caffiene.

People aren't as rational as they'd like to think they are.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 17, 2008
Anchorage, AK
evilbrent said:
I even attended a sermon there when they had a guest sermon by a man who represented a branch of Judaism which believes that Jesus was the Messiah after all.
i just had to state for the record that the only jews who believe this "branch" is jewish, is them, because for the rest of us believe that when you accept jesus you cease to be a jew


PF Addict
Sep 4, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
BethInAK said:
i just had to state for the record that the only jews who believe this "branch" is jewish, is them, because for the rest of us believe that when you accept jesus you cease to be a jew
which is one reason why a lot of christians have trouble understanding that jesus was a jew, talking to jews, about the jewish religion.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
evilbrent said:
which is one reason why a lot of christians have trouble understanding that jesus was a jew, talking to jews, about the jewish religion.
I have yet to hear of any Christians believe that Christ is not a jew, he was king of the jews.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
evilbrent said:
that comment seems to have caught a few people's eye.

actually, I mean it in the strongest sense: if you raise your kid to think rationally and question people's propositions to see that they match up with their other propositions (for instance, if one day you tell them that wood floats, and the next day you tell them that it sinks, then they should put their hand up and say "What gives?")... if you give them those thinking tools then they're going to see through the abundant contradictions and falsehoods in religion and end up atheist - even if they don't CALL themselves atheist.

I was pointing out that, in my opinion, it takes double-think to be an educated Christian.
I'm not following your analogy at all.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Yes it surrounds faith but I have no idea what you mean by dispite evidence. Evidence of what?[/B]

I know lots of reasonably clever people who have faith too. And your point is? There are people who have faith or are not clever. There are atheists who don't have a clue too. Again, I don't see a point here.

I also know otherwise perfectly health consious people who smoke, drink alcohol, or use caffiene.

People aren't as rational as they'd like to think they are.

A ad hominem[/URL] arguments are <I>logically</I> unsound, but in many cases they may be <I>rational</I>. A simple philosophical definition of rationality refers to one's use of a "practical syllogism".

You keep using this term "rational" not as it's intended so I wanted to refresh your memory.

Nothing in this world can be "proven"....PROOF doesn't exsist. So no theory, no religion or lack there of can not be proven ever. So you stand on the same side of the tracks as a Christian. You can not prove your side "rationally" either. :)


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
evilbrent said:
king of the jews....

you do realise that he was crucified shortly _before_ becoming king of the jews...
Umm no, he was known as king of the jews long before that.