james' mom filed for custody...


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
superman said:
Im sorry for ur friend, and I didnt mean to hit a nerve.
Its fucking hard man, ive tried taking it easy before and it didnt work out. its fuckin weird thinking about never drinking or doing anything again, its going to be a whole 360.
Everyone makes mistakes superman, some mistakes are bigger then others. My point was...do you want to be that person Could you live with yourself if something like that were to happen? What if it was your loved ones hurt by a drunk driver?

You can do it, it won't be easy and at times you will wonder what the hell you are doing. During those times, think of your kids, at the end of the day they will be there for you, that bottle of alcohol will only ruin you.

I say what I say from the heart, I think you know that otherwise you might have gotten butt hurt by my post. Stay on the right path!


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Good job superman, try and keep trying. I know it won't be easy, but anything worthwhile is rarely easy. Like M2M said, when you feel weak, think of your kids. Be that underdog fighter and keep swinging. We're all pulling for you. We want you to win!


PF Fiend
Aug 23, 2010
singledad said:
That's excellent news, superman.

It won't be easy, but its worth it, trust me.

Btw - in my experience, not drinking at all is actually easier than cutting down. The first drink is the easiest to say no to - from the second one it gets harder and harder. ;) (and by that I don't mean that it will always be easy - just that it won't get any easier after the first one.)
Yeah....I think so too. Thaat never worked for me, ive been thinking a lot lately and im just so pissed off that i let it get to this point. So fucking stupid man.. its just all so embarassing

mom2many said:
Everyone makes mistakes superman, some mistakes are bigger then others. My point was...do you want to be that person Could you live with yourself if something like that were to happen? What if it was your loved ones hurt by a drunk driver?

You can do it, it won't be easy and at times you will wonder what the hell you are doing. During those times, think of your kids, at the end of the day they will be there for you, that bottle of alcohol will only ruin you.

I say what I say from the heart, I think you know that otherwise you might have gotten butt hurt by my post. Stay on the right path!
I know..I dont get offended bc i know u have the best intentions with what you say.

IADad said:
Good job superman, try and keep trying. I know it won't be easy, but anything worthwhile is rarely easy. Like M2M said, when you feel weak, think of your kids. Be that underdog fighter and keep swinging. We're all pulling for you. We want you to win!
Thanks man, i know i say it a thousand times but i do appreciate all the advice you guys give me.


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
superman said:
Yeah....I think so too. Thaat never worked for me, ive been thinking a lot lately and im just so pissed off that i let it get to this point. So fucking stupid man.. its just all so embarassing
Hey, don't beat yourself up. We all make mistakes, and these things sneak up on one when you least expect it.

What's important now is that you learn from your mistakes and focus on doing better in the future. And we're all here to help you do that. ;)

PS: If its any consolation - you learnt a hell of a lot quicker than I did :eek:


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
I'm pulling for you superman. I have to say, I am really really proud of you! This was a hard decision for you I am sure. You are still so young and I know how young adults like to party. Depending on who you hang out with, it kind of all just seems normal. Glad you decided that being dad was more important :D Yea!!!! You!!!! Keep us posted. I'm gonna be thinking about you.


PF Addict
Jul 2, 2010
New York
Keep at it Superman, I think it's great that you decided to make such a major change in your life... you would have to do it eventually so you might as well do it now. I found when I try to loose weight or even when I wanted to stop smoking if I was doing it for someone else it didn't work.

I finally decided that the change is for me, something I really wanted for my self, and it gave me a deep inner strength and to some degree it made it a little easier because no one was forcing me, no one was watching me, you know, it was personal and I looked forward to getting over it and getting past it. And it happened.

I think it's the smartest thing you did was join a help group. Good idea. You know what to do, and you will succeed because your a smart man, Don't give up, just keep trying.

I'll be praying for you. :)


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
I don't know how superman's program works, but I'm guessing he may not be able to post for a while. Let's keep the good thoughts (and prayers if you are so inclined) going. Whether this does anything to help his custody issues, it's a good thing for him and his boys, so I'm truly hoping this is the first of many positive steps for him.


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
Right, when he didn't come back on, I assumed it was some sort of in-patient program. If that's the case, I have to say I'm impressed. It takes a lot of guts and dedication to enroll yourself for something like that.

Anyway, superman - when you can post again, I'd still love to hear how it went...


PF Fiend
Aug 23, 2010
Hey guys,

Yeah im in a full time program. it's a small private house with about 30 people at a time. We're allowed on the internet but certain websites are blocked. I showed this website and they okayed it. Yeah, so i have been good. There are some pretty cool people in here, its pretty awesome. I skype with James every night, we're usually on for a couple hours.
Thanks so much for the support :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Wow, great to hear from you!

Hope you're learning lots. I know you can do this. So few people take the opportunties to make real changes in their lives. I hope and believe you can and will!


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
superman said:
Hey guys,

Yeah im in a full time program. it's a small private house with about 30 people at a time. We're allowed on the internet but certain websites are blocked. I showed this website and they okayed it. Yeah, so i have been good. There are some pretty cool people in here, its pretty awesome. I skype with James every night, we're usually on for a couple hours.
Thanks so much for the support
That's great superman. :) You keep being good :p. You are doing something wonderful for both your children, but mostly for yourself. I'm proud of you - I hope you are too, because you deserve it.

So keep going - do the work - use this opportunity to create a future that can be so very different from your past. I know that is what you want, and I promise you it will be worth every bit of effort, a hundred times over. ;)


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
Oh Yea! Thanks for checking in with us. I'm glad we passed the 'test' :D

I'm especially glad to hear that you seem to be liking it. I'm so excited for you and so very proud of you. Great job!!!

How is James doing? I'm glad that you are getting to Skype with him every night.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Glad to hear that you are doing what you need to do superman...now your name fits. Keep it up and you are gonna be one Super Man! Corny huh? LOL

We really are proud of you!


PF Addict
Jul 2, 2010
New York
Wow! I'm really proud of you. This is something no one can ever take away from you, it's yours!!

I'm rooting for you, come visit us when you can.

Good luck.


PF Fiend
Aug 23, 2010
Thank you everyone. :) You guys are to nice lol. I am, but definitely excited to get back home.. 3 more weeks. We've done a lot of self reflection, a lot of writing. i even started painting again hahaha.

Lol nuff about myself, how have you guys been


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
You'll have to share your painting with us when you can.

My life is pretty boring, would probably put you to sleep but everything is going good. Homeschooling is moving along fairly well, and the weather is finally out of the 100's.


PF Addict
Dec 17, 2009
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
I'm so glad to hear you are doing the right thing for you and your kids superman. So very proud of you!!!! For mr life's been hectic started a full time job 10 hr shifts 4 days a week night shift to boot haha. But I finally splurged and got an iPhone and even got a new tattoo today on the inside of my arm. 5 flowers it's sp freakin pretty haha and it didn't hurt very much at all. Keep us up to date and let is know how you are doing xoxo


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
That's good, superman. It sounds like you're doing a lot of learning and growing. I'm actually really excited for you!

As for me - nothing really spectacular is happening. I've got a tread going about a bit of a dilemma I'm facing, but nothing too bad. All in all, life is good :)


PF Addict
Jul 2, 2010
New York
Good to hear from you, you sound good.
Lets see. My crazy Sister in law moved from South Dakota and was suppose to move back to Florida, on her way to Florida she wanted to come here to NY to see her 94 yr old mother whom by the way she hasn't ever cared to visit, anyway she's here, and it looks like she has no intention of leaving. She's been here since July 3rd...!

Anyway besides that everything is fine! lol
Stay well.