MySpace and Teens...


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2008
I just want to shed a little knowledge on this, as I am a teenager. Where I am from MySpace isn't very popular, but everyone I know in high school has a facebook. Having used both facebook and MySpace, facebook is much much safer and less sketchy than MySpace. Facebook allows you to customize your security settings down to minute details and you can basically get any level of security you want. I also think it is more insulated to people you know, as opposed to MySpace, which caters to people meeting people they have never met before.

As for advice, I would certainly say that once your kid reaches high school you should allow them to have a site on facebook. If you don't they can always create one at a friends house - and you will just piss them off by being unreasonable. I would talk to them about it and set some ground rules (i.e. not accepting friendships from people you dont know, and not posting sexual pictures). I would also talk to them about posting pics of any illegal activity such as drinking which many kids do these days. Finally - I would also talk to them about remembering that things that are said on facebook are there forever so u cant really take them down - be careful wat u say to other people

hope that helps - any other questions im sure i can answer them about facebook


PF Addict
Jan 3, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
Here is the downside to Facebook. Don't get me wrong, i am totally addicted to FB, but ever since they made it no longer just for people in school (ie you had to use your university/college email to use it) it has basically turned into myspace. There are pornographic groups, nude pictures, you name it. Myspace=updated Facebook. I have several groups i've created on FB and i can list to you about 6 different "fake profiles" that come up posting adds about them being naked in the shower and waiting for you, then a link that is either a) a virus or b) a link to porn.

I love Facebook, but ever since they made it accessible to everyone, its basically gone to the shitters in that respect


Jun 24, 2007
The whole fascination with facebook/myspace is lost on me, clearly something that is very unique to people who are 25 and under because they have grown up with the Internet in their home and being "connected" 24/7 is part of how they socialize with friends near & far, its not a retrofit for those who had computer growing up, but no Internet. I go back to the days of 2400 baud dial-up, and BBS systems, but that was connecting to a single site. If I wanted to connect to another site, I had to dial another number, and if it was long distant call, it was costly.

.:Kalli Rae:.

PF Fiend
Apr 18, 2008
Rapid City SD
I just got into a conversation about myspace and it being for younger people. I am 26 and love myspace. I use it to keep in touch with people I don't normally see. I just talked with my cousin, I haven't seen him in years, just the other day. I don't normally use it to meet new people just keep in touch of people I haven't seen in awhile.

I like it but I don't want my kids to have a myspace for a long time, they really don't need one yet. Maybe in a few years I will think about it again. My friend has a myspace for her 3 yr old son. Another friend let his 2 daughters, ages 10 and 11 have myspace. I think that is to young, at 10 and 11 years old I think if they want to chat with friends they can call them. Myspace/Facebook is very personal, you can tell alot about someone just by looking at their page. I just don't know if I am going to want someone knowing that much about my 10 yr old without even talking to them or me.


Junior Member
May 7, 2008
The key to internet usage and myspace accounts is supervision. My daughter met an older boy when she was only 13. She lied about her age, put up a picture of herself on a myspace-like page (this was before myspace) and snuck out of the house to meet him. The next thing I knew the police were calliing me because she was out so late at night. They found her and this boy sitting in a car talking at midnight. Fortunately, they were only talking.

I cannot stress enough to monitor your kids activities and friends. I have a friend whose daughter met boys that are gang members and she sneaks out of the house to meet them. In the neighborhood that she lives in, without her myspace account she would have never met these gang members.

Also monitor cell phones, the same girl mentioned about was sending pornographic images of herself over her cell phone.

Watch your kids, they can make poor choices in the blink of an eye.


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2008
I would like to add that Facebook is almost required if you are on a college campus, myspace not so much. I'll admit it is almost like a drug. Facebook is my homepage, I check it many times a day and I am in the norm. Those who don't have one are essentially considered weird. It is the ultimate stalker website as well. You can see who went where, what they did, who they hung out with, what they like and dislike; it is extremely invasive. I would consider it worse than myspace but the thing is it still is mostly centered for college, high school age so you guys don't have to worry about it. But this could soon change so be careful. It's rising in popularity fast!

I mean in today's age, the pressure to have a myspace or a facebook is very immense so kids will go to great lengths to have one and hide it if it is not allowed. I know of a few kids who do this. More than likely your teen as atleast tried to make one or is involved in it some how.

"Accurate Facebook Mini-Feed" by Jeff Rosenberg on CollegeHumor

Here is a funny article about Facebook but in all reality it highlights what happens on the website. I found it really funny yet disturbing at the same time. Enjoy!


PF Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
jtee said:
The whole fascination with facebook/myspace is lost on me, clearly something that is very unique to people who are 25 and under because they have grown up with the Internet in their home and being "connected" 24/7 is part of how they socialize with friends near & far, its not a retrofit for those who had computer growing up, but no Internet.
I felt that way - I was totally anti-social networking sites. And then it was big news that my friend's uncle was diagnosed with a deadly cancer, and i was worried about how he was taking it. MySpace was the place I finally found him.. I had to create an account to be able to contact him, so I did. Since then, I've used it to track down a handful of people that I have lost track of. It's a huge help with that. I've reconnected with a couple people.
I'd thought about creating a space for MY 3-y-o. Not because HE'D be accessing it, but because it's a great tool for people who want to be connected to what's going on in his life and can see some of his photos. Since it can be put on a setting where nobody can see it unless invited to, I don't have to worry about some sicko accessing info on my child. I could use it to exchange information with his father without having to contact him directly. I try to keep him up-to-date on what's going on with Ry, but his little girlfriend somehow thinks that's an "attempt to get brian back" Please. Like he's such a treasure! If I leave it there, he can ignore all that he wants and it will still be evident that the information was made accessible to him.
That said, it makes me crazy when people ask these celebrities to be there "friend." seriously - what thrill do you get out of being the 74,534 person listed on some celebrity's website? My friend's wife has countless celebrities listed as her friends, and I know that she does not actually know these people. That's just wierd to me. Especially since the celebrities aren't out making their myspace private - you can read it w/o being a friend.


PF Fiend
May 11, 2008
Chicago suburbs
My girls both have a myspace and facebook - as do I :). I think they had it since around 12 or so. I have their passwords and check it regularly. Key is supervision.. if you deny them access to it, they're just going to open an account elsewhere and now you have no way to monitor. I created my myspace just so I could watch what they were doing and who they were talking to etc.. now I've found so many old friends on there.. I love it. I don't check it everyday or anything, but it really nice to keep in touch with. I even found my birth mother (for the 2nd time) on facebook.. so it can come in handy.


Junior Member
Jun 14, 2008
MySpace is not the evil the media has turned it into. 67 year old predators don't lurk you're teens page.

Its a way for teens to communicate with friends.


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
I have both MySpace and Facebook. (Gasp! I'm over 40. LOL!) It's a fun way to communicate with friends and relatives, but my real reason for joining was so I could become familiar with this stuff before my kids get into it.

I believe the minimum age requirement to join is 14. My kids will not be allowed to join until at least 14, but even so, it they're not interested, I won't encourage it. They both have their own PCs, but their Internet usage is closely monitored and we will continue to do so, especially when they're teens.


Sep 7, 2008
Since I'm not monitoring my kids' accounts, I think it's fine when they decide to have a MySpace account. My older kids are 9 and 8 and don't have accounts yet because they are not interested but when they want, they will have and I don't insist them to tell me or something. It's their own business to have or not to have an account wherever it is. I have talked with them about internet and they decided not to set up dates with unknown people. I lead the conversation, so they reached to that conclusion without me putting it as a rule. Now they follow it strictly because they thought it out. If they want to date people from the chat-rooms or Skype, I won't let them until they are at least 16 because it is not safe enough if you are younger.


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
You do realize that minimum age for My Space is 13, right? So, you would allow your children to break the rules and sign up earlier if they wanted to? It seems to me that this and your post about online dangers that you are quite niave to the dangers of the internet.


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
The problem with saying "I won't let them" is that you may not always know. I've known someone in real life that had a runaway child with a 23 year old man that they met on myspace. They still have yet to find her.

Unfortunately, that is not the only real life story I've heard... that is just the worst one.


Sep 7, 2008
Dadu2004 said:
You do realize that minimum age for My Space is 13, right? So, you would allow your children to break the rules and sign up earlier if they wanted to? It seems to me that this and your post about online dangers that you are quite niave to the dangers of the internet.
That exactly "rule" will not kill anyone if not followed correctly. What's wrong with having a MySpace? MySpace is not for 13+, it's for anyone who wants, just like every other site and forum. If a child knows how to sign up, put info and photos, they ar eold enough to do it, because it shows the least intelligence required to participate in sites and forums. My children aren't thrilled to have accounts in MySpace but I see nothing wrong with them having if they want to. I don't get it - you all find dangers where even the danger can't find itself. Grow up and let your children be responsible and mature. Let your kids show you that they aren't bumpheads.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
WhoCares said:
Grow up and let your children be responsible and mature. Let your kids show you that they aren't bumpheads.
:no: an 8 and 9 yr old have no business on clearly states that it is in fact there for people 13+. Maybe it's you should grow up and realize that you're allowing your kids to step into dangerous situations


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2008
My daughter (14) does not have a MySpace account, but does have a facebook. I helped her sign up and so I know her account and password and she even tells me to check out what a friend has posted on her account every once in a while.

Letting your child sign up before the age that it states in the terms of agreement (for MySpace or Facebook) is breaking the rules. What a great example to set for your children.


Junior Member
Sep 20, 2008
WhoCares said:
That exactly "rule" will not kill anyone if not followed correctly. What's wrong with having a MySpace? MySpace is not for 13+, it's for anyone who wants, just like every other site and forum. If a child knows how to sign up, put info and photos, they ar eold enough to do it, because it shows the least intelligence required to participate in sites and forums. My children aren't thrilled to have accounts in MySpace but I see nothing wrong with them having if they want to. I don't get it - you all find dangers where even the danger can't find itself. Grow up and let your children be responsible and mature. Let your kids show you that they aren't bumpheads.
Oh, dude. I know this is off-topic and you're already banned, but if my arithmetic is to be trusted, you were 16 when you had your son? Damn, that was young.