Religious Discrimination...


PF Enthusiast
Mar 29, 2008
<r>I'm not talking about Christians hating on Muslims, or Sikhs hating on Hindus. I'm talking about all religions in general hating on atheists.<br/>
A few days ago, my best friend (who contributes to my blog, gave me what I admit was at first an amusing phone call. He’s a &lt;I&gt;&lt;s&gt;<I>&lt;/s&gt;deeply&lt;e&gt;</I>&lt;/e&gt;&lt;/I&gt; religious Protestant that believes in Creationism and nearly every word/rule in the Bible (not the outdated ones like stoning adulterers). He goes to church an average of nine hours a week. Meanwhile, I’m an atheist, secular, and believe that Jesus existed, but was not the son of a deity called “God” (I am not one of those insane atheists that raid churches and scoff at the Pope, who incidentally is a person I respect). In case you’re wondering, my bf and I very easily get around our religious differences by promising we won’t try to convert each other =]&lt;br/&gt;
Anyway - my friend called me after school, laughing his head off. Apparently, he had just finished talking to his grandmother, who is 100x more religious than he is. She was appalled to find out that her grandson’s best friend was an atheist, and &lt;I&gt;&lt;s&gt;<I>&lt;/s&gt;forbade him to talk to me ever again&lt;e&gt;</I>&lt;/e&gt;&lt;/I&gt;. My best friend had apparently muttered some excuse, hung up, and burst out laughing before he called me.&lt;br/&gt;
“She says you’re a bad influence on ‘my good Christian soul’,” he told me, amused. “Apparently, you’re corrupting me because of your lack of religion - and therefore, lack of values.”&lt;br/&gt;
At first I thought this was funny, but then I realized that the views of my best friend’s grandmother was not at all uncommon. A Mormon friend once remarked to me, “I can’t believe you’re an atheist, but you’re so nice!”&lt;br/&gt;
I have noticed that a lot of you believe in the Christian God (from various comments and such). I don’t suggest that any of you have engendered any discrimination in your children against atheists, but I’m curious as to what you have told them about atheistic beliefs. Do you tell them we tear up Bibles? Do you tell them we think religious people are misguided? Do you tell them we eat babies and burn churches? Okay, just kidding there.&lt;br/&gt;
Meagerly, for our behalf, I would like to say that morals and religion are not the same thing and a person can have one without the other (The Code of Hammurabi is an atheistic moral code from ancient times, the first recorded law system of sorts). &lt;E&gt;:)&lt;/E&gt;&lt;/r&gt;


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
Very good post.

I have actually lied about being a Christian simply to avoid having to deal with "A Pagan???! What?"


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
I used to not believe and even said I was an athiest. If you claim to be an athiest but have laws then you are in some sort of organized religion. As far as I know athiests do not believe any of it.
I was once there but since then had life experiences and once I turned myself over to God wonderful things began to happen. I fought it for years. I would say I was atheist because I was scared to admit I was lost. God has a way of finding you.
As for what I teach my children, I don't. If they were to meet someone who said "I don't believe in God" they would just feel sorry for you and pray for you.
Being an athiest is just being empty, no real goal, no reward, just exsisting. I was there.

I saw my babies born and only a God could do that! It was a miracle in itself.


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
not gonna touch this one as its yet another religious thread ...

etceterae ... I agree with what your saying ... discrimination between religion is huge ... hypocritical at the least ... hypochristianity I think it was quoted as


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
musicmom said:
If they were to meet someone who said "I don't believe in God" they would just feel sorry for you
that makes me sad

I don't understand why a person cannot be considered a happy and fulfilled person simply because they do not subscribe to a particular theology.


PF Fiend
Oct 6, 2007
HappyMomma said:
that makes me sad

I don't understand why a person cannot be considered a happy and fulfilled person simply because they do not subscribe to a particular theology.
I don't understand it either. It confuses me that I have to be "lost" or otherwise defective to not subscribe to a belief.


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
I find it interesting that the people with the least amount of religion are seemingly the most tolerant and non judgmental of other religions.

There are a couple north american religions that dont seem to tolerate anything but their own, yet teach acceptance of all ...


PF Regular
Apr 5, 2008
Woodbridge, Virginia
Allow me to give a brief background about myself before I comment on what you have said.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, often called Mormon. I go to church on a regular basis (every Sunday unless I or my children are sick) with my 4 children. I am a primary teacher there and teach children between the ages of 5 to 8 years old. I was raised in this religion and served a mission for 2 years in the Dominican Republic.

I do my best to respect everyones beliefs and accept everyone for who they are. I do not feel sorry for a person simply because they don't believe as I do and I don't teach my own children nor the children in my primary class to feel sorry for a person just because they don't believe in God or because their beliefs are different. I have taught my children that everyone is free to believe what they want.

To be honest I haven't really focused on teaching my children about other specific beliefs so I really don't know what they would think, say, or do if they encountered someone who didn't believe in God. Although, thinking about it some more, if someone who didn't believe in God tried to tell my children there was no God my children would most likely argue with them that there is a God.

I will not tell my children to not be friends with someone just because they don't believe in God. I will make comments and suggestions to my children about their friends based on what their friends say and do not based on what they believe.


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
Speaking from a Christian perspective (that's my beliefs): I find it interesting that a self-proclaimed Christian would discriminate against anyone no matter race, sex, creed, etc. It goes against what the Bible teaches. It's the foundation of "hate the sin, not the sinner." God is love. God is not hate or discrimination. If you, your children, or anyone close to you have experienced discrimination at the hands of a Christian, I am deeply embarassed, and say that person isn't practicing the faith in which they claim to embrace. There is so much in God's teachings about love, that there is no room for doubt. "Love Thy Neighbor as yourself". "Love eachother as Christ loved the church". And the list goes on... God's teachings do NOT say: "Love They Neighbor if he believes in me", or "Love eachother if they share your same beliefs."

My daughter is only 4, so we've not had deep religious discussions. However, I won't be teaching her that Aetheists tear up Bibles, hate God, and are empty, soulless people. I won't be teaching her that Muslims blow up buildings, Jews despise Christ, and Buddhists worship a short, fat guy. If I did this, wouldn't I be going against that which I profess?

I will teach my daughter that everyone holds worth, everyone deserves love and respect, and everyone is God's creatures no matter if they are different in any way. I believe that is what God teaches and that is what God wants.


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
sarushjr said:
I will teach my daughter that everyone holds worth, everyone deserves love and respect, and everyone is God's creatures no matter if they are different in any way. I believe that is what God teaches and that is what God wants.
This is the approach we have been taking with our kids. We consider ourselves Christian but don't go to church. I guess what we're doing is homeschooling basic Christine doctrine. We teach our kids that God makes people in all different colors, shapes, sizes and religions. No one color, shape, size or religion is better than any other. They are just different, and all deserve respect.


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
Some very nice posts from what I would consider true Christians. :wubclub:

IMO, it seems asinine that so much judgement can come from those who claim to practice a theology that teaches "judge not lest ye be judged"


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
When I was posting I was explaining how I would feel and where I was. It's hard for someone who doesn't believe to understand what we feel unless you went through it. Kinda like childbirth.
Something (like magic) just happens in your soul and it's like you are filled up inside. It's almost like someone has lifted your burdens.
It's not that I would feel sorry like "oh poor Happy, she's so lost" it would be like I feel sorry that you haven't felt this. You may be a happy and fulfilled person I don't know, it's the lost souls who I would wish could feel this relief of any burdens.
It's hard to explain over a computer. lol


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
I hear ya.

I've had quite a journey myself... except I started out as being raised Baptist/Methodist, studied everything in between then finally found my bliss. :smile:


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
Me to, Catholic then baptist, then catholic, now methodist. I am just a Christian!


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
Well said MM...denominations drive me nuts. I attend a Methodist church, but when someone asks, I don't say "I'm a Methodist." I'm a Christian, period.


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
I am Christian and do not and will not teach my children to hate people of other religion. However, I will teach them that God is our creator, Jesus, His Son made flesh and also our salvation. I will teach them that although Mormons, atheists, agnostics, wiccans, whatever do not follow the true God, that they are no less deserving of love and TRUE salvation.

I will not condemn them, but I cannot teach my children that they are just "another belief" and don't need salvation. Because if I teach that, well, let's use athiest, since the OP is atheist....if I teach that God is our creator and the Christian beliefs, then go and teach that atheism is just another belief and is ok, then my beliefs are shot in my children's eyes.

I have no need for people who bash other religions. Christians included.

But one question, if I may. Why is it that every other religion is ok and acceptable and shown respect EXCEPT Christianity? There are just as many bigotted and hateful Mormons, Buddhists, Atheists, whatever as there are Christians.


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
Amber - just my opinion ... many other religions do not chastise against other beliefs or lessen them... by your own words <I>"Mormons, atheists, agnostics, wiccans, whatever do not follow the true God"</I> you do just that. Who is anyone to say that "their god" is the only god or the true god?

I think the Christian church has done the damage all on its own and has earned the disrespect it gets... there is no one to blame but itself.

As for the obly religion shown disrespect... I disagree, many other religions are shown their share of disrespect... most predominate I would saw would be JW.

When a church stands by ideas that are ancient and dont work with todays society, people are bound to disagree.... when the church allows atrocities like have happened ... the respect diminishes further


PF Addict
Mar 7, 2008
Wylie, TX
Amber said:
I will teach them that although Mormons, atheists, agnostics, wiccans, whatever do not follow the true God, that they are no less deserving of love and TRUE salvation.
... and there we have the catch-22


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
HappyMomma said:
... and there we have the catch-22

Indeed. Well said, Happy and Hw.

However, if that is the worst that Christians say (And I'm sure it's not. I know there are a lot of so-called Christians who say farrrr worse about other religions) then that says something.

My point being, we have other religions besides Christianity who are forcing prayer out of school even moreso than it already has been. We are called Bible Thumpers and they try to pass bans on Christians from speaking on public radio or television because we "preach hate filled messages and controversial subjects." Just stuff like this.

So, I can't listen to a preacher on television (Not that I place much stock in television preachers, but just a point) but I can turn on the set and watch a show on witches, devil worshipping, murder, sex. Why is the evil in the world acceptable to society and not the religious aspect?