sexual freedom...


PF Fanatic
Mar 13, 2008
Courtenay BC Canada
<I>" many people are accepting of what comes "naturally" to humans. If we were born that way, it's okay. At least, that's what society says now. The danger of it all is that by allowing this acceptance and freedom, we are opening a lot of doors... "</I>

Lissa, this was your reply ... Yet you just posted a thread that other day about being different and people not accepting you just as you are. You were upset because someone asked if you were pregnant ... and since your not, you took at as an overweight comment. That infringed and upon your right of acceptance and natural freedom and you weren't happy.

Can anyone here tell me what goes through a Dolphins mind when they have gay sex... or a monkey ? .. Of course you cant .. therefore HOW can ANYONE make a deliberate statement as to if a gay person was born that way or "made the choice"? .. HOW would you know? YOUR NOT GAY !!

A few facts ...
- In East Asia same-sex love has been referred to since the earliest recorded history.

- The earliest Western documents (in the form of literary works, art objects, as well as mythographic materials) concerning same-sex relationships are derived from ancient Greece.

- Among many Middle Eastern Muslim cultures egalitarian or age-structured homosexual practices were, and remain, widespread and thinly veiled.

- In many societies of Melanesia, same-sex relationships were, until the middle of the last century, an integral part of the culture.

- The lives of many historical figures including Socrates, Alexander The Great, Lord Byron, Edward II, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Donatello and Christopher Marlowe included or were centered upon love and sexual relationships with people of their own sex.

So.... WHO says its wrong? Or is it just nonacceptance of another that might be different .... ponder.... but isnt that a sin under the Christian Bible ?


PF Fiend
Jan 7, 2008
hwnorth said:
Can anyone here tell me what goes through a Dolphins mind when they have gay sex

<SIZE size="75">
Sorry, I couldn't resist.


PF Addict
Feb 20, 2008
QC, Canada
hwnorth said:
So.... WHO says its wrong? Or is it just nonacceptance of another that might be different .... ponder.... but isnt that a sin under the Christian Bible ?
Yes it is a sin. I would also like to point out, that in the Bible, God says that no sin is greater than another... The man who steals is the same as the homosexual man... God sees both sins in the same light... And it isn't actually a sin to BE gay... Only if you act on those feelings...

So Lissa, if you had sex before marriage, God sees your sin exactly the same as the sin of the gay man... So... just something to think about.

And yes, if women are considered inferior in your religion, then my example works.


PF Fiend
Feb 2, 2007
I basically agree with jtee. I believe that the feelings of homosexuality are something you are born with, and that you can't help that. What you can help, just as with any other urge, is whether or not you act on it. For me, it's the action that is the sin, not the urge. The urge is the temptation.

And to compare homosexuality to pedophilia and/or bestiality....that's just wrong, and just perpetuates stereotypical thoughts that already cause harm to homosexuals.


PF Addict
Feb 8, 2008
Knoxville, TN
ivybendorf said:
Do you believe women are inferior? If not, then I would seriously think about reevaluating your religion.

Im not trying to offend, just give thoughts.

There are posts missing, so I'm not sure what this statement has to do with the arguement, but I want to comment on this.

I'm not sure if Lissa is the same denomination as I am. I am Independant, Fundamental Baptist. And in our beliefs, women are submissive. Notice that word. NOT inferior.

The reason women are to be submissive and not the man is simple: One, man was created first, that's how God wanted it, and Two, we women lead with our hearts a lot and not with our head.

That being said, submissive does NOT mean inferior. A lot of good, christian people mistake that. Submissive simply means "submitting to another in charge." There is nothing degrading about the term "submissive" whatsoever. Jesus Christ himself says women is submissive to man, man submissive to Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ submissive to God. It's just a chain of command. And really, how many chains of command do you run into on a daily basis? Quite a few. It's just another way to put some order into the world.


PF Addict
Jul 11, 2007
meow_173 said:
Yea, why have all of lissa's posts been deleted? because its really hard to follow lol

My guess is she realized she was being dumb and just deleted everything to hide the evidence.


PF Addict
Feb 20, 2008
QC, Canada
Amber said:
There are posts missing, so I'm not sure what this statement has to do with the arguement, but I want to comment on this.

I'm not sure if Lissa is the same denomination as I am. I am Independant, Fundamental Baptist. And in our beliefs, women are submissive. Notice that word. NOT inferior.

The reason women are to be submissive and not the man is simple: One, man was created first, that's how God wanted it, and Two, we women lead with our hearts a lot and not with our head.

That being said, submissive does NOT mean inferior. A lot of good, christian people mistake that. Submissive simply means "submitting to another in charge." There is nothing degrading about the term "submissive" whatsoever. Jesus Christ himself says women is submissive to man, man submissive to Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ submissive to God. It's just a chain of command. And really, how many chains of command do you run into on a daily basis? Quite a few. It's just another way to put some order into the world.
Sorry, but I'm not getting your logic AT ALL. You say it yourself. A chain of command... Why would there be a need for a chain of command unless someone was on top, and someone else on bottom?

Woman is submissive to Man and Man is submissive to Jesus Christ
is like worker is submissive to team leader and team leader is submissive to Supervisor.

They are not called your superiors for no reason.

Whoever tried to convince you that it's not degrading to be submissive, was so very wrong...







characterized by tendencies to yield to the will or authority of others &lt;the patient had a <I>submissive</I> personality with strong parental attachments[/COLOR]


PF Addict
Feb 20, 2008
QC, Canada
Oh and just for clarification, for ME when I hear "Man should be submissive to God" to me that means man and woman... Man means mankind...


PF Addict
Jan 3, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
LOL maybe some women are submissive to man, but <I>I am my own women</I>. I speak my mind, if something is wrong I speak up and I do not make man the superior in anything. Being in a relationship means that its 50-50 all the way.


PF Fiend
Feb 2, 2007
Whoever tried to convince you that it's not degrading to be submissive, was so very wrong...
Funny, I've been a submitted wife for nearly five years now, and I don't feel degraded in the least. Being put on a pedestal and adored is about as far from degradation as you can get, and that's the treatment I get from my husband.


PF Fiend
Feb 2, 2007
Mindy said:
Then you are his equal. Not submissive to him, but loyal to him. JMHO
Nope..he's the head of the household, he makes the decisions that affect the entire famiy--I have input, but the final decision is his. I am the homemaker, the nurturer, the caretaker. He is the leader.


PF Fiend
Feb 2, 2007
meow_173 said:
I don't understand why women today still feel the need or actually more the fact that men feel the need to be in power and have a submissive wife
Because, in our family, they are the roles we believe God called us to have.