what do you teach your kids to call their private parts?...


Junior Member
Apr 23, 2008
Hi everyone,

I'm writing an article about what parents teach their kids to call their private parts. I'd really appreciate it if you all could let me know what you decided to teach your kids (as well as why). Thanks so much!



PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
When they were little we called them "peanuts" when they were old enough to speak properly I told them their correct names "vagina" and "penis"
I knew I had to do this because I heard of a court case where the child did not know the correct name of their private parts and it made it hard to convict the predator. That is why I taught them the correct term. They were six when I told them.


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
LOL I think it's funny when the boys find it! I don't think I could handle something dangling there either. Sad part is, they never grow out of touching it.


PF Visionary
Sep 12, 2007
OMG Lately it has gotten worse. He doesn't even play with his toys in the bathtub anymore. He's too fascinated by his <I>thing</I>. He just sits in the tub for 15 minutes and pokes at it. I'll walk in on him and be like "uh...nevermind...carry on" lol


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
That's funny. My son who will be eight hides now when he takes a bath. God forbid we walk in, he covers it like I've never seen one before. I tell him "I made that!"


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
We have taught our kids the proper terms from the very beginning. I think this is very important for several reasons. Boys have a penis, just as they have a nose or a mouth. Girls have a vulva, just as they have knees and toes. Why do people use different names for genitals? I feel this sends a message that these parts are somehow dirty or shameful. If they learn all the proper terms of body parts, and are used to using these terms, they aren't embarrassed to ask questions about their bodies as they grow and mature. This comes in handy at the onset of puberty or when they start asking questions about sex or where babies come from.

Another BIG reason to teach the proper terms is to help prevent and determine sexual abuse. Years ago, as a teacher, I attended a teaching seminar about abuse. One presenter made it very clear how important the proper terms are. She shared a case story with us. A little girl in Kindergarten told her teacher that someone had been touching her "cupcake". Of course, the teacher thought she was referring to food. Later it was learned that this little girl was trying to reveal that an adult at home was inappropriately fondling her. If she had stated in the beginning that someone was touching her "vagina" or "privates" then she would have gotten the help she needed much sooner.

Which leads me explain that it's also important to teach kids their genitals are "private", and to explain what "private" means. As in no one should be touching them. Only Mom, Dad, a nurse or doctor to keep them clean and healthy.

This reminds me of a visit with my parents. DS and DD were playing catch, and the ball hit DS's groin. He yelped, "OW! That hit my penis!" DD apologized and teased him for not catching it. Meanwhile my Father was giving me a very dirty look. I asked, "What's wrong?" He replied angrily, "I can't believe you taught him THAT word!" Me: "What word??" Dad: "The 'P' word!" OMG, I was trying very hard not to laugh in his face. I said, "You mean "penis"? Yes, Ty has one, as all boys do, and Beth also knows she has breasts and a vagina. Imagine that?!" My Dad still isn't happy with me, but tough cookies. LOL!


PF Addict
Jan 3, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
I totally agree with Trina. When you make a big deal about the tabbooness of people's privates, then kids will pick up on it and their parts will become tabboo to them.

Luke has a peepee right now, but if you asked him where his penis is he would point to it. SO he knows what it is and where it is lol


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I'll probably have Eli call it his Peepee, but I don't see anything wrong with teaching them the proper terms if you really want to.

I also think there's nothing wrong with calling it something else like Peepee or weewee or whatever you think of though, and I think we all do it for the same reason we call their bottles "baba's" or their mothers "mama" or fathers "dada" or abdomens "tummy" or leaving "byebye" etc... It's just because they're little kids and sometimes it's easier for them to say and whatever else. It's just something a lot of parents do naturally.

As he gets older, I'll have him call it his privates, because that's what they are. To me, it's not just "no big deal, just out in the open" when it comes to your private parts. I want him to be cautious when thinking about his parts because they are a private thing. :) That's the way I think about it.


PF Fiend
Feb 2, 2007
Xero said:
I also think there's nothing wrong with calling it something else like Peepee or weewee or whatever you think of though, and I think we all do it for the same reason we call their bottles "baba's" or their mothers "mama" or fathers "dada" or abdomens "tummy" or leaving "byebye" etc... It's just because they're little kids and sometimes it's easier for them to say and whatever else. It's just something a lot of parents do naturally.
We never used any form of baby talk. We talked to all three kids with normal language from the time they were born. I just never saw anything "cute" about baby talk, even when I was young....I'm just weird that way. LOL


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
Teresa said:
We never used any form of baby talk. We talked to all three kids with normal language from the time they were born. I just never saw anything "cute" about baby talk, even when I was young....I'm just weird that way. LOL
Guess I'm weird, too! We were never into baby talk. In fact, I remember when DS was 3, he hurt his knee and another mom said to him, "Oh, do you have a boo boo?" He looked puzzled and then replied, "No, I scraped my knee." He had never heard the term "boo boo" before and didn't know what she was talking about. LOL!


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
Xero said:
As he gets older, I'll have him call it his privates, because that's what they are. To me, it's not just "no big deal, just out in the open" when it comes to your private parts. I want him to be cautious when thinking about his parts because they are a private thing. :) That's the way I think about it.
Of course they're his privates, but "penis" is not dirty word. ;)


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Oh, I don't think it's a dirty word and I wouldn't be surprised, taken aback, and certainly not mad if I heard a kid say it. Or even my son. I would probably just teach him privates.

And yeah, I'll admit my faults to anyone! I like baby talk. ;) Not tons and tons, just some stuff. I was raised that way.

That's why I said a lot of mothers, and not all.

I think that's awesome when people don't use baby talk! It's funny to hear little kids talking so literally, I like it. I almost just can't HELP but baby talk sometimes lol. It's cool for you to do your own thing in your own way. I bet your kids turned out just as great as mine will. :)


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
Xero said:
I think that's awesome when people don't use baby talk! It's funny to hear little kids talking so literally, I like it. I almost just can't HELP but baby talk sometimes lol. It's cool for you to do your own thing in your own way. I bet your kids turned out just as great as mine will. :)
Of course do your own thing. :) My feelings on baby talk reflect my observations as a teacher. Before kids I taught for ten years (PreK, K and Gr. 3). Many of the kids who were brought up with baby talk were lagging in language skills. How do I know their parents used baby talk? Because they were <I>still</I> talking to their child that way, despite the fact he/she was in school.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Oh, that's interesting! I bet it was neat being a teacher.

Well, I definitely DO baby talk, however I also talk to Eli all the time just like he's another person. I really don't baby talk much. And I will DEFINITELY eliminate the baby talk by probably 2yrs.

Mind you, my mom did her fair share of baby talk when I was a baby, and I was actually extremely advanced verbally and mentally. I would never keep it up by the time they were in school lol. That's just wrong. Your babies have to grow up sometime.

I think baby talk is okay here and there and for a certain amount of time, and I absolutely think that you can overuse and abuse the baby talk. That's not a problem and it never will be a problem with me.

My mom always tells me "I would baby talk to you sometimes, but I also talked to you normal a lot of the time too." That's exactly what I do with Eli. It's hard to explain, but I think there are people that use baby talk with their kids sometimes and then there are people that ALWAYS baby talk their kids and find it necessary to talk to them like that in order for them to understand. I don't feel that way.