Recent content by Christopher

  1. C

    Kids swimming naked?...

    i I couldn't agree more! After all, that's what growing up means. But the job of a parent is also to protect them from making bad decisions. At the same time we must not (within reason) protect them from the consequences of their decisions or we handicap that maturation process. This is one...
  2. C

    Witnessing a precious brotherly love...

    My grandsons are 13 and 15. I have watched them go through so many phases of relationship! Just like anyone living in very close proximity over many years, their bond has had ups & downs. From very close & loving, to fighting, to envy, to imitation, I am sure you too will see it all...
  3. C

    Kids swimming naked?...

    Nudity does not promote body curiosity as much as 'hiding it all' does. In our society we make so much of it that it has become dirty. That being said I agree with Xero about privacy. Additionally, you may learn the hard way (as my wife & I did) that if it is accepted & therefore...
  4. C

    Should I let my thirteen-year-old daughter listen to Lady Gaga?...

    There is no doubt about that - music even 15 years ago did not stoop to the levels it does today. But then neither did TV, movies, novels, etc. There is "stuff" on television during kids viewing hours that was not heard or seen in the movies within the memory of most parents and all...
  5. C

    HELP!! My step-son is a bully!!...

    Parentastic is right: the bullying is a symptom of this child's trouble. Yes the bullying must be stopped but even if you are able to somehow force that: you are only treating the symptom, not the disease, so to speak. The idea of having him write I am not a bully, or anything similar will only...
  6. C

    Between a rock and a hard place...

    It seems that you are coming up against a complete lack of what you might call education. There is a good chance that because of the conditions under which B was raised no standard of how things are to be done was ever created. When we bring up our children they learn that 'how to' only...
  7. C

    Between a rock and a hard place...

    I think that parentastic is probably correct when he says he "is not consciously using anyone." That does not change the fact that he is using Raised in the environment he was, it is the only way he could survive. I also completely agree that he needs compassion, firmness and...
  8. C

    Proportioning of Responsibilities between Working Husband and Stay-at-Home Mom...

    A marriage is supposed to be a sharing of life. A really good marriage is a fair sharing of it all, the good and the bad, each to their own abilities by mutual agreement. Some great comments have been made but the final point will always be: What are you willing to do to keep your marriage...
  9. C

    Between a rock and a hard place...

    One thing that seems perfectly clear to me - you are being used. Your kindness is being abused and I frankly do not understand how you don't know it. I agree that his previous circumstances are the origin of how he treats others, you are enabling him at this point. I don't totally side with...
  10. C

    How Much Screen Time for Kids?...

    An interesting comment Leila. Although I am no Luddite (I love my gadgets) I am not sure I agree with your statement. But I don't think that refusing technology is the issue here. It is more about controlling influences and choosing & measuring our forms of entertainment.
  11. C

    Good parent/Bad parent...

    Some excellent points have been made already. But it all boils down to what I feel to be a simple fact - rules & boundaries are needed. And both parents are responsible for maintaining them. The best way to have realistic rules & boundaries is to have open communication with your kids...
  12. C

    Setting Limits...

    It strikes me a little odd that the request was even made. As Shiroi Tora said it raises several questions. But the one thing it suggests to me is a lack of communication about the realities of life & money within the family. I know many people do not talk about financial things very...
  13. C

    How Much Screen Time for Kids?...

    While I agree with you Lodestone, it is with reservations. I don't really think kids are any different than they were 10-20-30 years ago. The circumstances are different but they make the same mistakes and have the same lack of judgment we all did. They just don't know that, and we need to use...
  14. C

    Some advise please......

    You are in a difficult situation here. As others have stated, you are treading on thin ice when making comments about anther's parenting style. that is one area we are all touchy about - with the exception of when we are seeking help or advise. An old saying I recall is "a person convinced...
  15. C

    How Much Screen Time for Kids?...

    I agree with Superrod, in many ways it depends on the child. Ever notice how deeply some kids get into the shows? That's a warning sign. But I think that when the TV is used as a babysitter it can get way out of hand. Also see my post #54 under: Why is teenage pregnancy cool? Here is the...