Recent content by Dagwood

  1. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    I know what I'm about to say will sound defensive, but I seem to be portrayed as being overly concerned about money. I've made several sacrifices over the years to provide for my children. I've put away money for their education rather than spend it on myself. Last year we sent both...
  2. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    I don't know much about the sessions but one thing my daughter has shared is that analyst has diagnosed that there is no chemical imbalance or physical problem for the depression. My daughter has to start making lifestyle and behavioral changes in order to break the current pattern. I guess...
  3. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    A person can't change without wanting it enough.
  4. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    Thank you for the responses. Part of the way I work this out is by challenging the ideas presented so hopefully some of you are not too sensitive to that. I think that one thing I either may not be expressing clearly or perhaps we just have a different philosophy; is that I would like to see...
  5. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    If I had to answer only that question, I would of course say my daughter's mental health is more important. But as I mentioned there is more at stake and I don't consider those two things to be the only aspects of the problem. Firstly, there is my younger daughter's education. Secondly...
  6. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    The reason I ask, is that my wife and I have done without a lot of restaurant meals and other things throughout the years to provide for university. I know very few other parents who have done that. If many of you are not making those kind of sacrifices then frankly it seems a little...
  7. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    I don't criticize my daughter about her weight. As I said, she is too sensitive to bring it up. I would like to know, are you all either paying or planing to pay the entire bill for your children's university, books and room and board? Except for the portion covered by scholarships (which...
  8. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    Thank you both for the advice. I guess I'm starting to wonder if us always being a "crutch" for my daughter is part of the problem more than part of the solution. She has no expenses and very little responsibility other than university homework. I know that my wife and I had things much...
  9. Dagwood

    Daughter 22 depressed overweight...

    I need advice regarding my 22-year-old daughter. 1st the positive - She is a scholarship university student, whose been on the Dean's honor role list. She has a pretty face and would be quite physically attractive if she lost weight. (By North American standards, not my standards.) However...
  10. Dagwood

    My wife has trouble letting go of things....

    I need advice. My wife and I rarely argue but every time I bring up decluttering she seems to become defensive and angry. For example, we have a spare bedroom. The closet is totally filled with toys and books for young children. There are bunk-beds in this room and the top bunk is filled with...
  11. Dagwood

    Laundry Debate...

    Thanks for the encouragement. Thanks as well to everyone for all the great advice. Part of the reason I do my son's laundry is to take advantage of sunny days and hang it on the line. I know the energy savings are minor, but it's one of my small ways of keeping costs down when I've got time...
  12. Dagwood

    Laundry Debate...

    Actually, sadly, I don't have much else to do. I've been laid off from a job where the company seems to be going under and am sensing a certain discrimination in the marketplace regarding hiring someone in their 50s. I'm well enough off financially that I don't want to accept an extremely...
  13. Dagwood

    Laundry Debate...

    This may seem silly compared to some other debates but it's actually something causing a bit of an argument in our household. First some background. When I grew up my mother always put my clothes away. I'm recently unemployed, so I've started taking over some of the household tasks including...
  14. Dagwood

    17 year old daughter..need advice...

    You have to understand that your daughter will almost assuredly see your transferring her to her father as "dumping her in favor of your fiance". It may not be fair but that's how she probably sees it. Much of what she's done was bad, but as many people have said, not that unusual for...
  15. Dagwood

    Company Quarter English------need native English speaker's help...

    holiday? lMost of the time, before starting the meeting formally, people like chatting for a while, such as, talk about weather, recent holidays, latest news etc. [/FONT][/COLOR] lMay 1st holiday is coming, let’s talk about it this week. [/COLOR] lWhere have you been last May 1st holiday...