Recent content by LucidKitty

  1. L


    My sister is a doctor so i need not google medical info :p
  2. L


    Big your nerve endings down there are totally developed and capable of giving you an orgasm at any age.
  3. L


    Hence why i said obvious they are enjoying it :-P.
  4. L


    Dad i think at any age they are playing down there and it's obvious they are enjoying it counts as masturbation.
  5. L

    Rock -> ME <- Hard Place...

    You hit the nail right on the head with "Acceptable force". Spanking with your hand is considered acceptable, with a belt is not. I'm coming from a mother with 30 + years in CPS and can say with a degree of certainty that it almost always will end in criminal charges. Here is a link to a texas...
  6. L

    Rock -> ME <- Hard Place...

    Spanking with a belt is illegal actually, and you should press charges.I would also consider taking her to court to review the custody arrangements.
  7. L

    Trade off with other parent/Emotional child!!!!...

    Well given you have primary care i can tell you that you should consider taking him to court to alter your custody agreement.
  8. L

    Tips on how to have a girl?...

    The only thing i've seen that might be somewhat reliable is that women who have a higher fiber,grain, and vegetable diet seem to be more inclined to have girls.
  9. L

    Potty time regression?...

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned stress. This is a stressful time for her and this is her way of dealing with it. Chances are as things settle into more normal for her this will stop.
  10. L

    iPhones / iPads...

    My little sister is pretty adept with her iPad :).
  11. L

    Is "under God" in the American Pledge of Allegiance appropriate?...

    Well i am a pagan and have my own beliefs on divinity, but i still don't think it should be there.
  12. L

    slaps, pinches and bites...

    You can't tell him it hurts, but them hold him. You are basically giving your child the green light to continue it by doing that.
  13. L

    slaps, pinches and bites...

    ^ this. Once he does it you tell him no and take him to the corner and make him sit. You probably will have to do this 100 times before he puts 2 and 2 together but in the end it will work.