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  1. L


    My sister is a doctor so i need not google medical info :p
  2. L


    Big your nerve endings down there are totally developed and capable of giving you an orgasm at any age.
  3. L


    Hence why i said obvious they are enjoying it :-P.
  4. L


    Dad i think at any age they are playing down there and it's obvious they are enjoying it counts as masturbation.
  5. L

    Rock -> ME <- Hard Place...

    You hit the nail right on the head with "Acceptable force". Spanking with your hand is considered acceptable, with a belt is not. I'm coming from a mother with 30 + years in CPS and can say with a degree of certainty that it almost always will end in criminal charges. Here is a link to a texas...
  6. L

    Rock -> ME <- Hard Place...

    Spanking with a belt is illegal actually, and you should press charges.I would also consider taking her to court to review the custody arrangements.
  7. L

    Trade off with other parent/Emotional child!!!!...

    Well given you have primary care i can tell you that you should consider taking him to court to alter your custody agreement.
  8. L

    Tips on how to have a girl?...

    The only thing i've seen that might be somewhat reliable is that women who have a higher fiber,grain, and vegetable diet seem to be more inclined to have girls.
  9. L

    Potty time regression?...

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned stress. This is a stressful time for her and this is her way of dealing with it. Chances are as things settle into more normal for her this will stop.
  10. L

    iPhones / iPads...

    My little sister is pretty adept with her iPad :).
  11. L

    Is "under God" in the American Pledge of Allegiance appropriate?...

    Well i am a pagan and have my own beliefs on divinity, but i still don't think it should be there.
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    slaps, pinches and bites...

    You can't tell him it hurts, but them hold him. You are basically giving your child the green light to continue it by doing that.
  13. L

    slaps, pinches and bites...

    ^ this. Once he does it you tell him no and take him to the corner and make him sit. You probably will have to do this 100 times before he puts 2 and 2 together but in the end it will work.
  14. L

    PLs Help!my 4 yr old wont leave the house,wants to stay home,never go anywhere...

    No you are wrong there. You can suffer them at any age.
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    This is very normal as most babies/toddlers do this as they discover themselves. You have to understand too that this is not masturbation as you and i see it. Its more of a tension reliever to a child that feels good is all. Generally in the next few years most kids stop until they get older.
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  17. L

    Son not wanting to wear clothes...

    I grew up in a house with casual nudism so this was never a big deal personally for me. However you have to understand that all kids get modest at different times in their lives. To your little boy what you say makes no sense to him as he doesn't see it as a big deal. Chances are in the next...
  18. L

    Single dad of a 12-year-old - worries and concerns...

    She will always be your little girl even as she grows into womanhood that will never change :). As for the other stuff that's normal as she probably feels a bit akward herself. You seem to be doing just fine with it all though, and before you know it you won't feel this way.