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  1. M

    Adopting Step Child/ren...

    Has anyone here done this? DH had court this morning for C/S and it was brought up to him by the attorney that he had grounds for me to file to adopt. BM, like usual, didn't show up. They had court without her. I know BM will not let this happen willingly. The sad thing is, it isn't about the...
  2. M

    Not so Happy update, DH understands more now...

    :mad:This is kind of a vent but also a breakthrough for DH. DH was in tears when I was done.:eek: BM's phone time was yesterday evening from 6-9, she could call anytime and talk to SD's in between those times. BM called at 6:13pm, talked to 5yo SD for about 2 minutes, 5yo SD went to get 6yo SD...
  3. M

    Update about SD's...

    Hi all! I know I haven't posted here in a while, I found a forum that helped a little with some legal things and then DH and I decided to hire an attorney. It was more of a *we had to* but I don't regret it one bit! A whole lot has happened since I last posted but I will try to keep this short...
  4. M

    Hi all new to this board!! intro...

    I haven't posted in this forum for a while and never on this board. I went to my 8 week appointment and found out I was 10 weeks along! That was a little over a couple of weeks ago so I will be 13 wks on Thursday. DH and I are ecstatic! I have to admit.. it was a little hard to get excited as we...
  5. M

    SD,s coming home drugged from previous night...

    Hi all. I know I haven't been on in a minute. Just need to vent a little and maybe get some input. My youngest two SD's ages just turned 5 and 6yo, came home from their second overnight visit with BM since December. The first time they stayed the night with her in December, they claimed that...
  6. M

    CP Dad Needs Help...

    I am posting from my wife's account. I know from her that this isnt a legal advice forum but maybe someone can help me. My youngest daughters are 6 and 5. My ex wife just informed me that she wants a paternity test done on the 5 year old. I knew she cheated on me a lot and everyone already...
  7. M

    concerns about 5 and 6 yo sisters touching themselves and each other...

    Hello all. I am writing concerning what may potentially be a psychological issue. I know it is normal for children to explore their private areas as a phase when first discovered. My SDs are 5 and 6 years old and my husband and I have tried and tried to get them to stop. The 6 year old is now in...
  8. M

    Starting the court process to modify visitation.. here we go...

    I'm very nervous.. so many emotions but most of all sad and scared for my two youngest stepdaughters, ages 6 and 4. I am the stepmom and my husband is filing the paperwork for a court date now. She hasn't seen the girls since Christmas and we go by the PTG in Indiana. She always tells them she...
  9. M

    grades, self condidence and self esteem!...

    :jiggy:Since I have been working with my 6yo stepdaughter, her grades, self confidence as well as her self esteem have all gone up. The school counselor called to thank me for being here to help her. She said the teascher has sent many praises about her work and behavior in the classroom:) .. 2...
  10. M

    don't know what to do...

    My husband has custody of all of his children. The youngest 2 children are from his 2nd marriage. Ages 4 and 6. Their mom refuses to come and get them for her parenting time .. which in a way is a Godsend but I can't stand the way it hurts them. She calls and is never denied to speak with them...
  11. M

    Hello (=...

    Hey all (= noobie here. I have children as well as stepchildren. We have more kids than the Brady Bunch .. lol.