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  1. T

    How to deal with a MIL who just won't quit smoking (at least while visiting)??...

    First baby, right? You are way more worried than you need to be. That said, I can't tolerate smoke, so in MY house, there would be no smoking. If they cannot abide by this request, they can stay at a hotel.
  2. T

    when were you 'done'?...

    Who cares what others think? If you can care for them, have them! Love that "professional people grower" signature.
  3. T

    Rough beginnings.....

    I feel for you. That's a tough situation. It's hard enough just having a baby, especially early on! To add other kids on top of it, is really difficult. If you give birth to them, at least you get to get used to them a little at a time and adjust. You were just thrust into this role. You...
  4. T

    Divorce wrong or right?...

    It is pretty sad today that so many marriages fail because people just give up (not talking about cases of criminal activity or abuse). Or they think they find something better, and then end up right back where they were, more or less, and with hurting kids. Get married and stay married for...
  5. T


    This does not have to be true. Look up Dr. Ben Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins. His brother excelled as well. His mother raised them in the projects and she had a 3rd grade education. She turned off the TV and made them read two books a week and write a book report on...
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    I have to agree, though for additional reasons. Our whole society is set up to create a peer dependency very early, and we didn't want to feed into that because everything about it is wrong for families and wrong for society. We homeschooled our children until high school, and even sending the...
  7. T

    Dr. Sue...

    Whoops. Somehow I passed right over that! Sorry.:eek:
  8. T

    Health care (Moved from Obama vs Romney poll)...

    Oh, no, everyone will have insurance. But that isn't the same thing as affordable access to health care. If I have insurance, but still can't afford my $4000 deductible and my $1000 per month before my insurance/discount (which is all it really is) applies at all, then I still don't really...
  9. T

    Dr. Sue...

    Dr. Sue, how many children do you have?
  10. T

    Health care (Moved from Obama vs Romney poll)...

    Yes, exactly. Absolutely. Deductibles have risen exponentially, while incomes have not, and coverage has decreased dramatically. And you stated what Obamacare does very well! Perfect, concise summary. You will have "access" to a plan. You have to pay for some plan or a fine, even if it...
  11. T

    8 kids???????????...

    Absolutely. Don't get married and start a family without discussing basic stuff like this. A smart man who would like to live always agrees with his wife when she has just given birth, no matter what she says.
  12. T

    How old to shop alone?...

    I would not do that. There is likely a rear entry to the store. You just never know who is going to be there. Adam Walsh was snatched out of a Target at six years old, and his Dad was merely around the corner (John Walsh, that guy who does those TV shows about finding missing persons and...
  13. T

    Going Out Partying...

    Yes! I was wondering if I was the only one who found this to be a serious problem. That kid is killing brain cells! This is not ok. Me either. Once, maybe. Not repeatedly. Not ok.
  14. T

    Health care (Moved from Obama vs Romney poll)...

    But actually, though you can't be denied for a preexisting condition, you can bet the company has thoroughly reviewed all of your medical records and knows full well of your preexisting condition. It cannot deny you straight out, but it can make your insurance unaffordable, which is the same...
  15. T

    Imposing fines on parents...

    I'm sorry about how your daughter was treated. No one should have to be treated this way, ever, for any reason whatsoever. That is just wrong in so many ways. What's wrong with people. Wow...the DS? An innocent child's game, I thought. Sorry this happened to your child. It is true that...
  16. T

    Imposing fines on parents...

    I do think that all good parents do teach this. However, the culture of disrespect and dishonor of others in which we live works against us. It's everywhere. Books, music, television, movies, video games. Sometimes even church. Parents are a small voice in that roar. I like that! I...
  17. T

    Even financial split...

    This made me laugh. Yes, but I am definitely not in favor of shacking up, particularly when there is a child involved. I think that is a terrible thing to do to a child. I remember what one teen relative said to me, "I had at least six "dads" and I never could remember who was there during...
  18. T

    Even financial split...

    So, the ex-husband should pick up the slack with his child support, which is for the sole purpose of supporting his children? Of course the original split of expenses was in your favor. You ARE "just a boyfriend". You are not married and you are not a father. If you want to be one...
  19. T

    Health care (Moved from Obama vs Romney poll)...

    No, the real power is in the behind-the-scenes money that elects the members of the house and senate. You don't think this is really done by the American people putting forth the best candidates, do you? Follow the money. We have known since the 1930's - though it was not admitted until...
  20. T

    Obama Vs Romney...

    I am not understanding how debate = insult in your mind. Debating is a valuable skill and done well, changes minds. But is is your thread. I dislike both candidates and am tired of the delusion of the American people, believing that either guy is more than a figurehead put into place by big...